Monday, August 24, 2020
Investing and Financing Activities of Wendy’s
During the time of 2012, money utilized for contributing exercises of Wendy’s totaled $189 million, expanded $131 million from 2011. The two biggest putting exercises showed up in Wendy’s articulation of income are capital consumptions and acquisitions. Money capital consumptions of Wendy’s in 2012 totaling $197. 6 million, including $71. 9 million for reimaged and new Image Activation cafés, $13. 5 million for new cafés, $28. 0 million for retail location gear, $23. 2 million for the development of another structure at its corporate central station and $61. million for different capital undertakings. In 2012, Wendy’s procured 54 diversified cafés. The price tag was $38. 1 million in real money. Wendy’s additionally consented to rent the land, structures and enhancements identified with a portion of the gained cafés which were viewed as a major aspect of the buy exchange. Wendy’s didn't acquire any material procurement related expenses. S ome other significant putting exercises included the interest in restricted associations of backhanded 18. 5% enthusiasm for Arby’s Restaurant Group, Inc. furthermore, roughly 11% cost technique interest in Jurlique International Pty Ltd. On February 2, 2012, Wendy’s finished the offer of its interest in Jurlique and got continues of $27. 4 million. Wendy’s did this in light of the fact that before 2009, Wendy’s had verified that the entirety of its remaining $8. 5 million interest in Jurlique was debilitated. Wendy’s understood that Jurlique can't assist them with making benefit and chose to offer all of interest in Jurlique to secure investors value. Meanwhile, Wendy’s can utilize this cash to quality their capital expenditures.The increment in real money utilized for contributing exercises is fundamentally a result of the offer of Arby’s in 2011. Wendy’s sold Arby’s for $130. 0 million in real money and in a roundabou t way held a 18. 5% enthusiasm for Arby’s and during 2012, Wendy’s got a $4. 6 million profit from the interest in Arby’s. Wendy’s chose to sell Arby’s in light of the fact that Arby’s has been a more vulnerable entertainer than Wendy’s as of late after Wendy’s and Arby’s were converged in 2008. We regard it shrewd to sell Aryb’s on the grounds that Wendy’s no longer need to stress over the terrible showing of Arby’s yet can procure the dividend.On the other hand, money utilized for contributing exercises of McDonald’s totaled $3. 2 billion of every 2012, expanded $596 million. The expansion essentially reflected higher capital uses and lower continues from deals of café organizations. During the time of 2012, the two biggest putting exercises showed up in the announcement of income of McDonald’s are capital consumptions and deals of eatery business and property. The two most significa nt financing exercises for Wendy’s are the returns from long haul obligation and the reimbursements of long haul debt.On May 15, 2012, Wendy’s went into a Credit Agreement including a senior made sure about term advance office of $1,125. 0 million, of which net continues was $1,113. 8 million with draws on May 15, 2012 and July 16, 2012. Continues from the 2012 Term Loan were utilized to reimburse the exceptional sums under the 2010 Term Loan of $467. 8 million, to reclaim and buy the exceptional Senior Notes of $565. 0 million and to pay significantly the entirety of the Credit Agreement charges and costs. The outpouring of 2012 Term Loan comprised the second biggest financing action, the reimbursements of long haul debt.In these two exercises, we can discover that Wendy utilizes practically 85% of the 2012 advance to repay its past obligation, which gives us that the organization needs more obligation paying capacity. A decent organization who can make benefit to rei mburse past obligation and make another contributing is the thing that all investors need to see, not utilizing new advance to recover old advance. Taking everything into account, we don't concur Wendy’s utilizing these financing exercises. They ought to improve their activity exercises to build benefit.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Review of Willa Cather’s My Antonia
My Antonia gives us that it requires some investment to truly reveal everyones genuine individual, and that a book’s spread once in a while does the composing any equity. I additionally found that the Lone Plow speaks to a slip-up that a considerable lot of us frequently wind up making. In any case, for myself, the greatest expectation to absorb information from this book would be that life can now and again pass by gradually and appear to be exhausting and unremarkable, yet before one knows it life changes, and one is left pondering, how the hell did I get here?Jim Burden’s life changes radically at 10 years old, when he is compelled to travel crosscountry via train to live on the Nebraska outskirts with his grandparents after the demise of his folks. Jim was joined by his father’s previous farmhand Jake. On that equivalent train made a beeline for Nebraska, there is a Bohemian family went to a similar spot. ? Jim's grandparents are straightforward yet kind indi viduals with liberal natures. He starts to appreciate the all the way open spaces of the outskirts. Not long after his appearance, the Burdens go to meet their new neighbors, the Shimerdas. Jim meets Mr.Shimerda, an informed performer, Mrs. Shimerda an irritable lady who appears to be requesting, the oldest child Ambrosch, Marek, Yulka, and the oldest little girl Antonia. Not long after gathering, Antonia and Jim become companions. The Shimerdas lamentably are not faring great in their new nation, yet do in the end become companions with Peter and Pavel, two Russian men. Jim and Antonia become considerably nearer, after Jim dazzles her by murdering a snake. Winter follows, Jim gets sick, and Pavel dies. Subside then chooses to move away, which extraordinarily agitates Mr. Shimerdas.Right in perhaps the biggest blizzard that Nebraska had found in ten years. Mr. Shimerda ends it all after conveniently masterminding himself in the animal dwellingplace. The next day when Jim is disregar ded in the house, he at that point feels Mr. Shimerda's soul. The Shimerda family demand that Mr. Shimerda’s body must be covered on their property. While chaotic, the burial service function is moving. After this, the Burdens and a couple of different neighbors meet up as one out of a consolidated exertion to help the Shimerdas. So as to support her family, Antonia quits going to class and starts cultivating in the fields similarly as a man would.Jim becomes angry that Antonia is not, at this point ready to invest as much energy with him as he would have loved. The Shimerdas quickly irritated their neighbors by acting in an unreasonable manner in light of the entirety of the assistance that they had gotten from their companions. In the end however, everybody is accommodated. In the wake of living in the nation for a long time Jim's grandparents choose it best to move to Black Hawk with the end goal for Jim to go to class. Antonia additionally comes into this town to work for the Harlings. Other settler nation young ladies likewise begin working in the town, and they become known as the recruited girls.Jim spends a great deal of his spare time with Antonia and the Harling kids. Moving turns into the new fierceness in Black Hawk, and Antonia truly begins to appreciate it and starts going constantly. When Antonia begins making a terrible name for herself, the Harlings ask Antonia to stop heading off to the moves. Accordingly, Antonia chooses to leave her place of employment and starts working for Wick Cutter. During this time Jim turns into somewhat solitary and creatures just investing energy with Antonia and a couple of other recruited young ladies. Jim starts to concentrate on his examinations a ton in anticipation of school and can’t stand by to abandon Black Hawk when he can.At his school in Lincoln, Jim turns out to be incredibly close with Gaston Cleric, his Latin teacher and guide. The two begin to invest a decent measure of energy talking personally together. In spite of the fact that Jim comes to the acknowledgment that he isn't, and never will, a scholarly as Gaston seems to be. One of Jim’s most loved employed young lady, Lena Lingard, stays with him one day, and they start to revive their past companionship by going to plays together. The two start get to know each other, despite the fact that two other men are transparently enamored with her.As an aftereffect of Lena’s abrupt return his life, Jim starts to allow his evaluations to drop. In light of Jim’s careless way to deal with his homework, Gaston Cleric asks Jim to accompany him to Harvard to proceed with his investigations. To Lena’s alarm, Jim concurs, and follows Gaston to Harvard. Under the steady gaze of entering graduate school two years after the fact, Jim chooses to get back to Black Hawk, where he knows about Antonia. Antonia had evidently gotten pregnant and was locked in to be hitched to Larry Donovan. She had obviously followed Larry to Denver, where he continued to pursue off every last bit of her cash was gone.Antonia had to then get back to her family's cultivate where she at that point conceived an offspring and assisted with working the land. Jim heres of this and goes to visit her. Antonia is somewhat shocked that Jim isn't frustrated in her for poor choices. Jim at long last comes back to see Antonia following twenty years passed. He heard that Antonia had at long last gotten hitched, to a man named Anton Cuzak, and together they had bore around ten youngsters. Jim has additionally heard that Antonia has had a hard life, and he’s somewhat apprehensive about perceiving how the years had influenced her.When he shows up at their homestead, Jim is welcomed by her huge family. Antonia doesn't appear remember him promptly, yet turns out to be very energized once she does. She continues to give him all around her family’s ranch, which is by all accounts so loaded with life. Wherever they go, everybody appears to be so upbeat and substance. Jim is glad to see his beloved companion Antonia looking great. He remains the night in the outbuilding with two of the young men, so he may meet Antonia’s spouse and oldest child the following day. The next day Jim meets Cuzak, Antonia’s husband.Jim and Cuzak hit it off quickly, and it gets evident to him that Cuzak and Antonia's marriage is one of common satisfaction and fairness. Jim leaves however guarantees Antonia’s children that he will come back to Black Hawk one day soon, and take them all chasing. On out, Jim finds the old soil street that he once used to lead him home to his grandparents' homestead, and he starts to consider how that street changed his future and how now he has returned round trip back to where he had begun forever and a day prior. Much the same as with any novel, setting plays a key role.Jim's early introduction of his new home on the Nebraska outskirts is that it appears to be huge and void. He feels that he has ventured out of human advancement as he knew it, and that Nebraska will be another experience, where he should figure out how to live by another arrangement of rules and lead. Jim is leaving his previous existence totally behind, and will turn into a completely new individual on the Nebraska outskirts. Along these lines, he feels as if his old self is currently â€Å"erased†and â€Å"blotted out†as he goes to his granddad's home. I found that the â€Å"lone plough†additionally held extraordinary essentialness in this novel.To me, it indicated that while at the time something may appear to be profoundly significant, however at long last its actually just an immaterial memory. Quite a while back that furrow was presumably an absolute necessity have on the Nebraska outskirts, and was viewed as a sparkling new toy to most ranchers, however now years after the fact it is left to rust in a field after it turned into not, at th is point valuable to its proprietor. Glancing back at the furrow, the rancher most likely wouldn’t recollect it as the gleaming new toy he thought it used to be, however rather recalls that it as a solid bit of homestead gear, that's it and nothing less.While these some what little subtleties hold a lot of significance, I found that the bigger picture overwhelmed me to some degree and left me recalling this story. For me, while I read the book I discovered it fairly fascinating with easily overlooked details occurring to a great extent. With subplots from time to time, and diverse rising activities in the end prompting a peak. Be that as it may, I imagined that the book was fairly dull, and needed intrigue. Understanding it, got everyday to me. That was until the end. I found that end united it for me.While the story appeared to delay with little inspiration, the end caused me to acknowledge how much the characters truly had achieved. This reminds me life, from everyday thing s may appear to be exhausting yet before you know it, you have achieved probably the biggest objective, and are currently thinking back wishing that you could do it once more. I end up needing to rehash My Antonia to think back in the character’s little achievements en route; in light of the fact that while as a general rule I will most likely be unable to, in any event with this book I can remember the ascension.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Change Management Everything You Need to Know
Change Management Everything You Need to Know Change is an integral part of lives and the transition from A to B is a process that takes time, efforts and acceptance of the need for change. The same holds true as far as project management and business administration are concerned. In this article, we shall learn what change management is and how it can prove to be beneficial for a business and those who constitute it. © | Romolo TavaniWe shall take a look at 1) what is change management, 2) benefits of change management, 3) the process of change management, and 4) the 5 steps needed to complete successful change management.WHAT IS CHANGE MANAGEMENT?Change Management is a method or approach of changing or transitioning companies, people or groups of people with the aim of preparing them for a desired outcome in the future. This term is used mostly in the context of businesses or project management and in such a background, it can be referred to as a process in which changes are introduced and approved formally as far as the scope of the project is concerned. It is important to remember that change management is not a stand-alone process or solution for a business’s problem but is the collective change in tools, techniques as well as people for managing a business solution.For every organization’s constant improvement and performance upgradation, change management is a vital process. It is a continuous process improvement technique without which no successful organization has ever been able to move ahead. It can be understood as the application of a planned or structured process together with certain tools for bringing about a people side of change in order to get a desired result. Change does not take place in isolation and affects the entire company or organization. It not only impacts the organization as a whole, but each and every member associated with it.Change Management is a very broad field which is related to managing the changes in a particular field well. The approaches needed to bring about these changes may be different for different companies or projects running in those companies. To bring about change or to manage it, a company or an organization must focus on certain objectives and they include:Involvement of peopleSponsorship available or possible to achieveCommunication with peopleGaining buy-inReadiness to adapt the changes.RISKS OF NOT MANAGING CHANGE EFFECTIVELYIt is a fact that the projects that have top level change management effectiveness are about six times more likely to meet desired objectives or outcomes. By application of a structured framework of the method, change management increases the success probability of an organization. But on the other hand, if change is not managed effectively, it can lead to certain negative impacts or puts the company at a risk of certain things which are given as follows:Low morale: One of the first risks involved is that the deterioration in the morale of the company or people involved takes place, and this can have a serious impact on the company.Lower productivity: Another risk is the declination of the overall productivity of a business.Projects are overdue: Projects go past their deadlines in the case when change management is not applied effectively.Projects surpass budget: Also, projects go past their budget when the management of changes is not structured or p re-planned.Key people leave: Another risk involved with the improper application of change management is that important employees may quit the company, effecting productivity even further.Turmoil: In some cases, divides may also be created in the company due to this.Path of no return: Organization may also experience painful and failed changes that could be hard to bounce back from.Active resistance comes out as a result of improper application of change management.Passive resistance escalates as well.BENEFITS OF CHANGE MANAGEMENTNow you know what could go wrong with change management. Imagine you would execute your change management correctly, so you would be able to enjoy the following benefits: Alignment of existing resources One of the main benefits of change management is that it helps the alignment and combination of existing resources with the new resources. When a change management process is being held at an organization, there is no need to eliminate all the existing kno wledge base, resources etc. The key is to combine new resources with existing intelligence in order to run an effective change management plan. Only on doing this right and selecting the right combination can one truly make the most of the existing with the one on which investment is being made.Maintenance of everyday functions and operations It is true that every organization has to make certain sacrifices in order to reach a desired outcome, but the key is to implement or run the changes without letting them have a negative impact on the current operations. In order to achieve this, organizations must consider what the business and individuals need in order to adapt to the change readily and at the same time maintain the day-to-day operations smoothly. Thus, one of the benefits of effective change management is the maintenance of the day-to-day functions.Better opportunities for the future When a business or an organization along with its people is going through change managemen t, it has a bright opportunity to grow more and focus more on areas where improvements can be made. During the phase of transition, the best practices for growth can be identified and focused upon. Also, one tends to realize how to maintain these practices to lead to innovation. Thus, there emerges a huge scope to grow and taste success in the future.Lowering inefficiency and risk If you implement a change management process right now, then it will help you to lower down the risks for the future. It is about being prepared for the future and starting to adapt to the changes from now onwards. Not only does this reduces the risk but also reduces the inefficiency. When we create a plan keeping in mind the business as a whole as well as the people involved in it, we only reduce the chances of an unsuccessful attempt at transition. This way, we also reduce the time taken to implement those changes.Employee problem consideration When change management takes place, organizations need to consider the challenges being faced by their employees in order to adapt to the changes. What this does is that it makes companies more considerate towards problems of their employees and try to reduce them as much as possible. Thus by developing a change management plan, an organization can address the various concerns better and this also clears way for more communication. This in turn results in the employees feeling valued and important and may help to boost their morale.Reduction in costs Creating or developing a change management plan before time also offers the benefit of reducing the overall costs since being prepared in advance gives you the time to manage your budget in a much better way. The waste, the inefficiencies, etc. can be greatly reduced, thus reducing the overall costs. If the right individuals are involved in the process of change management, then this helps to avoid the situation of going over budget and further contributes to saving costs.Facing challenges ge ts easy Every organization faces certain challenges on the way to success but dealing with them can take both time as well as money. But a change management plan is usually made in such a way that it takes into account or consideration all the future challenges and roadblocks. When one is prepared for these roadblocks, he/she can face them easily and is more equipped to eliminate them and move forward. This means that no challenge stuns the organization or makes it difficult for it to handle them. This is another major benefit of an effective change management process.Boosts confidence In every organization, boosting the employees’ confidence or morale can be the most effective way to gain more productivity and hence more profits. When an effective change management plan is made and implemented, it makes the employees feel that the organization is taking out time to help them adapt to the changes, and this boosts their morale and confidence by a big factor. They feel that their efforts, needs, and wants are valued, and this makes them perform better. They get more involved in the process of change, and the end results are favorable to the organization.Improved ROI Besides cutting down on the overall costs and spendings, another benefit of change management is that it also leads to an increase in the return on investment or ROI as well. With the right process and a structured plan in place, an organization is more likely to see and experience improved profits. What happens is that when a company invests on changes, it prepares its people for the future a little ahead of time. This has a positive effect on them and results in better productivity and hence better ROI.THE PROCESS OF CHANGE MANAGEMENTThe process of managing change is a process that involves a series of activities or steps which a change management team has to follow in order to implement the changes to a certain project or desired outcome. This very process is not a time bound effort but is an ongoing endeavor towards continuous improvement and upgradation of the company’s policies, methodologies, and tools.PHASE 1: PreparationThe first phase of change management is preparing for change. This methodology by Prosci calls for getting ready to start managing the change and to know how much of change management would be needed to meet current goals or run the current project. This phase is related to having awareness of the situation and is highly effective for successful transition management. It involves certain steps which are given as follows:Defining change management strategy The first step of this phase involves defining the change management strategy for the project or desired outcome. This means that an organization must first figure out why it needs the change and how can change management help. Based on this, a strategy must be defined.Preparing the change management team Once the strategy has been defined, the next step is to bring together a team of people w ho will be implementing the change and running it. The team must be carefully selected and put together.Developing sponsorship model Every change management needs funds, and these funds have to be arranged through sponsors or financial aids. The next step involves developing a full-fledged and well worked out sponsorship mode to make managing of the change possible.PHASE 2: ManagementAfter preparing for change management, the next phase involves its management and administration. This phase includes the creation of plans and strategies to implement the change. These plans are clubbed with project activities, and some of these include sponsorship plan, communication plan, coaching plan, training plan as well as resistance management plan. It is a good idea to have a well-structured plan that is also excellently integrated with existing tools, resources and expertise. The following are the steps involved in this phase:Develop change management plan The first step is to come up with a proper model or plan on the basis of which the change will be introduced and implemented. The plan must take into consideration the budget, the people involved, the objectives desired and the time frame available.Take actions The next step involves the implementation of the plans made and taking actions on ideas that have been worked out. One must go step by step in implementing the strategy and ensure that each step is carefully taken.PHASE 3: ReinforcementThe third phase of the process of change management is one of the most important ones, yet the most undervalued. It is true that planning and implementation of change are highly important but if the action plans are not reinforced in the future course, then all the previous hard work can come falling down. The change must be sustained through efforts and corrective actions.Gather and evaluate feedback In order to take corrective actions, one must gather or collect feedbacks and then analyze them to see where they are going wr ong. Also, the areas where change is being managed effectively can also be figured out in order to sustain the positives.Diagnose problems The next step is to diagnose the various roadblocks, challenges and problems in order to manage the resistance and get past it.Execute actions Once gaps have been diagnosed, it is time to implement corrective actions. After execution of actions for reinforcement, the final step is to celebrate the success and appreciate the hard work done.5 STEPS TO SUCCESSFUL CHANGE MANAGEMENTAnother way to describe how you could go about your change management is shown below: 1. Understand need for change: In order to bring about successful change, it is highly important to first acknowledge and understand the need for change. One must avoid fixing a problem as soon as he/she spots it and should rather take time to understand the root cause and then work out a plan to make improvements. The improvement plan must include people, the right resources, the ri ght tools as well as a structured approach. The complexity of the situation must be addressed in such a way that besides elimination of the issue, improvements in methodologies also takes place.2. Communicate the need for change and involve people: Another way in which one can lead to successful change management is through effective and open communication of the need for change with the people or employees of the organization. The people working with you have the right to know and understand the situation so that they accept and be part of the change willingly. Some people who must be included in this are the beneficiaries, the employees, the stakeholders and the managers.3. Create change strategies and plans: After proper communication about the need for change, the next step towards successful change management involves creating plans to achieve the objective in the most economical and effective way. This step involves several small measures such as deciding on performanc e measures, training workers for change, figuring out desired outcomes, dividing the process into mini goals and coming up with strategies that can benefit the organization as a whole.4. Implement plans: To ensure success, the plans and strategies created must be executed smartly and in a way that doesn’t harm the people or business in the process. Implementation is what really matters and must be done in a structured way. Implementation of plans or execution of strategies must not just take place on a broad level but should be done at an individual level. It also involves observing how people are getting affected by the change and making sure that they get everything they want to adapt to it.5. Analyze progress: When all the hard work is done and results have been achieved, it is time to analyze and evaluate the progress made. When a business figures out what is going well, it can begin to sustain the positives and eliminate the negatives. Only then can it be appreciative towards the efforts of others, thus boosting their moral and leading to improved productivity. It is important to celebrate success when success has been achieved effectively.So, what experiences did you make in your company related to change management? What went well? What could have been improved?
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Genesis Of Future Conflict - 940 Words
Controversy surrounds the existence of the western way of war theme and even plants the seed of doubt if it did occur. In Parker’s The Cambridge History of Warfare, Parker suggests the western way of war can be abridged into five characteristics: technology, discipline, aggressive military action, finance, and innovation. Parker proposes that the western way of war facets significantly altered the preparation for battle and the outcomes on the battlefield. A prime example is the great Napoleon Bonaparte during his conquest to dominate the continent of Europe. The characteristics of the western way of war that are best characterized during the Napoleon era are discipline, aggressive military tradition, and innovation. The purpose of this essay is to argue that these three aspects were to become the genesis of future conflict in post-Napoleon era. The French army was not only promoted by the nationalism ideology, but also by discipline. Before the French Revolution, Soldiers at the time were viewed as the dredger of society. Soldiers within Fredrick the Great’s armies did not have loyalty. For example, Fredrick would send out troops for resources and his Soldiers often did not return; whereas Napoleon’s troops would gather resources from the land and return. Before the Seven Year’s War, the army was without enthusiasm and distinction, which lead to defeats. 2 Napoleon employed various tactics aimed at physiology warfare with his opposition. Napoleon gave his enemies theShow MoreRelatedCapital Punish Relating to The Old Testament Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pages Some Christians feel that the Bible has spoken to the conflict, but many believe that the New Testament replaces the Old Testament law. Skimming through the Old Testament you can find many cases in which God orders the use of capital punishment, with the acts of God Himself. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Stages Of Team Development Essay - 1609 Words
1)TEAM DEVELOPMENT There are five stages of team development, which are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning. In the Forming stage, the team members are mostly positive and polite as they are getting to know one another, this stage may take more time than others because this is the very beginning stage. Storming is the stage where many teams would failed as it always start with the conflicts due to the different working styles and it can occur anytime in the design process, a team have to overcome it in order to reach their goals. For the Norming stage, most of the conflicts are solved and team members trust, respect and appreciate one another, they commitment to team and goals. In the Performing stage, teamwork and cooperation are visible that they could do work without stress. Besides, strengths of each team members is recognized and utilized. The very last stage of team development is Adjourning, in this stage, team mostly completed their goals so the team would finally be disbanded and some people may be difficult to move on because of the close relationship and comfort. (cited from the class powerpoint slides) For our team, I think we had been through some of the stages which are Forming, Norming, Performing and we are now currently in the adjourning stage because we have successfully completed our Xetna tower competition. We spent much time on the Forming stage as our group was quite quiet especially the team manager, which was me, barely talked andShow MoreRelatedTeam Development Stages891 Words  | 4 Pages1.(a) The definition of team development stages are special challenges to a group of people to work together successfully by using each development stage. The team and the organization take action to develop each stage to support the team to be a success and accomplish the mission. 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Policy Report On Dispersal Of Asylum Seekers Free Essays
string(233) " of social democracy with neo- liberalism and involves welfare to work program whereby people must be helped by to find work by helping them overcome the dependency on passive benefits, inculcating in them a sense of responsibility\." Introduction The UK has been second home to asylum seekers for a very long time, having witnessed an influx of immigrants since the seventeenth century, some of which were looking for refuge. With time, the UK residents felt bothered by increasing concentrations of ethnic minorities in the UK and especially their clustering in particular areas which led to congestion. In response to the increasing uneasiness of the public, the government opted to come up with means through which they could redistribute the ethnic minorities in other areas so as to decongest the cities and encourage assimilation. We will write a custom essay sample on Policy Report On Dispersal Of Asylum Seekers or any similar topic only for you Order Now This led to the formulation of the Asylum and Immigration Act in 1999 which led to the dispersal of ethnic minorities to various corners of the United Kingdom. The dispersal policy has however come under heavy criticism with claims that it isolates the asylum seekers from the renders them vulnerable to racially charged attacks. This paper therefore seeks to analyze the dispersal policy of asylum seekers, examining its background and development. It will also offer as critique of the policy which will largely determine whether it is a viable policy or not. Background policy review Prior to the 1990s, many Europeans thought of refugees as a problem of the third world which needed to be contained by the third world.  Europe would only be involved in charity but refugees needed to remain within their own borders. When it became involved, Europe only admitted a selected few refugees and settled them under controlled circumstances (Robinson et al 2003, p. 3). The attitude that many Europeans held towards refugees especially those from the third world was that they were immigrants looking for economic opportunities and as such, they did not deserve to be accorded asylum status. In the UK, the number of people seeking asylum was rapidly increasing (Robinson et al 2003, p. 4). During the post war period, Britain needed manpower for economic reconstruction and since it was not able to fill these positions, it decided to turn to the commonwealth, leading to an influx of immigrants especially from Asia. Thus Britain has been multiethnic for a long time. While some of the immigrants were coming to look for work, others also started coming to Britain in search of refuge. As early as the seventeenth century, some 50,000 French Huguenots arrived in London seeking refuge. In the 1880s, Jews also arrived in droves to look for refuge as they escaped the pogroms. Thus by the turn of the twentieth century, Britain had developed a reputation as a place of refuge (Robinson et al 2003, p.103). In 1905, an Aliens act was passed which ended this particular type of migration but the influx of both voluntary and forced immigrants continued. Jews fleeing Nazi Germany settled in the UK, so did some Italians and Chinese immigrants. Rapid immigration led to a concentration of certain ethnic communities in particular areas such as Chinatowns and dockland black quarters. Britain used this immigrant manpower for labour due to local shortages (Robinson et al 2003, p.104). This development of ethnic quarters was a cause of concern for the public who even directed hostility at the immigrants for this reason; the state saw the need for dispersal of refugees as well as ethnic minorities even before the formulation of the dispersal policy (Robinson et al 2003, p.104). It started an informal dispersal program in which the government attempted to settle people in different areas. Public opinion showed that many Britons were xenophobic and did not approve of the way some economic groups were clustering in the country; fearing that this would have an impact on the national identity of the British. Racial exclusion became an aspect of life in many regions of the UK in the 1960s to such an extent that it became a matter of popular as well as political concern. Some parents even objected to the number of black children who were being allowed to attend local schools. This led to the ‘Boyles Law’ being passed which stated that local schools should accommodate a maximum of 30% of ethnic minority children. The Department of Education and Science even suggested some policies to prevent ethnic concentrations from building up. In the 1970s, many people became increasingly supportive of the dispersal of ethnic minorities. Dispersal was aimed at reducing the hostility directed at them and facilitating their access to better chances. It was felt that living in mixed neighbourhoods would challenge the stereotypes that were associated with ethnic minorities (Robinson et al 2003, p.106-107). In 1969, the Cullingworth committee investigating public housing in the UK expressed concern over the residential concentration of ethnic minorities especially in the inner city; a factor that had led to overcrowding and which, they felt could lower the standards of education. For this reason, they proposed dispersal albeit voluntary. In the years that followed however, there were increased calls for the compulsory dispersal of ethnic minorities (Robinson et al 2003, p.107). In the 1970s however, the assimilation concept began to be viewed as outdated, politically incorrect and linked to a belief of ethnic supremacy. No policy makers or those in power wanted to be associated with the assimilation concept lest they be viewed as extremists (Robinson et al 2003, p.108). The development of the dispersal policy can be linked to the changing welfare ideologies of the UK. The ideology of social democracy was evident especially in the years immediately after the Second World War. This ideology prevailed in the post war period and was associated with recognition of the needs of all people including the working class, as opposed to the bourgeois only. Thus everyone, even the immigrants who constituted the working class, benefited from a wide range of welfare benefits. The recent third way ideology seeks to promote welfare to work program and it has been likened to the principles of neo- liberalism. It claims to attempt to blend the principles of social democracy with neo- liberalism and involves welfare to work program whereby people must be helped by to find work by helping them overcome the dependency on passive benefits, inculcating in them a sense of responsibility. You read "Policy Report On Dispersal Of Asylum Seekers" in category "Papers" The welfare reform program consists of welfare cuts; something that greatly affects the asylum seekers. Government wishes to reallocate welfare payments to those who are working as opposed to those not working such as the asylum seekers. Their benefits have practically been abolished under this program and they have to undergo rigorous testing to be eligible if at all (â€Å"the retreat of social democracy†n.d). The evolution of such welfare ideologies determines how asylum seekers are treated since they rely mostly on welfare. Asylum seekers dispersal policy Under the informal dispersal program prior to the 1990s, there were stories of how asylum seekers were transported to remote areas only to find that their destinations were neither expecting nor prepared for them. For this reason, many of them returned to London just a few days after having been dispersed. The asylum seekers were not very willing to be dispersed and some of then refused to be assisted if it involved dispersing them to areas outside the capital. In response to the failed Local Government Association dispersal program, in 1999, the government passed the use of the Asylum and Immigration Act; a new compulsory policy that radically modified the reception of asylum seekers. It is worth noting that it was not mandatory for all asylum seekers to be dispersed but those who needed financial support had to agree to it since the government would offer financial support only to those who were in agreement with the dispersal policy (Robinson et al 2003, p.123). The objectives of the dispersal act were to control the number of people who were seeking asylum in the UK, hasten the assessment process for asylum claims and overhaul the mechanisms of financial support for asylum seekers so that they stop coming to the UK merely for welfare benefits. Under the Act, the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) was formed. Its purpose was to choose which asylum seekers qualified for state benefits, provide them with these benefits and disperse them from London as well as the South East (Robinson et al 2003, p.123). It would provide asylum seekers with housing in some areas which came to be referred to as cluster areas under a more centralized dispersal process. This act meant that asylum seekers were not entitled to benefits and they were subject to compulsory dispersal by NASS so as to decongest the cities (Griffiths et al, n.d). Asylum seekers would apply to the Immigration and Nationality Directorate for asylum and the Directorate would decide whether their claim was true or unfounded. Meanwhile, those who had been temporarily admitted would be forwarded to NASS who would provide them with emergency accommodation if they did not have means of supporting themselves. Within a seven day period, NASS decides who qualifies for support and disperses them to cluster areas outside London and the South East. The needy asylum seekers are given free housing inclusive of utilities cost and financial support. Once settled temporarily, the asylum seekers would know the fate of their claims within a two month period and could appeal within the four months that follows. The entire procedure is expected to be completed within a span of six months maximum. The Act also proposes an integration of the relevant authorities into consortia that would be responsible for the long term integration of asylum seekers who had been granted refugee status (Robinson et al 2003, p.124). The aim of the dispersal act is to redistribute the costs of catering to the asylum seekers, diffuse social tensions and discourage would-be applicants. The dispersed asylum seekers are taken care of and integrated into their communities by NASS which offers them accommodation within the clustered areas (Griffith et al, n.d). Critique of the Asylum seekers dispersal policy From its inception, the asylum seekers dispersal policy was met with severe criticism due to the critical issues that it raises to concerned citizens as well as the perceived risk that it poses to the asylum seekers themselves. This section uses the â€Å"othering†theory and the critical race theory to examine how asylum seekers are received in the UK and other developed nations, especially those which have a similar policy to UK’s dispersal policy. Critical race theory helps one to understand the prevailing social situation in terms of races, racism and the subsequent game of power. The critical race theory helps in determining how the society has organised itself especially along racial lines and how relationships between the races are organised in a hierarchical manner. Furthermore, it strives for social justice and a betterment of the situation; a betterment of the relationship between the races (Delgado and Stefancic 2001, p.3). Central to understanding why races tend to group themselves together is the concept of ‘othering’. ‘Othering’ is an important part of identity formation. As Dominelli (2004, p.76) puts it, the ‘self’ is in existence due to the presence of the ‘other’ who can be used to as a measure of comparison to oneself. This dichotomy facilitates the externalization of the other to such an extent that he or she is viewed in an antagonistic manner, thus creating hierarchical relations. In the formulation of policies therefore, ‘othering’ processes generate divisions such that those who are labelled as the ‘other’ are set apart from the normal population. They generate barriers that prevent those who have been excluded from mingling with others, and distinguish them as undeserving of favourable treatment (Dominelli 2004, p.76). In the UK, asylum seekers as well as refugees are subjected to ‘othering’ which makes them easy prey for violence. For instance, almost all asylum seekers in Scotland are located in Glasgow; a city rife with gangs that attack them for the ethnic minorities who are ‘othered’ based on their looks, their language as well as culture. Just looking different in Glasgow can make one a victim of racial harassment on a level that has been described as shocking by a Scottish executive study. The reason given by the gangs for these often brutal attacks targeted at asylum seekers is that they are usually given the best houses in the area; a result of the dispersal policy which is responsible for settling the asylum seekers in scattered places and providing them with financial support. What the gangs cannot understand is why the ‘others’ should be accorded such favourable treatment when the ‘deserving’ inhabitants of the regions can probably not even afford the lifestyle accorded to the others (Stewart, 2007). According to Morris (2007) asylum seekers are put at risk by the dispersal policy which, in an effort to decongest the main cities procures the houses for asylum seekers in far off places which are invariably poor. That the asylum seekers are given the best housing in the area makes them targets of prejudice and violence. This main reason behind such attacks is that the residents feel that the asylum seekers are being given preferential treatment. Most of the places where the asylum seekers are settled are volatile areas that have witnessed recurrent attacks on asylum seekers. For example, both the Moston district and the Cheetham district in Manchester continue to receive many refugees even though they are considered to be very dangerous and unpleasant. Other dangerous areas which continue to receive asylum seekers are Everton, whose residents felt that the asylum seekers were being favoured, and Toxteth which have both witnessed several cases of racial harassment that are targeted at asylum seekers as well as refugees. Furthermore, some asylum seekers are placed in areas where there is none of their kind and where they have difficulty in communication. The dispersal system thus tends to isolate foreigners, making them vulnerable to hostility. In several studies carried out in the UK and documented by the Information Centre about Asylum and Refugees (ICAR n.d), it was established that most people were very concerned about the influx of immigrants into the UK with several of them expressing concern that immigration was out of control. Of particular concern was the question of asylum seekers, with most people wondering just how genuine these ‘supposed’ asylum seekers were. The study found that many people were concerned about the increasing numbers of asylum seekers and how genuine their claims were. A number of people felt that the influx of asylum seekers was economically motivated. They felt that if such immigration was left unchecked, then it would eventually threaten the British society in terms of their values, health, ethnicity as well as religion. The British economy would also suffer due to the asylum seekers becoming burdens to the economy, increasing competition and engaging in acts of criminality since asylum seekers were often associated with deviance which could lead to acts of illegality. The study also revealed that most people felt that the asylum seekers were favoured and were in fact, better off than the average white Briton. Most of the problems that asylum seekers face are have either been created or exacerbated by the dispersal policy since it tends to put the immigrants in places where they can be easily ‘othered’ and isolates them; thereby making them susceptible to prejudice. Conclusion The dispersal policy has been faced with severe criticism due to the perceived danger that it poses to the asylum seekers. Isolated in foreign communities and not understanding the British system, they suffer racial prejudice and violence directed at them by the locals who cannot understand why these outsiders are being treated in a more favourable manner by the government yet they are just immigrants while the locals continue to be ‘worse off’ than these immigrants. The increased cases of violence directed at immigrants should sound alarm bells for the relevant authorities and lead to a review of the dispersal policy. It is crucial for nations to grant asylum to people fleeing the countries. However if this is done in a manner that puts offends the locals and puts them at risk, then the provision of asylum defeats purpose. It does not make sense for people fleeing death from their countries to be granted asylum in another, only for them to be met with the hostility that probably drove them from their countries in the first place. Thus the government should halt the dispersal policy or modify it so that the asylum seekers are not placed at risk. How to cite Policy Report On Dispersal Of Asylum Seekers, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
There Are Three Ways That Remo And Juilet Are The Same And Three Ways
There are three ways that remo and juilet are the same and three ways there are differnt.One way is the groups that they are divied into.Another way there are the same is both of the main charters fall in love.The third way they are the same is the fighting.The three was they are differnt are maria didnt die Juilet did, borth place,and the setting. The first way there are the same is they both had groups that they where in.The two groups that they were fighting in,remo and Juilet where the montagooes and the caplets.In westside story the two groups that where fighting were the sharks and the jets.The mantagooes and the caplets where fighting because the famlies didnt like each other.The sharks and the jets where fighting because the jets wanted the sharks off there turf. The second way there are the same both of the main harters fall in love.In Remo and Juilet are the main charters and they fall in love.In westside story the two main charters are Tony and Maria.Remo and Juilet want to be together but ther families are fighting.Tony and Maria want to be together but the sharks and the jets are fighting.Maria is antanos brother and he is with the sharks Tony is with the jets. The third way they are the same is all the fighting that is goning on.The sharks and the jets are fighting.Also the mantooges and the caplets are fighting.The jets want the sharks off there turf because they are puricans and they dont like puricans.The mantoogues and hte caplets are fighting because the two families dont like each other. The first wat they are differnt is the borth place Remo and Juilet and the sharks and the jets.Remo and Juilet took place in Italy.The sharks where born in puardo rico.The jets where in new york.Remo and Juilet and the sharks and the jets where all born in differnt places. The second way ther are differnt is the setting where Remo and Juilet and westside story took place.Remo and Juilet took place in Italy.Westside stroy took place in New York.REMo and Juilet mainly took place in the garden by juilets window.Westside story mainly took place at some tennis courts. Third way they are differnt is that Juilet died maria didnt die.Juilet died because she saw that remo drank some poisn and killed himself so juilet didnt want to be alone so sh drank the poisn and killed herself.Maria wasnt as dumb as juilet when tony got shoot she didnt kill herself she cryed alot.The reason she didnt die was that the buillet missed herv and got tony.Thats how juilet died and maria didnt. In conclusion there are three contrasts that i picked I thought was mainly about the two storys.Maria didnt die,the borth place,and the setting.Also this is why I picked these three comparsions that I thought was manily about the two storys,the groups that they where in,the two main charterfall in love,and all the fighting.This is how they are the same and this ids how they are differnt.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Satire in Le Misanthrope Essays
Satire in Le Misanthrope Essays Satire in Le Misanthrope Paper Satire in Le Misanthrope Paper The use of satire in The Misanthrope Satire is primarily a literary genre or form, although in practice it can also be found in the graphic and performing arts, such as plays. In satire; vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, with the intent of shaming individuals and society itself. Moliere, an actor-manager-director-playwright all in one, knows and loves his stage as few have done, and writes with the use of literary satire. This research paper will express Moliere’s use of satire in his most profoundly written play, The Misanthrope. In a time in which power is one of the rarest virtues, Moliere draws on the widest imaginable range, from the subtlest irony to the broadest slapstick, in order to reach the accomplishments of keeping an audience amused for five whole acts. Moliere usually works under extraordinary pressures, even during personally difficult times. Often, he will interpret his own thoughts and opinions into his works’ by using different varieties of satire. The Misanthrope was written during a personal crisis and is certainly coloured by Moliere’s own domestic difficulties. There is no doubt that personal suffering helped to give Moliere the astonishing insight into the human heart which he displays in The Misanthrope and which contributes to its richness and maturity. (Turnell) Turnell is noting that Moliere uses his own experiences to resemble the acts that are shown throughout this play. His voice is heard not only through the words the actors’ speak, but by the emotion you can feel. Moliere represents his own personal views and feelings on society by using ridicule and satire throughout this tragic comedy. Examine The Misanthrope carefully and ask yourself whether a poet has ever represented his inner spirit more completely or more admirably. We can well call the content and treatment of this play â€Å"tragic. †Such an impression at least it has always left with us, because that mood is brought before our minds eye which often in itself brings us to despair, and seems as if it would make the world unbearable. Here is represented the type of man who despite great cultivation has yet remained natural, and who with himself, as well as others, would like only too well to express himself with complete truth and sincerity. But we see him in conflict with the social world, where one cannot mine without dissimulation and shallowness. (Von 212) Goethe Von states that Moliere does try to express himself by being truthful and sincere, but he appears to have conflict in doing so. Moliere seems to want to express his emotion and opinion in honest ways, but often becomes too honest. â€Å"Moliere’s play asks a question that is no easier to answer today than it was then: When one is asked to be completely honest, is it better to be painfully and perhaps hurtfully truthful, or should one prevaricate a little to save the feelings of a friend†(Kellerman 48). In Moliere’s attempt to being honest, he comes off more hurtful. By doing so, he uses ridicule and satire in his play to demonstrate his views on society. Moliere also uses different genres of language and literature throughout his many works’. â€Å"In Le Misanthrope, Moliere looks into the subject of language, exploring how it may be used or abused as a means to communicate or conceal reality, to do battle in the realm of human interaction or to make social intercourse endurable†(Regosin 265-271). Moliere uses language and communication from one character to another in a form of â€Å"battle†in order to get his personal view of society played out on the stage (Regosin 265-271). Satire is used by Moliere as the characters’ in The Misanthrope are interrogating, humiliating, and ridiculing one another with different forms of language and also different types of emotion. â€Å"A number of recent critics have sensed in Le Misanthrope a violence of emotion in the relationship among the characters akin to that of real combat and have described the action by using metaphors of battle†(Regosin 265-271). Moliere generally explains his opinion of society by comparing the actions of the people around him to the actions of people in battle. Again and again Moliere infuses intense life into his characters’ by shaming one another through the eyes of society. Moliere never fails when attempting to reach out and explain to his audience the irony and ridicule that stains the heart of society day in and day out. It is as if Moliere sees a social game being played, and even cheated, throughout the places he lives in. He makes it his ultimate goal for his audience to view society in the unique and sometimes shallow way that he does. The Misanthrope, a masterpiece among Moliere’s comedies of manners, holds a universal appeal in its ridicule of social games of propriety and power-mongering in the context of a setting that is unique to the fashion, society, and politics of the Louis XIV era†(Brent). Moliere shows his inventiveness in extraordinary ways and extremely high level s. His play is a comedy that represents social satire, ridiculing the conventions of the society in which he lives in and observes. He expresses that humankind is full of hypocritical and ironic actions and views, which is how he creates this play to become a social tragedy. A close examination of Le Misanthrope reveals Moliere’s initial ambition of wanting to be an actor and writer of tragedies. His protagonist, Alceste, could plausibly be portrayed as comic or tragic, and is ultimately an imponderable figure. Alceste’s disdain of insincerity in public life is compelling and undeniable; his suffering is authentic; and, at the end, he appears destined to a loveless and self-imposed isolation. At the same time, his self-awareness is deficient, his egotistical demands are not noble, and his speech and behavior contain more contradictions than one would expect from a man who proclaims to have everything figured out. Alceste responds differently to the same social hypocrisy that Dom Juan exuberantly uses to validate and advance his own misbehavior, preparing exile to the insults of society contaminated by insincerity. (Bloom 67) Bloom is noting that Moliere claims to have everything figured out, but his actions on the stage state differently. Moliere seems to have certain contradictions about his own personal views on society, meaning things are not exactly matching up. Moliere uses different words and ideas to extract his feelings and viewpoints on society. With using satire throughout his writing, he has his characters’ ridicule and humiliate one another in social settings. His role in the play is Alceste, the misanthrope, a man who is in love with a woman, Celimene, who claims to have love for not only him, but every other man that walks her path. She is full of unusual wit and intuition when delivering mocking words that ridicule the men that are not present, and delight the ones who are. Moliere not only uses satire when it comes to Celimene, but Alceste as well. Once Alceste discovers her hypocrisy, he humiliates her in front of all her suitors. The humiliation and ridicule continues against Celimene and Alceste throughout the play. Not only did Alceste humiliate Celimene, but his close and personal friend Philinte as well. Alceste rejects Philinte when he finds him being flattered by Celimene. Moliere uses satire when Alceste ridicules Philinte in front of all society. Philinte continues to remain loyal to his friend and attempts to rescue him from the miserable isolation that Alceste is headed for. Moliere also uses satire when Alceste becomes frantic with jealousy and abandons sincerity just to plead with his lover to pretend to love him as well as he will pretend to believe her. His irony is turned on society as well as on Alceste, and the play ends, as we shall see, not with the restoration of order, but with something that is very like a mark or interrogation†(Turnell 398-426). Celimene finally admits to her wrongdoings at the end of the play by writing all of her suitors a letter of apology. One would normally assume a happy ending to this story, but that is not the case. Celimene calls out to Alceste saying she does not love him, and that he does not love her. When Celimene makes this statement, it interrogates Alceste. In conclusion, this play is hypothetically about the different lifestyles of people who have different views on society. Because the characters’ have different points of view on the matter, there is often some sort of debate. As Knutson states: At the very beginning of the play, by an adroit manipulation of visual signs, Moliere plunges us straightaway into the unsettling ambiguities of his greatest masterpiece. The world view conveyed by the play as a whole comes remarkably close to the cynical urbanity of the Restoration. Neither Philinte nor Celimene, nor Alceste for that matter, has any illusions about mankind. They all see society as a jungle of conflicting egos where one’s own self-interest must reign supreme. The debate revolves around the stance to take before this state of affairs. (Knutson 115-17) Moliere uses satire to describe the personalities and intake of each character. Alceste, Philinte, and Celimene have a different opinion on society. Each character wants their opinion to be above everyone else’s. In doing so, this causes conflict between each character and gives Moliere the unique opportunity to have an intense use of satire throughout this play. What must have made this play highly comic for the seventeenth-century spectators, an aspect probably lost on audiences today, is the way it parodies that period’s conventions of tragic plots and language. This parody corresponds to ancient Greek notions of theater, which staged a â€Å"satyr†play after a series of three tragedies. The satyr play took the same material as the tragic ones but reversed it and played it as comedy. In Le Misanthrope, Moliere is standing Racine and tragic discourse on their heads. (Melzer 143-44) Melzer is noting that Moliere is definitely getting the job done correctly for the seventeenth-century time period. Spectators can see certain effects by experiencing sentiments and desires from Alceste, but at the same time they can laugh about it while thinking those sentiments and desires are only his. Moliere can take serious issues out of society and form them into a playwright. Moliere masks his characters’ from his own general perspective, and the viewer must note that and keep that in mind while attending his plays. Moliere wrote The Misanthrope to become a basic form of satire in itself. From each character ridiculing and humiliating and even shaming one another through the eyes of the public, Moliere forms the shape of this tragedy with satire. As a reflection on both theatrical and social exchange, Le Misanthrope offers a complex, and at times perplexing, mechanism of depiction and recognition. The duel between Celimene and Arsinoe in the third act provides an illustration. As a satire of salon conversations, Celimene’s portrait of the prude Arsinoe presents the following configuration: one character, representing the malicious wit social type, depicts another character, representing the prude social type. In terms of recognition, the scene offers the spectacle of one other character seeing herself in the portrait sketched by the other. However, the moral value and mimetic fidelity of the portrait are placed in great doubt, due to the compromising situation of its enunciation, motivated as it is with irony. The scene thus exposes the underbelly of the social art of description and judgment. (Norman 155-56) Not only is satire full of ridicule and humiliation, but it is also full of description and judgment. Moliere has one character ridicule and judge the description of another character. By doing that, Moliere instills satire into his work. Moliere’s profoundly written play, The Misanthrope is full of satire through actions, words, thoughts, and views. Moliere inflicted his personal and political view on society through his works’. He often comes off too honest at times, without noticing. He writes scenes regarding the moral effects of satiric comedy, and he does it well. â€Å"The moral uncertainty resulting from the shifting voices of satire is, I believe, the hallmark of Le Misanthrope, the secret of its continual ability to escape fixed interpretations†(Norman 155-56). As Norman stated, satire is the â€Å"hallmark†of Le Misanthrope (Norman 155-56). In his play, The Misanthrope, Moliere uses satire to ridicule, humiliate, and shame individuals and society itself. Turnell, Martin. â€Å"Le Misanthrope. †The Proper Study: Essays on Western Classics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1962. 398-426. Rpt. In Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 Ed. Thomas J. Schuenberg and Lawerence J. Trudeau. Vol. 127. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 21 September. 2011. Critical Essay. Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang. â€Å"Moliere’s ‘Misanthrope. ’†Trans. Randolph S. Bourne. Goethe’s Literary Essays: A Selection in English. Ed. J. E. Springarn. Harcourt Brace Jovanavich, 1921. 212 Rpt. In Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. James E. Person, Jr. Vol. 10. Detroit: Gale Research, 1990. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 October. 2011. Journal Article. Kellerman, Carol. â€Å"Moliere. The Misanthrope. †Kliatt May 2008: p. 48. Web. 22 October. 2011. Journal Article. Regosin, Richard L. â€Å"Ambiguity and Truth in Le Misanthrope. †Romantic Review 60. 4 (December 1969): 265-271. Rpt. In Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 127. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 October. 2011. Journal Article. Regosin, Richard L. â€Å"Ambiguity and Truth in Le Misanthrope. Romantic Review 60. 4 (December 1969): 265-271. Rpt. In Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 127. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 October. 2011. Journal Article. Regosin, Richard L. â€Å"Ambiguity and Truth in Le Misanthrope. †Romantic Review 60. 4 (December 1969): 265-271. Rpt. In Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 127. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 October. 2011. Journal Article. Brent, Liz. Critical Essay on â€Å"The Misanthrope. †Drama for Students. Ed. Elizabeth Thomason. Vol. 13. Detroit: Gale, 2001. Literature Resource Center. Web. 24 October. 2011. Journal Article. Bloom, Harold. Ed. Bloom’s Major Dramatists: Moliere. Broomall, PA. Chelsea House Publishers, 2003. Print. Turnell, Martin. â€Å"Le Misanthrope. †The proper study: Essays on Western Classics. New York: St. Martin’s Press, Criticism from 1400 to 1800 Ed. Thomas J. Schuenberg and Lawerence J. Trudeau. Vol. 127. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Literature Resource Center. Web. 21 September. 2011. Critical Essay. Knutson, Harold C. The Triumph of Wit: Moliere and Restoration Comedy (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1988): pp. 115-17. Print. Melzer, Sarah E. â€Å"Performing Moliere: Le Misanthrope- Tragedy or Comedy? †Approaches to Teaching Moliere’s Tartuffe†and Other Plays. (New York: The Modern Language Association or America, 1995) pp. 143-44. Print. Norman, Larry F. The Public Mirror: Moliere and the Social Commerce of Depiction. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999): pp- 155-56. Print. Norman, Larry F. The Public Mirror: Moliere and the Social Commerce of Depiction. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999): pp- 155-56. Print.
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Publish a Book in 2019 A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Timers
How to Publish a Book in 2019 A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Timers How to Publish a Book in 2019: A Step-by-Step Guide for First-Timers Historically, if you wanted to know how to publish a book, you needed an agent to get a traditional publisher to look at your manuscript.In fact, many publishing companies won’t even open a manuscript if it doesn’t come through an agentWhich makes learning how to publish a book way more difficult. Not to mention the fact that going through all that work to just land an agent isnt necessary if you want to publish a book.What’s worse is even if they do open it, it’s still unlikely that your book will be published and sold in bookstores!*Cue the groans and grumbles of irritation*So is there a better method? Yes! Its called self-publishing.Heres how to publish a book step-by-step:Decide Why You Want to Publish a BookWrite Your BookGet Feedback Before Publishing Your BookChoose a Book TitleHire a Great Book EditorDesign a Book Cover that ConvertsCreate Your Kindle Direct Publishing AccountFormat and Upload your BookSelf-Publish Your BookPrice Your BookForm a La unch TeamMaximize Book Launch ExposureCelebrate Publishing a Book!In fact, there is another way for your book to not only be published, but to even become a bestseller! This method has led to the success of many authors and is changing the book and traditional publishing industry.NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereWhat is Self-Publishing?Self-publishing is the act of independently publishing your book on a platform like Amazon without the need of a traditional publishing house. Personally speaking, Ive self-published 6 bestselling non-fiction books on Amazon, sold tens of thousands of copies, and continue to collect thousands per month in royalty checks.The success of my books has been directly responsible for the strong performance of my business, which has grown to over 7 figures in less than 2 years.Self-publishing a book is done with these steps :Write a book youre proud ofDecide which self-publishing platform to useGet your book edited, a cover designed, and it formattedUpload your manuscript and accompanying assetsHit Publish when youre readYour book is self-published! Its really that easy.Five years ago, in order to achieve this level of publishing success, you would have needed to be extremely lucky to even land an agent who would attempt to find you a deal at one of the Big 5 publishing houses.This is no longer the case. Not only do you no longer need one of the â€Å"Big 5†companies to publish your book, now self-published authors are actively turning down offers from publishing companies!So If you are trying to publish your book and are having no luck landing a publisher, self-publishing could be the best option for you.Better yet, making the decision to learn how to navigate the self-publishing world the right away can save you countless wasted hours.Whether you want to do it yourself or work with one of the many self-publishing companies out there, we can help.Whats the Difference Between Self-Publishing and Traditional Publishing?Its easy to look at these two publishing routes and get confused. Why would someone self-publish when there are companies dedicated to doing it for you? There are actually many reasons.What is the difference between self-publishing vs traditional publishing?Self-publishing is a completely independent route with no barriers to entry whereas traditional publishing involves the acts of querying, landing an agent, and getting approved by a publishing house. Check out the video above for more details on choosing self-publishing or traditional publishing.Heres a chart detailing what you receive through self-publishing versus traditional publishing.What You GetSelf-PublishingTraditional PublishingSole control of your book's outcomeâÅ"“XSole control of your book's rightsâÅ"“XControl over the storyâÅ"“XControl over the coverâÅ"“X100% of royaltiesâÅ"“XE diting includedXâÅ"“Cover designXâÅ"“MarketingXXDeadlinesXâÅ"“How Much Does it Cost to Publish a Book?Pricing to publish a book varies greatly depending on its length, production costs, and the retail price you set.That being said, its important to be prepared when it comes to how much youll actually pay to self-publish a book.There are a number of factors that contribute to how much it costs to self-publish a book:The length of your book (this impacts printing costs)Getting your book editedThe book cover designAny promotional ads/materials you want to utilizeAnother surprising, lesser-known cost I cover in the video below How to Publish a Book in 2019So many writers get overwhelmed with the abundance of information about the self-publishing process, what itll cost, how to do it right, how to come up with a good book idea, and more.I’ve created a step-by-step comprehensive self-publishing guide that will walk you through the beginning steps of how to write your book all the way to how to self-publish it on Amazon’s Kindle (KDP) Network. Let’sget started soyou can get started!Do you have what it takes to become a published author?Click Here to Take the Quiz#1 Decide Why You Want to Learn How to Publish a BookWhat you need to decide firstwhen self-publishing a book, is WHY you want to write a book.I encourage going through this brainstorming process as it’s the only way to ensure that you’re 100% committed to writing a book(and youre doing it for the right reasons).Here are some questions for you to decide why you want to publish a book:Are you an entrepreneur or freelancer with a new business trying to get a leg up on your competitionby publishing a book?Do you want to leverage your skills and knowledge to become a paid speaker or coach?Do you have a well-established business and you want to write a book to diversify your income streams and land speaking engagements?Or do you already have a successful story, and want to build an asset that will share the knowledge and skills you’ve gained over decades of experience?Do you have a larger number of book ideas or prompts you need to start writing?Action Plan: Come up with at least 10 valid reasons why you want to write a book. Use the questions above as a starting guide to brainstorm.#2 Write Your BookIf you’ve ever tried to start writing a book, you might have had moments where you’ve stared at a blank page for hours with nothing to show for it. Feeling frustrated, you resort to procrastinating and get nothing done!This is normal, writing a book is hard work.In fact, coming up with a book idea in general can be very tricky. But in order to start writing your book, you must develop a writing process.Here’s are some effective ways to write a book worth self-publishing: Buy a calendar.The best way to have your book complete is to have a calendar that schedules your goals per day/week.Create an outline. An outline is like a map of your book that provides direction to your story. It keeps you on track and ensures that your ideas are organized.Develop a writing habit. Condition yourself to write at the same time every day. With this practice, it will soon become a habit that will make writing a book automatic.Get an accountability partner. You can hold each other accountable to write and finish your by your draft done date.Build your writing environment. Yes, this can be a blanket for if you choose to use build literally or you can simply find an area where your head is clear, there are no distractions, and where you can write in peace.To learn more tips on how to write faster, here’s a tutorial video of the simple process I use to write over 1500 words per hour: Action Plan: Create a resistance plan! Figure out which methods best filter out the negative noise to get you into the writing process.#3 Get Feedback on Your Book Before PublishingWhen writing your book, it’s important to get as much feedback as early in the process as possible.Its essential to get this feedback in order to improve your writing. Everything from creative writing to factual, non-fiction works needs feedback in order to produce a polished publication.As writers, it’s all too easy to retreat into your cave for a long period of time, spend countless hours writing what you think is the perfect first draft, only to find that a) your draft doesn’t make sense to anyone else or b) no one else is as interested in the topic as you originally thought.Writing tips can come from anywhere and the best usually come from those reading your book for the first time.Not only can a fresh set of eyes on your book help you catch typos and grammatical errors, but a new perspective can give you ideas for tightening up your story and making the theme more clear,likeintheexamplebelow.Giving your book to one (or more) â€Å"beta readers†before giving itto an editor and self-publishing can also cut down on the time and cost of paying a professional editor.You can also use a beneficial piece of writing software like Grammarly or the Hemingway Editor so you can learn as you write!Action Plan: Reach out to a few friends who could provide good (preferably unbiased) feedback, and ask them if theyll be willing to read a chapter or two (or the whole book!) as you finish writing#4 Choose a Book TitleContrary to popular belief, you should never decide on a book title until after you are done writing your first draft. This is because choosing a book title first often results in you â€Å"writing yourself into a corner†because you’re trying so hard to align your story to the title of the book instead of writing what needs to be written.Don’t make this more complicated than it needs to be. The key to choosing a perfect title is: the simpler the title, the better.As you’re brainstorming ideas, always remember to keep it simple.Your title should also be cle ar on what your readers will receive by reading your book. This is because experts state that a clear promise or a guarantee of results will further intrigue your readers.Here are some questions to consider when creating your memorable book title:Is your title going to teach a high demand skill?Can your title impact someone’s life?Can your book solve a very difficult problem?Is it short enough to read in a thumbnail image on Amazon?Does it elicit an emotional response?Action Plan: Once you’ve narrowed down your book titles, send out an email to your friends and family or put a poll up to your audience asking what title they’d prefer. You could also ask a community of other authorswhat they think.#5 Hire a Great Book EditorHiring a great book editor can mean the difference between becoming a bestselling author, or self-publishing a mediocre book. Therefore, it’s important to take as much time as necessary during this stage of the process.To find an editor for your book, begin with your personal network.Do you personally know any qualified editors? Start there. If you don’t, then do you know someone who knows an editor? If you don’t have any luck finding an editor within your personal network, don’t worry!Depending on your budget, you can either hire a professional book editoror hire a more budget-friendly editor from Upwork. But be careful and always check references and portfolios of work.As a Self-Publishing School student, we will also provide you with a Rolodex of approved and vetted book editors who all do a great job,asyoucanseeintheexamplebelow.No matter how you find your editor, make sure you’re a good fit before committing to the full book by paying them a small sum ($25 or so) to edit a few pages or a chapter of your book.Make sure the editor is interested in the subject matter, that they can get your whole book edited in 3.5 weeks or less including back-and-forth revisions, and that their edits are both accurate and make sense to you.If you don’t feel you’re a good fit following a sample edit, then let that $25 go and find an editor who’s going to work out rather than sinking more money into a relationship that might be a mistake.Whatever you do, don’t give upduring the editorial process! If one editor isn’t working out for you or meeting your needs, find another.Action Plan: Find a friend or professional editor who can make sure your book is error-free, and start working with them sooner rather than later!#6 Design a Book Cover that ConvertsWhen it comes to self-publishing, a high-quality book cover is one of the most important elements that will get your book to convert into sales!The reason is that your book cover design is what readers see first and will immediately determine whether they want to read your book or not.Dont judge a book by its cover simply doesnt apply toactual book covers, as much as we wish it did.The hard truth is thateveryone judges a book by its cover whether they realize it or not.So you must make sure that it is created professionally and that it will stand apart from the rest of the books in your genre or category.What makes a good book cover?Simplistic styling. Too much going on will make readers unable to figure out what your book is about. Keep the cover minimalistic and it will convert more readers.Professionally designed. Book cover designers know how to create book covers that convert. They have industry knowledge and have studied what works and what doesnt.Clear title and subtitle. The title on your cover does matter. The easier it is to read, the better. This allows your readers to clearly see what your book is about as they scroll through Amazon or other book retailers.A design style that fits your intended audience. If youre writing a faith-based book intended for an audience of faith, having an overly dark, devilish cover doesnt make sense.You can find amazing book cover desi gners on freelancing sites such as:99 DesignsHappy Self Publishing100 CoversFiverrUpworkPrices will vary depending on what type of service you want, but the end result will be well worth the spend. Action Plan:Find a book designer with any of these sites and your book will stand apart from the rest of its competition!#7 Create Your Kindle Direct Self-Publishing Account Amazon has a self-publishing service called Kindle Direct Publishingwhere you can create and manage your Kindle eBook, paperback, and audio books.Amazon has recently acquired the well-known book printing company CreateSpace and theyre now merged as one.This means you can now offer print books to your audience. It’s the best way to learn how to publish a book and start selling quickly, and I’ve used it for all my self-published books.I highly recommend it for all new self-publishers!Heres how to set up your KDP account on Amazon:Visit create an account with either your existing Amazon account or your email address.Next, you must complete your tax information. You will not be able to submit your published book if you do not complete this step.Once your tax information is complete, hit â€Å"Finished†and your account is complete!Action Plan:Follow these steps to create your KDP account! With this platform, you can figure out how to publish your book within minutes and soon have it appear worldwide!#8 Format Your Self-Published BookIf you’re on a budget, there are plenty of resources online that can tell you how to format your book yourself for free. You can start by looking at Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing forums where there are plenty of discussions on book formatting.You can also use KDPs free resources to help format your book. Formatting can be a frustrating experience for the uninitiated though, so if you have a few bucks to spare, you might consider paying someone to help you.Also keep in mind that formatting will look different for f iction versus nonfiction books.Typically, nonfiction books dont have an indent between paragraphs but instead, they have spaces whereas fiction books are indented with each new paragraph.Below are formatting examples from Jenna Morecis The Saviors Champion and my book, Published.If you want to pay for formatting, Liber Writeris a low-cost, effective option for converting a Microsoft Word file to Amazon’s Kindle format. If $60 is too much, you can also find people on Fiverr to format your book for Kindle.Just be sure you hire someone who knows how to format your specific book genre.Action Plan:Make sure your book is formatted properly by using the free online resource above or hiring someone who can handle the formatting process for you.#9 Self-Publish Your BookWhen you feel confident your book is ready for the public, you can create a KDP account and upload your book.This is how to upload your book on KDP:On the KDP mainpage, locate and click on â€Å"Your Bookshelf†. Locate and click on â€Å"Kindle eBook Actions†.Then, locate and click on â€Å"Edit eBook Content†.Finally, click on â€Å"Upload eBookManuscript†, and upload your manuscript file from your computer.Amazon also allows you to select 7 keywords or keyword phrases to make sure your intended audience can find your book when searching on Amazon.It’s highly recommended you also select two different categories on Amazon your book might fit into so you can reach a broader audience.To select keywords and categories, look at other best-selling books in your niche and notice what keywords and categories those authors chose. Once Amazon finishes uploading your file, a confirmation message will be sent and you can preview the uploaded file to check for any errors. Create your Amazon author central accountafter uploading your book.Include a bio, photo, and link to your website or blog to help you stand out among authors. After a few more steps, you’ll be ready to publish your book, at which time you’ll click â€Å"save publish†in your KDP book dashboard.Afterward, you should be ready to publish your book! Just click â€Å"save publish†in the book editing screen!Action Plan:Follow these steps to upload your book. You are allowed to upload your manuscript as many times as you want with each upload overriding the previous.#10 Price Your BookOne of the most important decisions when it comes to self-publishing a book is how to price it. The most common question I get from newwriters is, â€Å"How much should my book cost?†To answer this,my general rule of thumb is to have your book priced is between $2.99 to $5.99. To be more specific, when beginning a launch, I would begin by pricing the book at $0.99 for the launch period.Then I would set the price to 2.99, and I would moderately increase the price by $1 every week and measure how well the new price performs. Once you see a sales dip, that will determine the exact price of your book that will guarantee book sales.Action Plan:Find the perfect price by using this strategy that will attract your readers and best drive long-term success.#11 Form a Launch TeamYour launch team is the group of people who are dedicated to helpingmake your book successful.They should be a passionate group of individuals who are eager to make your book launch successful. Remember, one highly skilled team member is better than a group of mediocre ones!Heres a video detailing how to use a launch team effectively: To find quality candidates, here’s a questionnaire you can use to assess applicants and see if they’re qualified to market your book:Why do you want to support my book?What goals are you trying to reach with this project?How would you market this book?Which influencers would you reach out to and why?Do you have a genuine interest in my book and its genre?Action Plan:Create an application with questions that align with your thought process. T ry to be open-minded with those who think outside the box they may be the perfect candidates that can get your book to become a bestseller.#12 Maximize Book Launch Exposure with ReviewsIts not enough to learn how to publish a book and be done with it. You still have to take action even after your official launch.As soon as your book goes live on Amazon, be sure to leverageyour launch team and your audience to help you market your book! It may be odd to ask your fans for help, but your fans are thereto support your project and want to see you succeed.You might be surprised how willing they’ll be to help you if you just ask!Here are some marketing initiatives you can assign your team and audience to do:Share content from your book as blog posts across social mediaSubmit reviews on Amazon(ensuring they dont make the mistakes in the video below)Help build your book’s websiteReach out to influencers for a future guest post or podcast featureShare a book review on their Yo uTube channelBuy extra copies to gift their friendsThe additional exposure generated from your launch team and audience will help push your book up Amazon’s rankings, which will drive more sales! Action Plan:Create your book marketing launch plan using these methods. Measure each of these methods to see which will best get your book in the hands of new readers and convert into sales.#13 Celebrate Learning How to Self-Publish a Book!Publishing after writing a book is just the beginning. Depending on your goals for your book, self-publishing can get you more customers, free publicity, and establish you as an expert in your niche.This can help you land speaking gigs and build a business within your area of expertise.Your book sales can also help fund your lifestyle with passive income.Dream big about what you want your book to do for you. When you have a vision for where you want your book to take you, it will be easier to take advantage of opportunities as they arise.Getting c lear on what you want will also help you to be more effective when expanding your network along on your journey.What to do NextNow that youve learned how to publish a book, its time to take action and bring yourself one step closer to your goals and dreams. Here are a few actionable steps you can takeright now!#1 Learn more! If self-publishing a bestseller is something you want to do, and you’re serious about changing your life and your business for the better by getting your book out there in the world, then you need to focus on learning more about the process.Because without having the knowledge, moving toward success isvery difficult but thats where we come in!
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