Monday, September 30, 2019
Cyber Attacks
The rising threat of terrorism has led to unprecedented levels of security at Indian airports, railway stations, hotels, ports etc. But the government does not seem to see the bigger threat, which will not come from AK-47s, bombs and rifles. The next big attack will be come from terrorists in the cyber world. We live in a technologically interconnected world. Most of us cannot imagine even a single day without our cell phones, internet and ATMs. There is hardly any distinction between where our bodies end and technology begins. Would it be surprising then, if terrorists choose to attack India via the internet? Let me share some facts about how real and damaging that threat can be If a terrorist group were to attack our stock market and financial infrastructure, it would cause widespread panic and losses to millions of people and organizations. Imagine yourself running helplessly from one ATM to another, trying to withdraw money from your account, only to find that the attack has forced banks to suspend online transactions. Likewise, our telecom infrastructure. If it were flooded with malicious data, business and personal life would grind to a standstill. Terrorists could also target India's top businesses, hacking into their systems, stealing valuable intellectual property, sensitive information and company secrets. Even military networks can be targeted. These scenarios are not from a Bollywood flick, but tangible threats that loom large. In May 2007, Estonia  a small but technologically sophisticated Baltic country  fell victim to a cyber attack. The unidentified terrorists bombarded the country's network with data traffic, clogging it and rendering major services unusable. People were not able to access financial utilities, communications and data services for several hours and some, for days together. What stops cyber terrorists from launching similar attacks in India? Very little because, despite being an infotech power, India lags on cyber security. Neither the government, nor the private sector is adequately prepared to face a cyber attack. We have the necessary laws in place, but they are futile in the absence of trained security experts and police officials to enforce them. Recently, I was at a conference in the Capital, attended by numerous Delhi Police officials. During the question-answer session, one police official asked me: â€Å"All this is fine Mr Ankit, but yeh internet ki building kidhar hai? †According to him, the internet was a huge building and, in order to protect it from cyber terrorists, the police had simply to stand all around it, holding rifles and lathis to fight off viruses, worms and criminals! If this is the state of affairs in the police department of the national capital, one can't even begin to imagine the way it is in other cities. The fact that few engineering colleges in India offer courses on cyber security is a major reason for the lack of cyber experts. The result is that when a private company website gets hacked, the incident is brushed under the carpet lest its brand image is tarnished. Worse, it's considered normal for most Indian government websites to get hacked regularly. But the lack of trained professionals and a lax attitude are the least of India's concerns. The internet has no boundaries and allows cyber terrorists to hide behind geographic, political and diplomatic clouds. It is easy for a criminal to hide behind proxy servers and bounce off systems in unfriendly countries to stop security agencies from tracing the culprits. The dynamic nature of cyber security, coupled with the obsolete techniques used by the Indian forces, means it is a losing battle for India. Let's not wait for a cyber 26/11 to happen. A willingness to make changes, a proactive approach with some nimble execution can fix the chinks in India's cyber security and drastically improve our preparedness to fight a cyber war.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Stepper Motors and Servomotors
Stepper motors and Servomotors Motors are the special electrical devices that have been developed by the engineers for the conversion of energy from one form to another. Engineers have developed the science of motors to an extent wherein they can be used for numerous applications and in several technologies. We would discuss the characteristics of two of the most commonly used types of motors, i. e. the stepper motors and the servomotors. Both these motors serve different purposes and are used and employed for different reasons and different applications based on the need and the requirement.The stepper motors are those motors that work on the basis of the x/y axis coordinates and works on the basis of a special torch, which can help in pointing at all the directions and the synchronization observed between the two coordinates and axes of the motor makes it simple to work. The best characteristic of the stepper motor is that it offers high reliability and not only reliability but als o exhibits extremely high speed, thus making the operations much more efficient. Numerous technologies make use of the stepper motors and that is because they are also inexpensive.Since these motors make sure that they don’t miss the steps, they give and lead to extremely high efficiency and output. The costs and efforts required for the management and repair of these motors are also comparatively less. Servo motors are slightly different as compared to the stepper motors. They are actually the rotary actuators that help in gaining complete accuracy and precision for the purpose of controlling the angular position during the working of the motors. They are high performance motors and usually replace the stepper motors due to their high performances.One major advantage that the stepper motors have but servomotors don’t have is that the stepper motors are comparatively cheaper than the servomotors and hence tend to be more employed and used. Servo motors are also usually bigger and heavier than the stepper motors and are hence used mostly for heavy machinery and big equipments. One thing that amazes users is the intelligence factor that can be embedded for the servomotors. Servomotors can be made interesting and much more automated with certain developments and coding.They are commonly use for different applications including that of robotics and automated manufacturing. By comparing both these types of motors, we see that they both have their own characteristics and their own pros and cons. Though their working dynamics differ significantly, they still can be used at the same place. The final decision however lies on the requirement and the need for the efficiency, cost and size of the motor. Industries make use of both these motor types very frequently. Reference link: http://classof1. com/homework-help/engineering-homework-help
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) Research Paper
Divorce(should we reform laws to make it harder to get a divorce) - Research Paper Example However, there seems to be great differences in divorce activities among countries, due to variation in law. Historically, the divorce rate has been low in most of the Muslim countries, probably because of the traditional systems of organized marriages and polygamy. Despite of all these efforts, the divorce rates have soared in most of these countries as Women rebel their culture, and engage in businesses across the globe. There are various reasons attributed to cause divorce, ranging from economic and social factors among others. Over the past one decade, people have blamed economic inflations and recession, infidelity, domestic abuse, unusual close attachment to biological family, communication problems, lifestyle incompatibility, and failure to reach expectations among others. As a result, in the aftermath, it affects the families, children, and the communities, not only in the physical aspects, but also psychologically. Hence those seeking divorce and the law offering it should b e mindful of its negative consequences. Short term outcomes: These effects could develop in the process or immediately after the parents’ separation, probably in first two years. Some could occur and end completely, but others could keep reappearing based on the situations the children are engage in. First of all, there are those kids who feel responsible for their parents divorce, therefore, the guilt they have separates them from their parents, not knowing how to resolve the situation. Normally, the children who are always making their parents argue due to their irresponsibility or violence in their past, get to feel so. Remember the children’s personalities differ; hence as some feel guilty, others develop anger and resentment towards their parents for breaking up (â€Å"Effects of Divorce,† It is good to understand that children have different needs and in the surfacing of a divorce, they fail to understand why the two grown ups cannot resolve their
Friday, September 27, 2019
Toyota Airbag Defect Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Toyota Airbag Defect Analysis - Essay Example This latter phase comes on the backdrop of failures in denials. As a result, the firm takes to apology, compensation and repentance to retain client loyalty (Cornelissen and Erving, 2006). In this analysis, the various communication strategies used by the firm, in relation to the case under review, are looked into. Like other firms, it is often quite difficult to accept various claims that could negatively impact on the sustainability of the business operations of the firm under specific scenarios. In fact, some claims can easily be used by competitor firms to derail business operations of the rival firm. In this case, the denial strategy employed by the Toyota firm in refuting claims of defects in its systems clearly comes out (Toyota, 2014). This denial comes on the back of an analysis by the Safety Research Strategies Inc. (2014), which has successfully linked the systemic defects to 4 fatalities and 139 injuries. The various reasons behind such denials are further analyzed. Following denials and persistent occurrences of the same problem with the systems, firms often come back to give clarifications to their clients in a bid to maintain their loyalty and confidence in the firm’s services (Toyota, 2013). This low level of responsibility is seen in attempts by Toyota to clarify the nature of the defect, and the various models affected in their press release; dated April 11th, 2013. At this stage, the firm offers to recall and rectify the problem. At a higher level of responsibility, the firm, notably in its June 11th 2014 press release, further looks into freely replacing all affected airbags, and ensuring that such defects are not seen again. This final move is seen as a rectification strategy (Toyota, 2014). Through critical analysis, several economic and corporate theories are found to be applicable to the Toyota case. Notably, the positive accounting theory is applicable in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Effect of Teaching Style on Students Scores Essay
Effect of Teaching Style on Students Scores - Essay Example The results revealed no significant changes between the two groups of students when using the ANOVA but depicted elevated levels in 2009 using the MRT. The PCC test revealed some positive correlation between the sampled assessment test scores. Therefore the study demonstrates that teaching styles are correlated to the final scores among students hence innovative teaching style has a favorable consequence among the learners’. Conventional teaching techniques are increasing being viewed as deficient in terms of upholding extensive scholarship and lasting preservation of essential educational concepts. Additionally, these teaching processes are alleged of encouraging quiescent rather than active interactive scholarship (Meyers & Jones, 1993). The advent of sophisticated ICT learning tools has compelled hitherto conservative educationalists to adopt modern methods of teaching especially in the scientific fields of study of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology educatio n. Considerable research has proven the wisdom of assimilating these innovative techniques, as growth have been demonstrated in the education milieu particularly in adult education (Hein & Irvine, 2004). Kolb (1985) in his pragmatic learning cycle claimed that a learner undergoes various stages of knowledge sequence; whereby there is a certain foremost useful stage that is conducive to instruction and understanding. DePorter (1992) further observed that perceived disparities in a student learning style are often caused by ‘a conflict.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Way to quick smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Way to quick smoking - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to discuss ways to quit smoking. Smoking is a very unhealthy that can lead to lung cancer and other health problems. According to the American Lung Association every year over 460,000 American citizens die from cigarette smoking (Lungusa). The faster a person decides the quit greater the chance the individual has to increase his / her lifespan. Quitting smoking is very difficult. One of the first things a person that makes the decision to quit should do is to look for a support group of friends and family to help them along the process. There are actual withdraw symptoms associated with getting of cigarettes. Some of these symptoms include: anxiety, nervousness, depression, sleeping disorders, attention deficit, hunger, and inability to concentrate among others. I have a cousin that has quit 3 times and he has always come back to the cigarette. He provided with a real life example of the reality that quitting smoking is extremely difficult. There are ways to quit smoking. Four products available in the marketplace to help a smoker get of the cigarettes are pills, nicotine patches, nicotine gum and electronic cigarettes. Two of the most commonly used pills to quit smoking are Zyban and Chantix. These must be prescribed by a doctor. A person attempting to quit smoking along with a support group should seek the assistance and advice of medical professional to help the person along in the process. Nicotine patches and pills are available over the counter and represent a cheap substitute that can help the person along in the process because it is proving the active ingredient in the cigarette, nicotine, which makes people so addicted. Electronic cigarettes are the newest method to quit smoking. The product has become very popular in Europe and most manufacturers of this alternative solution are Chinese based companies. The electronic cigarette is basically a
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Health inequalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Health inequalities - Essay Example 49). The U.K. Government’s open commitment to deal with health inequality concerns entailed a structure of detailed policies, strengthened by a tough and motivated objective. The Government focused on the neediest population, with the neediest primary care trusts (PCTs) to get 70% more financial support than the least needy in 2009-10 (DH, Tackling Health Inequalities: 2007 Status Report on the Programme for Action). Between 1995-97 and 2005-07, the average life expectancy for the entire UK populace has notably amplified: the male population with an additional 3.1 years and the females with a further 2.1 years. For the most needy and health-deprived areas, there has been a life expectancy boost of 2.9 years for males and 1.9 years for females. Statistics on infant mortality have remarkably decreased in the last decade with 5.6 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births in 1995–97 to 4.7 mortalities for every 1,000 live births in 2005–07 for all individuals belongi ng to socio-economic groups (DH, Tackling Health Inequalities: 2005–07 Policy and Data Update for the 2010 National Target). Social and Economic Factors Social and economic factors adversely affect the health of British individuals. Health inequalities are caused by quality-of-life factors, such as education, employment position, housing, income, poverty, socio economic class and healthcare access (â€Å"Health Inequalities: A Third Report of Session 2008-09†par. 49). There are two vital insights on the causes of health disparities. First, that socioeconomic status has indirect influence on health through intermediary aspects that take a more direct impact on health. These aspects comprise environmental hazards (poor living and housing conditions, risks incurred at work, road and neighbourhood dangers) and psychosocial elements (uncooperative/unsupportive family relations, or stressful daily living) (Graham 7). Another significant insight is that these intermediary as pects are unevenly dispensed, with the young and adult population living in poor and disadvantaged conditions more vulnerable to multiple health complexities, such as health-unsafe environments and health-harmful behaviours (Barker). Individuals belonging to the higher socioeconomic groups have greater opportunities in employment, comfortable living and housing conditions and better health opportunities than those in the lower group (White et al). Death risks are higher for the poorer groups. The health of individuals in a few marginal cultural communities is poorer than those belonging to the higher class (Diamond). Mortality and life expectancy levels in both social classes show the widening gap brought about by health inequalities (White et al). The Black Report The Black Report, also known as the Report of the Working Group on Inequalities in Health, was published in August 1980. The report has been influential in maintaining health inequalities at the frontline of UK’ s public health schema. It presented evidences that poor health and death are one-sidedly distributed among the less-inopportune UK population, and implied that these inequities have not weakened but intensified into a more serious problem since the founding of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. The Black Report made a conclusion that failure of the NHS to address this concern did not cause disparities
Monday, September 23, 2019
Zynga Inc Strategic Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Zynga Inc Strategic Plan - Case Study Example Being originally known as Zynga Game Network Inc., the company changed her name in November, 2010 to Zynga Inc. Zynga specializes in simulating virtual games as live services on the internet, social networking sites such as Facebook, and on mobile platforms. Today, Zynga provides a wide variety of games under the names; The Firm Ville, City Ville, Firm Ville 2, Chef Ville, castle Ville, Zynga Poker, Words With Friends, Scramble With Friends, draw Something, Bubble Safari, Mafia Wars, Ayakashi, Horn, and Respawnables. All these games are provided on Facebook, mobile platforms and other social networking sites. The games are also present on Zynga.Com, Google+, Tencent, Apple iOS and Google Android (Raice, 2012). The company has registered great success in the recent past with a total customer base of about 83, million monthly active users from all over the earth in the year 2010. Her collaboration with the most popular social networks in the world today has been the main reason behind the success of in her business. Zynga remains top among the most proffered internet games providers among many users from all over the world despite the numerous challenges that has been facing her in the near past. The company is as well among the leading employers in the region and in the world in general. As per February 25th report on the company’s employee database, the company was employing a total of 3,058 persons from across the world. Zynga has put down measures to boost her network and consequently her income earnings across the world following the tremendous drop registered in her performance in the year 2012. The company is operating on a five- fold strategic mode which includes; 1) the company is looking forward to expanding her global user community by exploiting regions which have not been fully accessed by the services offered here. This expansion aims at reaching out to all customers from all locations over the earth’s surface, especially focusing on t he less penetrated geographical locations such as Brazil, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. Growing the user number is the company’s key strategic mission. 2) The company has also embarked on building other great products to increase global engagement in the gaming systems. This will include the key components of the company including; the company advisers, the product users, product developers and other company stakeholders. This is to be gained by improving the quality of key products on the social media and networking sites such as timeline and ticker besides enabling new network applications and integrating the existing websites. 3) The company looks forward to providing users with the most compelling and outstanding experience during their gaming missions. This is aimed at improving customer experience and increase participation across the world via the social networking sites. 4) Alongside all these the company is making investments to help her build a mor e engaging mobile experience as the most upcoming and lucrative capital system for current and future exploitation. This is key as the company has realized the increasing use of mobile platforms for online gaming and access channels across the globe. Internet access through mobile, platforms has outgrown the use of computers over time. This has become a lucrative site for reaching as many customers as possible over time and space. 5) Lastly, the company aims at creating a suitable environment for her developers to build great social products using the Facebook platform. Facebook has grown to become the worlds most cherished and used social site wing almost everyone in the world having full time access to her valuable
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Vanity Fair & Male Vanity Essay Example for Free
Vanity Fair Male Vanity Essay Through the course of history as gender relates to either sex, the flamboyance of either gender is dependent upon culture. The male birds of the Amazon are typically more colorful than their female counterparts, and their mating dance is very unique in its structure, and the female for her part does not have to ‘go through the loops’ of such ritual as the male does. This is true for other animals as well from the battle of rams to the dolphin fights in the ocean; the importance of strength and beauty has dominated the sexual history of animals. This is also true for the human race, and in no other culture and time in history as in the Victorian culture is the human male more ‘colorful’ than the female. The idea of vanity as it is expressed in Vanity Fair will be explored throughout this essay. William Makepeace Thackeray explores this concept in his characters and how vanity, or the ‘color’ of the male gender in the Victorian culture, is the motif of everyday living for such protagonists. This idea will be presented in this essay will textual support from Vanity Fair as well as Laura George’s article The Emergence of the Dandy and Russell A. Fraser’s Pernicious Casuistry: A Study of Character in Vanity Fair. Throughout the course of the novel, Thackeray employs the recurrent theme of the â€Å"dandy†or as George states, â€Å"†¦sparks, fops, beaux, swells, coxcombs, popinjays, macaroni, butterflies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (George 2), a term that can be used to describe â€Å"men who aspire to be genteel. †The dandy was envisioned by a man who went by the name of George Beau Brummell, as George states, â€Å"†¦Brummell frequently represented all that was abjected by modern masculinity: love of fashion, of fabric, of the shape and cut of one’s clothes. Brummell himself bore a complex relationship to the emerging regime of masculine fashionable austerity†(George 1). By focusing upon this concept of the dandy and the effects it can have upon an individual’s personality, Thackeray decides to focus upon his male characters, Joseph Sedley and George Osborne, in particular. While the other characters within the novel are capable of accepting whatever amount of dandyism they might have, it is these two characters that remain transfixed upon their ability to maintain being dandy, which ultimately lead them to their unfortunate deaths. They were too consumed with thoughts about appearance both physically and socially to the extent it affected their ability to function in the world of â€Å"Vanity Fair†. In other words, these characters are seen being prime examples of how Thackeray’s novel is concerned with how each â€Å"character’s presentation will determine their success or failure†. Soon after Thackeray introduces his readers to the world of Vanity Far, the reader learns too quickly that these characters belonging to the middle class aspire to be part of the aristocracy hence the role of the dandy coming into play. It has often been said that the â€Å"aristocratic dandies, is at once a unique person- the model of dandyhood for all time- an embodiment of a common middle-class fantasy of aristocratic distinction†( Cole, 137), which is why we see many of Thackeray’s characters constantly finding opportunities to better themselves, and their rank in society. Sir Rawdon Crawley, for example, was the one of few characters belonging to the aristocracy and was happily willing to give it up when he married Miss Rebecca Sharp. In the passage, â€Å"By these attentions, the veteran rake, Rawdon Crawley, found himself coveted into a very happy submissive married man†(191) indicates that while Joseph Sedley and George Osborne would be unhappy had they lost their rank in society, Thackeray illustrates at how some people are content with the simpler things in life, things not involving money. The dandy or in the case of Vanity Fair, Sedly and Osborne were distracted by other things in life, despite their apparent unimportance to livelihood and more to do with ambiance, as George states of the dandy (and as it illustrates the dandy’s vanity in Thackeray’s novel); There are traces of the man of fashion as ‘thing’ usage earlier, but the habit seems to coalesce around the time of the Restoration, and for good reason. Throughout the tumultuous seventeenth century, the relations between masculinity and fashion were violently contested, as the various Stuart courts were accused of conspicuous consumption, luxury, and effeminacy (along with a regrettable tendency to belive in their own divine rights); as Puritans pointed to the theological meanings of clothes; as domestic texatile manufactourers (as opposed to traders) sought an economic voice; and as the stakes and status of imported fabrics changed. It was in this context, as David Kuchta has argues, that Charles II adopted the three piece suit as the new sartorial model for masculinity (George 4) Joseph Sedley is the epitome of a dandy in Thackeray’s novel, and he illustrates of each of these points made by George. It seems that the gaining of wealth is the main preoccupation of the characters in Thackeray’s novel, and it was with the dandy that this wealth was displayed best to the public. Joseph Sedley’s nickname in the novel is ‘Waterloo Sedley’ because of his uncanny obsession with the Duke of Wellington. It seems that throughout the novel, Joseph Sedley, attaches himself to nobility purely on the grounds of their nobility as he relates himself with Lord Tapeworm despite his impecunious state merely because he is a lord. Joseph Sedley pays extra attention to his appearance, more so than the pages describing the women getting prepared to go out. In all, the essence of a dandy is one whose ego is larger than his humility and this is exceedingly true for Joseph Sedley as he does not concern himself with other’s judgments (except if they are noble) and eats and drinks and parties in a constant orgy around London (when he is in London). He does not like military life and is said to quaver at the sound of a canon at one point in the novel. Joseph Sedley fears any authority figure who could cut him down in front of nobility (such as his father) and he only pays attention to his own appearance and not to any politics, or other socially engaging conversation. Also, Joseph Sedley’s egoism is so large and his dandy state corresponds to this that he does not change throughout the course of the novel. Joseph Sedley believes that his state of being is appropriate and he is happy being who and what he is to care to change. It is through this fault of being a dandy and having such a large ego and such a selfish personality that Becky is able to ensnare him into marriage. With Rawdon Crawley’s rejection of the aristocratic ideal, Thackeray uses this to portray the idea of the dandy being solely a middle-class virtue. It appears that this â€Å" flamboyant aristocratic model of the eighteenth century was gradually rejected and supplanted by a restored and virtuous†(Reed) high class, which is why characters like Lord Steyne can still be considered dandy without sacrificing their own ideals; even though, he tries to exude his fantasies of Rebecca. Again, none of his actions can be compared to those of George Osborne. For example, when Dobbin publicly embarrasses George about the lack of affection he has towards his fiancee Amelia, George decides to prove his affections by purchasing a gift for his dear Amelia. Although George’s act of kindness is provoked as a gesture to prove his feelings for Amelia to the ever judgmental William Dobbin, he still decides to pursue what Thackeray displays as being a mockery of the middle-class gentleman. A true gentleman would not need to borrow money from his friend as George is seen doing when deciding to buy Amelia’s gift, to a man he is already trying to prove himself. George’s inability to conjure up the sufficient funds indicates his lack of knowledge of what it means to be dandy. In order to truly exude the essence of being a dandy, the use of flamboyance displayed in clothing as well as a countenounce of style must be utilized, which it seems George lacks as his countenance is spurred by jealousy and a certain essence of revenge and a little pride in his buying Amelia a gift, not as a dandy would buy a gift for the purpose of sharing their flamboyance but more to prove another man wrong, which is more ‘white-collar’ than noble (as the nobility in the definition of the dandy was the main element in society they wanted to portray). Here it seems that George, in the analogy of the animal kingdom and the male having to display his power and beauty in order to waylay other men from taking his choice in female, George is truly playing the part of the dominant male. Thus, his definition of a dandy may be split in half. His actions speak towards being too masculine and paying too much attention to the jealousy and revenge and pride in his nature on how much he loves his girl, while the other part of him is paying strict attention to his dandy nature in him buying her a gift in order to win her affections, thus ‘dancing’ for her. However it is in his intentions with the gift that George can most decidedly not be a dandy. In order to have a true lack of definition of a dandy to apply to George Osborne, a more thorough review of the main definition of a dandy is needed, as George writes, Anxieties about young sparks selling land in order to waste money on the transitory notions of fashion date at least to the Renaissance, but in the wake of the Puritan Commonwealth and in the midst of concern about Stuart affiliations with the French court, the political stakes of fashionable choices seemed particularly stark†¦Addison and Steel were particularly annoyed by the fops who troubled boundaries they were working to stabilize. That is, as fashionable consumption enriched manufacturers and shopkeepers at the expense of the aristocracy, Addison and Steele sough tot portray fashion itself as feminine in particular ways: as prone to ungovernable appetites, unreasonable fancies, and as generally wasting in its seductive powers. Men who gave into its allure risked becoming feminine, or risked losing their humanity altogether. The figure of the Romantic –era dandy, then, addressed old concerns, stirred up old fears, and challenged strongly defended distinctions between masculinity and fashion (George 5). According then to this statement, George’s obsession with proving himself to his fellow male friends would put him the category of half a dandy as he does not display all of the necessary traits that being a true dandy entails. However, it is his vanity that truly defines George’s personality. His vanity on how he will appear to his friends is what initiates his gift-giving and thus, it is vanity that is the main propellant to this character’s impetus on most of his actions in the course of the novel. His vanity in his own ego just like Sedley’s drives this character forward in Thackeray’s work, and it is vanity which engulfs him in relationship with Amelia. By failing to exhibit many of the traits of what defines a gentleman throughout the novel, George is seen trying to hold on to this idea of being a dandy, a trait he obviously lacks. It is in his pursuits that Thackeray appears to be a making a mockery of George and what he believes makes him superior to his much hated rival, Rebecca. However, the two of them are very much alike, each character is seen as taking advantage of each opportunity to better their position in society, and it is their pursuits that Thackeray allows the English class system to shine through in his novel. For instance, when Rebecca is seen writing a letter to her beloved Amelia about her first encounter with Rawdon Crawley where she writes â€Å"Your Indian Muslin and your pink silk, dearest Amelia, are said to become me very well. They are a good deal worn now; but you know, we poor girls cannot afford des fraiches toilettes†(Thackeray 115), Thackeray has her ending the letter with the story of her scarf. This scarf does not represent a gift, but a class distinction. He wants to remind his audience of the different privileges available to the middle class, and it is through the use of the dandy that his message is conveyed. In Rebecca’s position as a â€Å"penniless governess†her only exposure to anything Indian would be this scarf that Amelia herself did not want. This scarf appears to be Amelia indirectly displaying her thoughts of the lower class believing them to only be worthy of her trashâ€â€or it could also be her tactless manner and her own inability to see beyond the scope of her own world and thus her giving this as a gift is her ignorance being displayed in Thackeray’s novel and how privileged women are not always the smartest despite their positions. Interestingly, Rebecca took it as an act of kindness, and as something of value. It appears that by her taking advantage of the scarf it is her way of holding on to some piece of the middle class, her wearing of the garment is a way to fool people of the reality of her situation. Despite her tactless manner, it seems that Amelia is one of the only redeeming character’s in Vanity Fair, again this may be attributed to her ignorance, as Fraser writes
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Nature and Nature in Cognitive Development Essay Example for Free
Nature and Nature in Cognitive Development Essay Why are both nature and nurture important in perceptual development? How do both help a baby’s brain and sensory organs to develop?  The question of whether nature or nurture is more important in terms of perceptual development has bee long debated. In general, there are two theories that explain how humans develop these perceptions. The Nativists claim that our brains are built or hardwired to recognize certain stimuli by both design and construction. In contrast, an Empiricist would say that we learn through experience how to perceive things. There was an experiment done by Nativist researchers that sought to determine how very young mammals are able to perceive. The data concluded that early infants were able to perceive quite a lot before they really had a chance to learn anything. Gibson and Walk’s the â€Å"visual cliff†experiment was one such experiment, in this test both young animals and 6 month old human infants were taken to a side of a visual cliff, the test subjects would avoid the clearly deep drop. This indicated that children can perceive visual depth and that visual depth dominates even touch information. Additionally, studies have been done that show babies can recognize faces and that they often prefer the visual stimulation of carton faces as opposed to the same features arranged at random. In other tests it was shown that babies can also recognize whether or not and object is coming directly at their face or not. These experiments show that even the undeveloped infant brain has considerable capacity for perceptual capabilities. In contrast, several Empiricists experiments have been done as well. In one such study, scientists sought to determine the effects of depriving developing animals from perceptual stimulations. These tests have consistently shown that the longer the subject is deprived, the more severe the consequences. For example, humans are sometimes born without sight, due to a clouded cornea. Later in life some elect to have surgery to repair this clouded cornea. The result is sight, these people can see but they cannot perceive what it is that they see. As time goes on they slowly learn to distinguish one object from another, but this is however quite easily interrupted. Often changing an objects position or context is quite enough to slow down or prevent recognition. To conclude, although some argue that perception is due to nature, while others argue for nurture, it may in fact be that the two factors are interdependent and rely on each other. Support for this idea comes from an experiment that studied rats and found that those raised in a perceptually restricted environment had smaller brain development than those raised in an enriched environment, suggesting that while we are born with innate capabilities we need the environment to ensure we develop our abilities to perceive well. The perceptual capabilities we have at birth must be strengthened continuously through perceptual stimulation, furthermore, it would seem that perception in general follows the use it or lose it principle. Just as unused muscles become week, so to do our senses if left unused. Nature and nurture are both essential to health y perceptual development; stimulation begins in the womb and quickly follows all the way through adulthood. Sources . Nature and Nurture in Perceptual Development. . Web. 11 Feb 2013. . Experiencing Sensation and Perception. . Web. 11 Feb 2013. 15.pdf. Arterberry, M. Perceptual Development. . Colby College. Web. 11 Feb 2013. development.pdf.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Characteristics of Experimental Research
Characteristics of Experimental Research 1) Hatties (2003) participants were classified as experienced or expert according to the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards certification process. This process is based on the best available evidence of what constitutes high standards of teaching and learning and has been rigorously researched and evaluated. On the boards website it says All of the research contributes to understanding and improving the National Board Certification process. Yet, it is misleading to draw major conclusions about the overall value and impact of National Board Certification based solely on individual studies. No single study or small group of studies can effectively describe the range of impact of the National Board Certification process. (see They stop short of saying that the research proves that accreditation improves the quality of teaching and learning and this is in accord to with what Johnson and Christensen (2008) say you [should] eliminate the word prove from your vocabulary when you are talking about research? p22 What does Johnson and Christensen (2008) mean and why are the NBPST so modest about their claims? On the contrary to the misunderstandings by many that a hypothesis can be tested and proven to be true through research, Johnson and Christensen (2008) asserts that research is not a tool based on which a phenomena can be proved to be true. It is a systematic process which acquires data of a relevant topic or an issue, analyses the data, interprets and reports information. Research helps to understand a particular assumption or a claim to be reasonable, unreasonable or assist to understand the reality. Johnson and Christensen (2008) chapters one, two and three helps to understand that there are two approaches to research: qualitative and quantitative research, which have led to different methods of inquiry in order to understand what is to be true or what constitute reality. Hatties (2003) research indicates the importance of educational research in understanding the important factors contributing to teaching and learning. However, as each educational setting differs from another, ed ucators need to be able to read and to interpret research findings to their own contexts to be able to have better implications. According to Johnson and Christensen (2008), and McMillan (2004), educators also need to be able to question the quality of the research and take into consideration the credibility of the research and the usefulness of the outcomes in making informed decisions about teaching and learning in their own contexts. Johnson and Christensen (2008) suggest that better judgment cannot be based on a single or small sample research studies but multiple studies using mixed methods research methods. Generalizing the research outcomes in to the educational settings needs to be based on the quality and the nature of study taken place, participants and the research methods used and comparing other studies to see if there are any correlating conclusion on previous studies 2) What is the key defining characteristic of experimental research? Active manipulation of an independent variable is the key defining characteristic of an experimental research. The characteristic of experimental research is where the researcher objectively observes a phenomena which is made to occur in a strictly controlled situation where one or more variables are systematically changed by manipulation. Active manipulation is not involved in any other types of research. Because of this à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦experimental research provides the strongest evidence of all the research methods about the existence of cause and effect relationships (Johnson, Christensen 2008,p.41) 3) A researcher discovered that students who studied mathematics at University scored higher on a test of problem solving ability at the end of their degree than students who did not. The researcher argued that the study of mathematics should be encouraged because it improves a students ability to solve problems What type of design is this? Do you agree with the researchers conclusion? Give reasons. What type of design is this? Quantitative, causal-comparative research design. Do you agree with the researchers conclusion? Give reasons. Do not agree with the research conclusion. Johnson Christensen suggesrts that a well design experimental research is virtually always better for determining cause and effect than causal-comparative research or any other type of non experimental research(p.43). Due to the fact that non experimental research does not allow for manipulation of independent variables and weaker techniques of controlling extraneous variables, cause and effect relationships are unable to be substantiated. Cause and effect is better explained in experimental research than in causal-comparative research (pp.43, 48). According to Johnson Christensen (2008.pp.43-48), and McMillan (2004. P194), there are times that causal-comparative research necessary to be conducted. The purpose of this research intended to be to investigate causal relationships when an experiment is not possible. However, the research needs to have prior research evidence to substantiate or validate claims made by the research been conducted. Causal comparative research needs to demonstrate that all extraneous variables are being recognized and considered for an impartial conclusion. Due to the fact that the existing groups are used in the comparison, attention needs to be given to the possible differences in characteristics and other factors which might influence the research outcome. Causal comparative research often fails to demonstrate the influences of extraneous variables on the research participants. 4) Contrast the main characteristics of phenomenological and ethnographic approaches to research. Give an illustration of how each approach could be applied to questions that are relevant to your workplace Phenomenological and ethnographical research approaches are two of five Qualitative research methods and all of which share some common characteristics. Phenomenology understands the essence of experience. Phenomenological study focuses on how research participants experience certain phenomena. The researchers describe and interpret the experience of the participants in order to understand their own perspectives of the phenomenon. As Merleau-Ponty (1962) states, We can only really understand phenomenology by doing it there is a difference between comprehending phenomenology intellectually and understanding it from the inside (van Manen 1984). (Observation: a complex research method.(Ethnological methods). Ethnographic research however, is not about individual perception or experience, its about a group perceptions, people or a cultural belonging or social norms. Ethnographic study intends to provide in-depth descriptions and identification of cultural norms or values such as attitudes, practices and norms among a group of people. The researchers include a holistic account in describing how a someone become a part of a group: how they interact and how they identify themselves as a group. Ethnography at the work place would identify how the team operates within the work environment; the identity of the team; common practices which would identify the characteristic of the team. Ethnography enables people to adapt or adopt to be part of the work environment; to belong to the team. Phenomenology would identify how individuals operate and perceives situations, concepts and issues. It helps to analyse personal experiences of different individuals. E.g. how one person experience or understands an issue or a concept might be different to another person. Therefore the experience and the interpretations are different. 5) In his paper, Hattie (2003) draws upon a number of lines of evidence to show that it is what teachers do that makes a difference to student outcomes, and he then reports on a study which attempts to show what expert teachers do. Firstly, he alludes to studies that employ Hierarchical Linear Modeling techniques which demonstrate that what teachers do has an important impact on student learning (see page 1). Next, he describes the results of a series of Meta Analyses which show that different the sorts of activities which teachers do have different effects on student learning (see page 3). Then, he reports on the results of a literature review which identifies the characteristics of expert teachers (see page 5). Finally, he describes a study (see page 10) which demonstrates that these characteristics can in fact differentiate between expert and merely experienced teachers. In other words he has shown that these are meaningful characteristics and are therefore things that teachers should aspire to as they are markers of high standards of teaching and learning. The following table shows the forms of data which Hattie (2003) used in his study to assess the 15 dimensions they used to distinguish expert from experienced teachers. Name the research paradigm he used in this study and describe its advantages. Which specific type of design did he employ (please give reasons for your choice?) The Research paradigm Hattie (2003) uses is the Mixed methods research Design, a combination of Qualitative and Quantitative research methods. In his study, Hattie identifies meaningful characteristics and proposes a paradigm, a view that teachers should aspire to become expert teachers as opposed to becoming experienced in order to promote better outcomes for teaching and learning. He distinguishes the expert and the experienced teacher, and the influence they have on childrens learning outcomes. He arrived at these conclusions by using Mixed method research model in order to demonstrate credibility of his study and the research outcome. The research framework used by a researcher is important as it guides the research and it affects the research outcomes. The quality of a research depends on the methods of data collection, and the quality is influenced and enhanced by multiple methods of data collection. If only one method of research is used, the research findings might be influen ced by the limitations of the techniques used and therefore considered as a weaker study and the limitations needs to be explained. Multiple methods allow for credibility and strengthens the research outcome therefore allows for a strong proposition of the study being conducted. Johnson and Christensen 2004, (p.51) suggest using multiple perspectives and research methods in a single study strengthens the purpose of the study and provides clarity and credibility compared to a study used a single research methodology. Although different research methods have its own strengths and weaknesses, the researchers ability to use the mixed method design successfully prevents the research outcomes showing overlapping weaknesses. The fundamental process of mixed method research suggests it is wise to collect multiple sets of data using different research methods and approaches in such a way that the resulting mixture or combination has complementary strength and non overlapping weaknesses (p.51 ). As Johnson and Christensen suggest that an experimental research is able to better demonstrate causality but limited in realism due to the experimental setting that the research is being conducted. Realism is well demonstrated in ethnographic studies where the researcher is able to observe participants in their natural settings but limited in demonstrating causality compared to the experimental methodologies. As Hatties study consist of a variety of methods, it suggest a strong validity for his findings and therefore able to use it as an argument proposing that teacher needs to aspire to become experts in promoting better learning outcomes for children. 6) Identify the research topic(s), research problem(s), research purpose(s) and research question(s) in Brighton and Hertbergs (2004). Brighton, C., M. Hertberg, H., L. (2004). Reconstructing the vision: Teachers responses to the invitation to change. Research in Middle Level Education Online, 27(2), 1-20. Identify the research topic(s), Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Response; Educational Change; Classroom Techniques; Instructional Innovation; Attitude Change; Teaching Models variety of factors, including teachers pre-existing beliefs about teaching and learning, and teachers willingness and capacity for reflection greatly influence their responses to differentiation in heterogeneous, middle school classrooms. Research problem(s), Many teachers in these settings downplay the differences among the students and teach to the middle, not catering for childrens individual needs Not catering for increasingly diverse student population heterogeneously grouped classrooms are consistent with middle school philosophy as well as recommendations from leading middle school advocacy groups, Educational philosophy Research purpose(s) Address the variation in student academic readiness, interests, and learning profiles. . Research question(s) 1. What are teachers responses to the invitation to change their beliefs and practices to better address students academic diversity? 2. What patterns of teachers responses to this invitation emerge? 7) The Director of a local Preschool wants to know whether children should begin the day with a flag raising ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem. Is this a researchable question as stated? Why or why not? If not, how might you modify it to become one? Is this a researchable question as stated? No Why or why not? It is unethical Best practice of educational research is to avoid questions which are sensitive to moral and ethical principles and practices, and should not be subjected to empirical research for solutions. Flag and the National Anthem inform nationhood and identity of a country and a group of people. Therefore, suggesting whether the flag should be raised is unethical and unethical questions are inappropriate to be researched. Christenson and Johnson states these ideas typically involves making judgments of aesthetics, morality and religions(p.64).what is morally right, and proper and improper differs from one culture to another culture. The directors intention to raise the flag and to sing the national Anthem has potential to foster a sense of cultural identity within the preschool community. One could question which flag will be raised? What is the dynamic of the preschool setting? What is the contributing factor to initiate such a practice? Is the whole community represented with one flag? Is the flag representative of all cultures or a particular group? Is it going to foster unity or divide? What is the purpose of this suggestion? Individual beliefs and practices are influenced by the cultural practices and the society that people are part of and these beliefs and values are instilled from an early age. People are therefore sense and feel differently about issues and practices. Raising the flag and singing the National Anthem is culturally specific and the need to initiate such a ceremony needs to be clearly explained. Searching for ethics provided a valuable article which is worth mentioning, perhaps not directly relevant to the question being asked, yet provides an insight about humanity. Recent Russian history should have put to rest the view that everything is learned and man is infinitely malleable. After 75 years of cruel tyranny during which every effort was made to destroy civil society to create the New Soviet Man, we learn that people kept civil society alive, if not well. The elemental building blocks of that society were not isolated individuals easily trained to embrace any doctrine or adopt any habits; they were families, friends, and intimate groupings in which sentiments of sympathy, reciprocity, and fairness survived and struggled to shape behaviorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..Mankinds moral sense is not a strong beacon light, radiating outward to illuminate in sharp outline all that it touches. It is, rather, a small candle flame, casting vague and multiple shadows, flickering and sputtering i n the strong winds of power and passion, greed and ideology. But brought close to the heart and cupped in ones hands, it dispels the darkness and warms the soul. The moral sense: presidential address, American Political Science Association, 1992. American Political Science Review 87.n1 (March 1993): pp1(11). If not, how might you modify it to become one? Children growing up knowing and singing the National Anthem and being part of flag raising ceremonies can be positive experiences.. One way the question can be modified to reflect the preschool program is to focus on the routine by explaining the reason for such a proposition and to explain how this will be carried out. Question: Dear parents and families, Would you like to give permission for your child to participate in a morning routine where the children will have the opportunity to raise the flag and to sing the National Anthem? Through this experience the children will have the opportunity to become familiar with the National Anthem and will have the opportunity participate in the practical experience of raising the flag. Children will do this by being part of small groups and will have turns in raising the flag on different days. Please circle yes or no or feel free to write any comments as your inputs are valuable to our program. Yes No Other comments:______________________________________ 8) How do quantitative and qualitative research questions differ in structure? In quantitative research, the questions are clearly and consciously articulated to communicate what will be studied. An important aspect of the question formulation is to convey the information about the variables which will be investigated. Knowing or understanding the variable is an important element in quantitative studies. An example of a quantitative question would be Do children from low socio economic families, who attend preschool programs five days a week develop fluent writing skills compared to who do not? In the quantitative studies, the question will specify or name the variables and often may explain how they may be related in single statements. Qualitative studies, like quantitative research involves looking at a general problem. However structuring of specific statements and questions differ greatly. Purpose and the logic of questions differ compared to quantitative questions. Qualitative questions are more open ended, general, and does not involves variables. As an example, What can preschool teachers do to enhance childrens literacy learning? In general, qualitative questions are more open ended and quantitative questions are close ended. (Johnson Christensen, McMillan 2004) 9) An investigator wishes to identify the factors that predict persistence in problem solving tasks. In an application to the Ethics committee he describes a study in which observations are made of preschool children who are given 5 minutes to solve a puzzle. However, in reality the puzzle has no solution. What are the major ethical issues raised by this study and what procedures should the experimenter employ to comply with ethical standards? Child development and early child hood education and care literatures inform that childrens ability to complete tasks or to engage in problem solving experiences are guided by their environments, the adults around them, their moods, interests and many other factors of the times. A childs ability to persist cannot be measured by a 5 minutes observation with manipulating a puzzle. Childrens skills and abilities vary according to their developmental stages and the opportunities they have with learning experiences. Each child is unique in his or her developmental status. Perhaps the research could have focused on childrens ability to concentrate in tasks by providing a number of activities for children to choose from and by observing their attention with the chosen activity. Johnson and Christensen states many of the tests that are used with preschool children are referred to as screening tests rather than intelligence tests or academic achievement tests primarily because the predictive validity of many of the preschool tests is weak (p160). Therefore, an achievement test of puzzle and problem solving is not appropriate for a preschool age group. Procedures that the experimenter needs to employ to comply with ethical standards: The researcher needs to have informed consent from the participants, and in this case from parents or guardians, and given the purpose of the study, procedures, risks, benefits, alternative procedures and limits of confidentiality. 10) The purpose of this question is to start you thinking more deeply about an area of practice that interests and to introduce you and your interests to the group. This will enable individuals with similar interests to find one other and begin working cooperatively designing studies in subsequent modules qualitative (Module 3), non-experimental quantitative (Module 4) and experimental studies (Module 5). Please note that you are not bound by what you write here, you can change your area of interest at any time during the unit. Briefly describe please give a brief, informative and relevant title to your area of interest School readiness or transition to school programs in early childhood education an area of practice that you would like to research parents expectations of children being ready for school in early childhood settings, concepts and beliefs around the topic, Education Departments suggestions of preferred skills and knowledge as the children start school some problems that are relevant to the ongoing debate in the area some parents expect that their children to be able to write their names and know the alphabet before commencing school early childhood education in the longs day care settings and the teaching methods employed in the preschool settings parents assumptions of learning occurs at preschool and care is provided at the early child hood settings 11) Compile a literature review: On-line database searching skills Before you begin this question you should read the Finding resources module and follow the links to the Librarys support documents. Of particular interest are Library research methods: Educational Studies and, depending on your area of interest, either Researching a topic: Early Childhood Education or Researching a topic: Education Conduct four searches using Macquarie Librarys information sources (ie catalogue or on-line databases recommended for Education or Early Childhood Education) for information about your area of research interest and summarise your experience in the table below (NB this is adapted from the Research Log contained in Library research methods: Educational Studies). Briefly comment on any difficulties you faced and any strategies you might use to improve the results of subsequent searches. Search # Source Catalogue eg: MU Library Catalogue Database eg: ERIC Search Type Basic or Advanced Keyword Subject Author Search Strategy Search terms Operators (and, or) Limits Truncation Total # of hits Related terms i.e.: Descriptors Subject headings Preferred terms 1 Eric database CSA illumina Basic Key word search 16738 School readiness 2 Eric database CSA illumina Advanced, key word search Full text, Peer reviewed articles, Boolean search and or, Limit to 2009-2010, Truncation Child*, preschool* 399 Transition to school Writing skills Early learning Early childhood 3 A+ Education Informit Advanced, key word search Full text, Peer reviewed articles, Boolean search and or, Limit to 2005-2010, Truncation early childhood education* 30 School readiness Writing skills Early childhood education Preschool education 4 Expanded Academic Asap database Infotrac provider Advanced, key word search Boolean search and or Limited to Full text, peer reviewed articles All dates Truncation children* 2 literacy learning transition to school Preschool children literacy learning Comments: Need more practice on using the truncations effectively. Question Learning outcome Source 1 Understands the scientific approach to knowledge generation in terms of the basic assumptions of science, scientific method, building and testing theories and the central role that evidence plays in the process [K1.1]. Chapter 1 pp 16-23 2 Can describe the key characteristics of experimental research [K3.1]. Chapter 2, pp 41- 3 Understands the characteristics of the various types of non-experimental quantitative approaches to educational research and why it is difficult use the results of such designs to make definitive statements about cause and affect [K3.2]. Chapter 2, pp 43- 4 Understands the characteristics of the five main types of qualitative research and how they can be used to address educational problems [K3.4]. Chapter 2, pp 48- 5 Understands the types of mixed research approaches, their strengths and the contexts in which they are appropriate [K3.5]. Chapter 2 pp 51-52 Chapter 16 pp 446-448 6 Understands how research ideas are developed [K1.2]. Chapter 3 pp63-64, pp74-80 7 Understands that certain types of ideas are not directly researchable although such ideas may be able to be researched indirectly [K1.3]. Chapter 3, p 64 8 Understands how researchers define research problems, describe the purpose of their study, and develop research appropriate questions and how this process is different depending on whether the research is qualitative or quantitative in nature [K1.4]. Chapter 3 pp 74-80 9 Is aware of the ethical principles that shape and guide the research process (eg informed consent, deception, freedom to withdraw, protection from mental or physical harm, confidentiality and anonymity) and can identify which principles apply in a variety of research scenarios [K7.1] Chapter 5 10 Knows how research evidence contributes to knowledge about education policy and practice [K1.5]. Can identify critical issues which warrant further investigation [A2.1]. 11 Knows how to access existing stores of knowledge [K2.1]. Can explore the literature relating to particular aspects of professional practice [A1.1].
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Neanderthal Extinction Essay -- Anthropology Essays Paleontology Paper
Neanderthal Extinction  Neanderthals and modern humans coexisted for well over 100,000 years. Then suddenly Homo neandertalensis began to die out and surrender the earth to Homo sapiens. Paleontologists and anthropologists have entertained several possibilities to the causes of this event: interbreeding among Neanderthals and humans, competition for natural resources, and Darwin’s theory of â€Å"survival of the fittest.† What the real cause has been has plagued scientists for years. Now, due to an international research team from Germany, those possibilities have been even further deduced, making it easier to pinpoint the exact reason Homo neandertalensis became extinct.            Scientists thought that interbreeding would be a logical assumption to the Neanderthal conundrum. Unfortunately, any evidence of DNA from Neanderthals mixed with human DNA is difficult to come by because their fossils are usually tarnished upon finding. That is until Svante Paabo, and his research team from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, came across the remains of twenty-four Neanderthals and forty early humans.* All of these fossils were nearly 40,000 years old and were from Germany, Russia, and Croatia. Nine of these fossils (four Neanderthal and five human) contained mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), completely intact. Mitochondrial DNA is tougher than the DNA found in cell nuclei; it is also found in the cytoplasm of a fertilized egg and is passed only through maternal lineage. This makes it much easier for the team to study and makes testing more accurate.  Paabo’s team, from Leipzig, Germany, used a method of amino acid content as a way of measuring extractible DNA from the bones. The amino acid method was a... ...ut there on what happened to the Neanderthals, such as competition or fighting. Scientists also are aware of the fact that mtDNA is only carried from the mother. This means that there may still be evidence of interbreeding out there that is carried from the male. Our technology is not yet strong enough to rule out both sexes as a carrier of common genes. Therefore the case of interbreeding still remains to be closed. However Paabo and his team are confident that their research has proved that Neanderthals could not have died out solely because of interbreeding. Scientists are still trying to conclude what exactly did the Neanderthals in; this discovery brings them one step closer, but not completely to the edge. Source All references and resources are taken from the Public Library of Science, Biology March 2004 issue and from Science March 16, 2004
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
My Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Philosophy
My Teaching Philosophy I believe that education extends far beyond the classroom walls, and involves many more people than students and teachers. People should be learning wherever they go, and should continue learning long after they’ve graduated from high school or college. Education isn’t something that can be quantified with tests or report cards, but is instead something that people carry with them. It’s a survival pack for life, and some people are better equipped in certain areas than in others. People with a solid education are prepared for nearly anything, as they will be able to provide for their own physical, emotional, and aesthetic needs. That being said, I also believe that a crucial part of education does occur within school during the formative years of a person’s life. Regardless of whether a child is fortunate enough to come from an encouraging and loving home, it is the job of the school to provide emotional support as well as intellectual knowledge. â€Å"The school,†of course, is an abstract term which actually means the teachers and administrators. I...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
In this paper, we evaluate a set of three medical
In this paper, we evaluate a set of three medical related websites namely for the National league of Nursing, for the American Nursing Association, for the American Medical Association and the for the National Council for State boards in Nursing. We also evaluate an Archives resource site namely or the Thomas, the website of the Library of Congress of the United States of America.Prior to presenting the evaluation we briefly describe each website: the purpose of these sites and their current set-up. We then go into the evaluation proper where we analyze the overall content, style and functionality of each site. In the overall content of the websites the quality of the information being presented and the comprehensiveness of the information is assessed.Moreover, how current the information located in the websites and where they were derived or from what authority this informati on was derived is also assessed. Lastly, in evaluating the style and functionality of the sites we take into consideration the layout or the manner content is presented within the sites, ease in navigating the sites, its compatibility with respect to various browsers, information space with respect to advertising pages, and the speed upon which it is accessed through the internet.The first of the sites to be evaluated is, the official website of the American Nursing Association (ANA). Briefly, ‘ANA is the only full-service professional organization representing the nation's 2.9 million registered nurses (RNs) (About the American Nurses association, that advances nursing through imbibing high standards, promoting the economic welfare in their workplace and by proactively lobbying governmental agencies on issues affecting them.For the overall content, the website contains comprehensive and relevant information supportive of the purpose of ANA mentioned pr eviously. The site has sections on information and services, newsroom and nursing issues/programs that sustain continuous support for promoting high standards in the nursing practice. It also has a section for showing their advocacies and initiatives for nurses’ general welfare, with sub-sections directing users to view publications relevant to nurses in the United States.As for the currency of the documents, the documents are up to date with uploaded documents as latest as January 11, 2007 (‘Press releases from the American Nurses Association†, As for the authority of the documents published, the documents that are published have their corresponding sources accompanying them. All these information are presented in a notably clear and concise fashion.For the style and functionality of the website, the overall layout is easily understandable. The site can be easily navigated and the information is clearly sorted out for easy access, even though the site carries a lot of information it is surprisingly accessible. On the other hand, the address of the site ( is a bit misleading if you were to guess what would be the site of ANA and a name as or may have been the better URL.The use of images instead of flash movies may have the decreased the site’s overall aesthetic impact to the user but without the use of flash movies, the site can then be easily accessible from any computer with varying internet speed with information prompting fast. Lastly for the evaluation of the, the information relative to the advertisements, they are separated clearly in order to reduce the clutter and make browsing easier.The second site is or the American Medical Association (AMA). AMA ‘helps doctors help patients by uniting physicians nationwide to work on the most important professional and public health issue s’ (‘The AMA mission’, Although it is similar to the initiatives and programs of ANA, AMA has a wider market as it focuses on the entire medical profession.For the overall content of the site, it has similarities as that of the ANA site, with additions of ‘professional resources section’ for medical practitioners and ‘med school ; residency site‘ for medical students. Most of the information is up to date except for the annual report is only has the 2005 annual report. In addition, the site’s information is taken from credible sources, which are also accessible in the site.As for the overall layout of the site, the vast information is batched together in a clear and easily understandable manner such that users can browse through the site easily. The site utilizes flash movies that make the site more appealing and further imbibes to the users the vision and mission of AMA. Apart f rom what was mentioned above, there are however no significant or innovative means of presenting data seen from the ANA and the AMA site.The third website is which is the site for the National League for Nursing (NLN). The purpose of NLN is similar to that of ANA but is slightly varied. According to its purpose (, the NLN ‘advances excellence in nursing education that prepares the nursing workforce to meet the needs of diverse populations in an ever-changing healthcare environment.’ This purpose is done through achieving the goals of Nursing education, Faculty development, Research in Nursing Education, Data collection, assessment and evaluation and Public Policy.For the overall content of the site, information pertinent to the goals mentioned above is clearly visible. Users who wish to participate in achieving one of the goals or for anyone who would just want to browse through the site can easily go to a specific heading and see its related sections. In terms of the currency of the documents, most of the documents are up to date however there are some documents such as the calendar of activities of NLN, which are still in need of updating (the calendar is still 2006).As for the overall layout, the site has a asymmetric design, departing from the modular and common website design that sets it apart from the rest of the websites being evaluated although the site uses only simple graphics to present its content. The site can easily be navigated, with information clearly divided and grouped together into concise headings that make it easier to browse through. Lastly, uploading time for the site is suitable for users with varying Internet bandwidths due to its low-memory web design, thus information no matter the manner of Internet access can easily acquire information.Another site evaluated is, the site for the National Council for State Boards for Nursing (NCSBN). The NCS BN is a United States-state wide organization aiming to promote and advance regulatory excellence in Nursing for public protection (‘Mission and Values,’ the overall content of the site, it has comprehensive content mostly pertaining to the nursing profession and for the regulatory nursing boards, each other that implies that their site presents specific, relevant and concise information that complement each other. The documents are well cited with authorities in the field clearly stated accompanying any research or paper they did for NCSBN. Overall the site is up to date, with sections for instance the calendar of activities that go as far presenting dates of activities for this year in advance, which is good for most people. However there are sections in the site that still need to be updated, sections such as the News releases and the annual report.As for the style and functionality, the site is more â€Å"cleaner†than the o thers in terms of the layout. The information is presented in such a way that even though there is a lot of information presented, the website is still able to present it in a simple manner that would not make the user â€Å"disoriented.†The site can be easily navigated with all the information easily accessible. The site however goes back to the symmetric design unlike the site of NLN. The site utilizes simple flash presentations in their homepage that gives an additional aesthetic impact to the user.Lastly, we evaluate, the site for the Library of Congress of the United States of America. According to the section describing the site (, ‘THOMAS was launched in January of 1995, at the inception of the 104th Congress. The leadership of the 104th Congress directed the Library of Congress to make federal legislative information freely available to the public.’ Currently is being maintained by the Libra ry of Congress.For the overall content of the site, its presents a multitude of information as concise as possible yet the site still appears to be heavily cluttered with information. However as compared to the other sites and the content they hold, Thomas is appreciably easy to understand-simple as it possibly can. In terms of the authority, the information presented by the Thomas is undoubtedly accurate and comes from directly from the source that is Congress. In addition, the documents stored in the site are the most current in the field, with daily updates coming directly from Congress. Links are also presented in the site that are relevant to users who wish to browse other relevant legislation.In terms of style and functionality, the Thomas has a simple layout and aesthetic appearance as compared to the other sites. The main page is a bit cluttered so there is a possibility that first time users might get lost with regards to the immense information being presented and the one the user wishes to find. However the site boasts of a search engine for their database that is incredibly useful for users and researchers that would want to find the necessary information which adds up to the overall functionality of the website. Lastly, due to its simple web design, the site can be easily accessed with any Internet bandwidth at any location at any time. References:The American Nursing Association. Retrieved Jan 13, 2006 from www.nursingworld.orgThe American Medical Association. Retrieved Jan 13, 2006 from www.ama-assn.orgThe National League for Nursing. Retrieved Jan 13, 2006 from www.nln.orgThe National Council of State boards of Nursing. Retrieved Jan 13, 2006 from
Monday, September 16, 2019
Finding the Leader in You Essay
A conference was held at the Saint Agnes Medical Center in Fresno on October 22, 2008 with an objective of teaching the audience how to find the leader in them. I should note that this event was the most informative and enlightening conference that I have ever attended. Stephanie Robinson, the first speaker of the conference, is the director of the Nursing Department of Fresno City College. Robinson began her lecture by providing some statistical data regarding numerous topics including how medication errors are taking a toll on the hospital’s financial resources in terms of lawsuits, recovery fees, and other expenses that are associated with those errors. Unfortunately, these errors have caused hospitals to lose large amounts of money, and, in order for them to regain these losses, they started to take every measure necessary to reduce those costs and add it to their profit. The measures that Robinson described included effective scheduling of the staff, preventive measures for medical errors, as well as a good, effective, and standardized patient charting. As a leader, it is the nurse’s responsibility to make sure that they chart every procedure done to and information about the patient. This will protect them against any liability issue that may arise, and to help them have a better charting documentation at the same time. Another way of reducing medication problems is an idea that some of the nurse leaders have come up with, which include e-charting and medication dispensing machines with scanners and barcode technology. This would require nurses to double check their orders and the medications before giving it to the patients. All those statistical data that were presented demonstrated that all the errors committed were preventative, and they could dramatically be reduced if proper safety measures were taken. According to the speaker, education is the most important contributing factor to prevent these extra high costs. As she was saying, we are all living in a digital world where we have access to many resources, yet our busy schedules and everyday problems would not let us research or attend any meetings. Here, the speaker used a very interesting example indicating that we use places such as airports, shopping malls, and even gas stations to provide healthcare and other health related information to people, but we refuse to take some time and provide basic education to our own people at their very own work places. As responsible leaders, it is their duty to provide constant education to their staff. They are also required to observe the activities of their staff at all times. Again as the statistics show, the high number of preventable medical situations such as post operative infections, medication errors, and other complications happens in hospitals settings, and unfortunately these make hospitals look very unsafely and defeats their prime purpose, which is to heal and provide medical care. We can use technology to provide education to our nurses, as well as to help them prevent these types of errors by developing better, more standardized, simple to use medical equipments, electronic order entry and charting, wireless and bar-coding systems, and other numerous ways. Again, she emphasized on the importance of having nurse leaders to provide constant, up-to-date education to help nurses and prevent future medical errors. The second speaker was Pilar De La Cruz-Reyes and she pretty much continued where the last speaker left off by saying that just like any other place, nurses’ scope of practice will be regulated by the hospital and the board of registered nurses. The board defines registered nurses’ role as giving dependent and independent care such as providing safety, comfort, personal hygiene and protection to help patients go through their daily activity. By doing this, we would be able to know any normal and abnormal findings and use our logic to question anything that appears to be abnormal. After attending this conference and having the chance to hear what the speakers had to say, I learned that being a nurse leader is a very important task in terms of providing the best care to patients, as well as the best education to the staff. I also learned that being a nurse automatically makes me a leader and this realization makes me feel obligated and responsible to everything that I do as a nurse. Lastly, I learned that being a patient advocate should always be my priority.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
American Popular Culture: Trends and How They Affect
American Popular Culture soc/105 August, 22, 2013 In late 19th century America made two tempting and attractive promises; freedom and land (The Johns Hopkins University, 2002). These promises brought many immigrants with the hope of seeing their dreams realized. America today is a multicultural country provides shelter to thousands of immigrants with different cultural background. The Oxford Dictionary define culture as â€Å"the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively: 20 century popular culture†(â€Å"Culture,†2013).The paper American popular culture attempted to emonstrate what popular culture is, three major trends founds in American popular culture, and how it affects personal decisions. In an anthropological sense, popular culture definition given by the authors of Common Culture: Reading and Writing about American Popular Culture, is â€Å"the shared knowledge and practices of a specific group at a specific timeâ⠂¬ (Petracca & Sorapure, 2007, p. 4). Popular culture represents everyday elements. Popular culture is linking to a specific time and place.For that reason may be popular culture may be transient, subject to any changes and also can e an in initiator of change (Petracca & Sorapure, 2007). Today, the United States is the chief manufacturer of popular culture goods. For this reason American pop culture is spread around the world through a varieties ot systems as newspapers, television programs, movies, fast foods, fashion, music, and other trends . There are numerous of trends. Three trends that seem to be those of major influences in American style life today are advertising, television, and technology.Those trends sometimes worked in our favor, but many people argued that they have been armful to the human life, especially those subjects relates with themes of economic and human personal interactions. Following an illustration of how those trends influences person's life. Laura wa nts to have some fun, so she decided to enroll in a tennis team. Laura knew that probably she will need to have some expenses, so she designed a budget for what she thought will be her cost to play tennis. Exciting she meets the others team's members but what happens was not expected.Her intention of fun turned into a very competitive, stressful, and expensive experience. Her idea of he expenses needs to include too, her team's expenses goals. Team's principal focus was to looks impeccable. Laura's first plan was to wear any sport clothes with an accessible price, but wait a moment, for the team presence comes first even when that imply high expenses. Meeting the team's demands Laura needs to buy the best racquet. Second, was â€Å"necessary' that she makes sure to buy brand new tennis' outfit from the Nike store, especially that outfit that Monica Puig wore at the Wimbledon tournament.To wear that cloth meant a tremendous suffering for Laura who was esperate because of her five ex tra pounds. She wanted to look as skinny as Monica does. Feeling overwarming for her five extra pounds, she decides to continue with her mission. Another important matter was not to forget accessories like the polarized sunglasses, Oakley's last edition, tennis hat, tennis shoes, and the socks. It is not necessary to mention that the accessories should combine with the Nike's outfit tennis, they must be the same color and brand, because remember â€Å"first dead than simple. Laura knows that her budget was out of control, but it was too late. The most important thing for her was that she was part of that â€Å"fantastic team. †This demonstration was to shown how advertising and some â€Å"rules of beauty' affected a person's decision- making. Advertising continually provokes an excessive consumerism. Roy Fox an America Journalist mentioned that people consume more than they produce (Petracca & Sorapure, 2007, p. 58). The advertising is not the only trend influencing Americ an popular culture; other major trend is the television.People are crazy to get into their homes and to fall into that recline able sofa with the TV control in hands. They barely talked to their children or their couple. Probably before watch the TV they will have more knowledge. For sure they will be aware about what is happening around the world, but their family relation is affects by that intruder that live with them. The technology is a main contributor for improvements in Jobs, academic studies, cyber-communications, and much more. However, technology has brought to our society many difficult situations as well.Some of the results of the advance technology are violence, pornography, psychological problems specially, in children who are constantly expose to violence video games, and lack of privacy. Sullivan (2006) said â€Å"the 21st century equivalent of being caught naked†(par. , 5) Today nobody knows if someone is watching or monitoring us. As demonstrated earlier, American popular culture has grown tremendously and with it, diversity, technological advances, better ways to communicate at long distance, medical advances, and so much more.Humans nas been under the control ot various predominant trends especially, those promoted by big Industries in the commercial fields. Societies are so into the new things that they are not paying attention to the cost of that way of living. People are unconsciously spending in things that they do not need, living by ridiculous standards of â€Å"beauty' having as a result young teenagers and adults with a bad mental and physical conditions. People need to be conscious and to make good uses of the advantages than has been given in this times, but do not forget to have precaution and to be alert of possible dangers.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Compare and contrast the attractions and facilities for visitors
Weston-Super-Mare and Brean Leisure Park are two different tourist sites near each other. * Compare and contrast the attractions and facilities for visitors to these areas * What impact does tourism have on the surrounding area? * Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Weston-Super-Mare Brean Leisure Park Introduction This project is based around tourism, we have been asked to answer a question that is about tourism in the two areas near to each other. These two areas are Weston-Super-Mare seafront and Brean Leisure Park. The question is first, to compare and contrast the attractions and facilities for visitors to these areas. Two, what impact does tourism have on the surrounding area? And three, do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? The first question is the main question, I think that it is asking me to find out which area is the best area for tourism, environmental issues, residential issues (what the locals think) and which area is the best to go to? The locations we are to investigate are; Weston Super Mare seafront and Brean Leisure Park, both of these locations are near each other on the south west coast of England, the areas we are covering are roughly the same size and are both roughly the same distance from any motorway or major road, this road is the M5 motorway. This will make the investigation slightly fairer between the two locations. Maps of the Region and Local Area The grid references for the two locations are: Weston-Super-Mare Seafront (Pier): 51à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½20`51.50†³N + 2à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½58`54.97†³W Brean Leisure Park (Main Entrance): 51à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½17`07.28†³N + 3à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½00`40.79†³W Main Cities The main cities near to the two locations are Bristol, Bath, Swindon and Southampton, big towns would include Bridgewater, Minehead, Clevedon, Street and maybe Frome. Major Transport Link The most major transport link that is closest to Weston and Brean is the M5 running south past Bristol, Weston, Brean and Lympsham. Most tourists would use this route to get to the two areas. Also the M4 is linked to the M5. This is our sphere of influence, the area in which our tourism and advertisement will be most beneficial and listened to. The background of tourism in Weston is an old record, the original reason that Weston became a tourist town goes back to Victorian times, this is when British beach holidays became really popular, and therefore it has been a tourist centre for years and is still on top as one of the best places to go for a British holiday. It has many attractions such as a high street for shopping, an arcade town for gaming and the grand pier for more gaming; this makes it very popular for people to come to have a good time, either over the weekend or for a week. There are brilliant amenities such as a hospital, toilets, bins, restaurants and accommodation. On the other hand Brean has different types of attractions and amenities such as a Leisure Park and the beach, the amenities are almost the same as Weston except the accommodation is set up as caravan parks instead of hotels, Weston has no caravans but it has many hotels lining the seafront which I think may turn out to be a major difference in how much and what type of tourism each location gets. Brean in general started as a natural area full of historical value. The national trust took ownership and protected the Down (The Main Headland) from any building, although others started building around it, it apparently started interest when people began to come to the site for holidays and then found out about the Neapolitan Fort (also used in World War 2) and also the fascinating history of the headland. Overall people get attracted to this general region not only because of the beaches, even though it's the main popularity reason but also all around the area there are major shopping center's, entertainment in Bristol and also surrounding Weston and Brean are the Mendip hills, perfect for a walking and camping holidays.
Friday, September 13, 2019
An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy
An Assessment to the New Deal to Determine How Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy Neoliberal Ideology Threatens Democracy This paper will assess the New Deal and argue that the desire to dismantle it through laissez-faire capitalism or neoliberalism threatens the wellbeing of all citizens. The Stock Market Crash of 1929 set the stage for the Great Depression, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s ticket into the White House against his Republican foe Herbert Hoover. The U.S. economy had been crippled severely and was in dire need of economic stimulation. Consumers had lost confidence and hope within the banking system causing the American people to withdraw their money in record numbers. Unemployment and poverty spiraled out of control. As he campaigned, Franklin D. Roosevelt metaphorically proclaimed that the American people were in need of a new deal, one in which that would restore their faith in the United States. When FDR took the Oval Office, he setout passing massive legislations. President Roosevelt’s objectives were simple and clear. His first goal was to restore consumer confidence within the banking system. His second goal was to reduce the level of unemployment and poverty. These series of legislative acts and executive orders passed by FDR and Congress became famously known as the New Deal. Indisputably, the New Deal worked, creating a more sustainable and harmonious economy. However, the ideological liberalism that was once prominent made its way to the center of the stage one again, calling for a breakdown of these government programs. It is important to note, that the term liberalism has changed over time and the term conservatism has changed out of response to this transformation of the word liberalism. Prior to the era of the New Deal, the liberal ideology advocated for an unhampered market economy, deregulation, privatization, and limiting public expenditure. In the case of the New Deal, liberal meant reform that benefited the well being of all through protective regulatory measures and welfare programs In 1932, September 23rd, Franklin Roosevelt delivered a presidential campaign speech in San Francisco called the Commonwealth Club Address. His message was that individualism must make way for collective action. The ideological liberalism that has allowed for the U.S. economy to spiral out of control through its commendation of free market enterprise and lack of government intervention must come to a halt. â€Å"Some of my friends tell me that they do not want the Government in business. With this I agree; but I wonder whether they realize the implications of the past. For while it has been American doctrine that the government must not go into business in competition with private enterprises, still it has been traditional particularly in Republican administrations for business urgently to ask the government to put at private disposal all kinds of government assistance. The same man who tells you that he does not want to see the government interfere in businessâ€â€and he means it, and has plenty of good reasons for saying soâ€â€is the first to go to Washington and ask the government for a prohibitory tariff on his product. â€Å" (Franklin Roosevelt, Commonwealth Club Address) Franklin Roosevelt acknowledged that the lack of regulation, especially in the banking industry contributed to the poor economic conditions of the Great Depression. When he took office in 1933, that March, President Roosevelt proclaimed a Bank Holiday, shutting down the banking system. This put an end to the bank runs consumers were making on U.S. banks. FDR understood the importance of the financial system to the economy. Although he wanted to regulate it, he knew he must restore consumer confidence in the financial system and their government. On March 13th, when the institutions reopened for business depositors stood in line to return their cash to their neighborhood banks. Before two weeks had even passed, Americans had redeposited more than half of the currency that they had hoarded prior to the suspension. Even the stock market was suspended and recorded the largest one-day percentage increase once reopened. Franklin D Roosevelt knew in order to jumpstart the economy he had to build the American people’s confidence in the institutions. Thus, it was ironic when businessmen were calling for less government intervention, when it was government intervention that solved the Great Depression. During a speech he gave while on campaign for reelection, he metaphorically referred to the private sector as a train that has gone off the rails. He states that this train did not uplift itself out of the ditch but was hauled out by the Government. This strong message had to have been reassuring to the citizens of United States. With FDR leading the United States Government, deflation and falling prices ceased, industrial workers had more purchasing power, interest rates, power rates, and transportation rates were reduced, the rate of unemployment rate and poverty even fell. These things happened because of a strong central government that sought to create fair conditions for the public. Under FDR, social welfare programs were immense and life changing. For example, the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a public work relief program that operated for unemployed, unmarried men from relief families as part of the New Deal. Also the Works Progress Administration (renamed in 1935 as the Work Projects Administration; WPA) was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of unemployed people to carry out work to be done in the public sector, mainly infrastructure. Millions of dollars were injected into the economy through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, liquidating the assets of the closed banks. Millions of dollars were pumped into the economy through the Federal Housing Program, which loaned money out to finance and build homes. This sort of public expenditure allowed money to circulate once again. The government spe nding on social welfare for the public put money into circulation for the economy to spend itself. President Roosevelt felt that it was his administration’s duty to combat this increase in income inequality and save American democracy, against the abuse of concentration of economic power that had been insidiously growing up among us in the past fifty years. FDR even recalled a warning of one of the Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson. President Jefferson forewarned that increasing poverty with a large concentration of wealth couldn’t sustain side by side in a democracy. However after World War II, it did not take too long for entrepreneurs to revert back to their desire to limit the government. In fact, many of them thought the government should only intervene as a last resort when the economy cannot be stimulated through the private sector. This allowed for classical liberalism to revive itself. While some liberals (welfare liberals) came to embrace the government for its growth promoting, economy-managing and its concern for social welfare, there were a minority (corporate liberals) that evolved into an anti-state faction within the conservative party that only wanted growth. â€Å"As government became more responsive to political movements for reform, conservatives became more suspicious of government while liberals became more attracted to it.†(American Political Thought) Another dilemma arose from this division amongst liberals, and that is whether the have-nots were entitled to a large share of economic opportunities and wealth. There grew a huge resentment for the focus the nation had placed on social welfare. Daniel Bell, sociologist wrote a booked titled The End of Ideology arguing that the material benefits of modern capitalism had been so widely shared that, the nation had solved all the major economic issues between classes or groups of people. Therefore, suggesting for a reemergence of a free market enterprise. Ultimately meaning, the government had done its job and can go away until needed. By the 1980s, the neoliberal ideology had fully revived itself, especially with Milton Friedman, free-market economist serving as an advisor to president Reagan. It is hard to fathom, how the neoliberalism can thrive when there is empirical and historical data showing that the government’s involvement in the economy creates a sustainable and stable market environment. As public expenditure increases it serves as spending money for the people and businesses within the economy. As long as neoliberalism remai ns the dominant ideology in the U.S. income inequality will only continue increase. Therefore, it serves as a threat to the bottom middle-class and lower-class citizens of society.
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