Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Genesis Of Future Conflict - 940 Words
Controversy surrounds the existence of the western way of war theme and even plants the seed of doubt if it did occur. In Parker’s The Cambridge History of Warfare, Parker suggests the western way of war can be abridged into five characteristics: technology, discipline, aggressive military action, finance, and innovation. Parker proposes that the western way of war facets significantly altered the preparation for battle and the outcomes on the battlefield. A prime example is the great Napoleon Bonaparte during his conquest to dominate the continent of Europe. The characteristics of the western way of war that are best characterized during the Napoleon era are discipline, aggressive military tradition, and innovation. The purpose of this essay is to argue that these three aspects were to become the genesis of future conflict in post-Napoleon era. The French army was not only promoted by the nationalism ideology, but also by discipline. Before the French Revolution, Soldiers at the time were viewed as the dredger of society. Soldiers within Fredrick the Great’s armies did not have loyalty. For example, Fredrick would send out troops for resources and his Soldiers often did not return; whereas Napoleon’s troops would gather resources from the land and return. Before the Seven Year’s War, the army was without enthusiasm and distinction, which lead to defeats. 2 Napoleon employed various tactics aimed at physiology warfare with his opposition. Napoleon gave his enemies theShow MoreRelatedCapital Punish Relating to The Old Testament Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pages Some Christians feel that the Bible has spoken to the conflict, but many believe that the New Testament replaces the Old Testament law. Skimming through the Old Testament you can find many cases in which God orders the use of capital punishment, with the acts of God Himself. 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