Saturday, August 31, 2019
Advanced Paramedical Science
Nausea and vomiting is a commonly encountered problem in the emergency department as it accompanies a multitude of conditions ranging from seemingly benign conditions such as migraine and gastroenteritis to potentially lethal conditions such pancreatitis and the acute abdomen.Studies from the U.S have shown that each year, almost 8 million individuals present to the emergency department with complain of nausea and vomiting, either as a principal complain or as a part of another disease etiology (Braude, Soliz, Crandall, Hendey, Andrews, & Weichenthal, 2006, p. 77).Nausea and vomiting are not distinct disease entities. Rather, they are symptoms which can be present in a wide range of disease conditions and are considered to be the ‘end-points’ of several pathological processes (Klosterhalfen and Enck cited in Kowalski, Rapps, & Enck, 2006 p.28). The term nausea refers to the subjective feeling or the urge to regurgitate gastric contents (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d. ).From a physiological point of view, this is associated with reduced gastric motility and increased smooth muscle tone of the small intestine. Moreover, there might also be the presence of reverse peristalsis in the small intestine, which can cause the feeling of imminent regurgitation (Bowen, n.d.).On the other hand, vomiting refers to ‘the forceful discharge of gastric contents’ (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.) which is meant to serve the purpose of protecting the gastrointestinal tract from potentially harmful substances by preventing their entry and transit through the gastrointestinal tract (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.).Vomiting, if persistent can have several potentially hazardous consequences such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, metabolic derangements, manifesting as alkalosis and even bleeding and esophageal perforation (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.). Moreover, from the patient’s perspective, nausea and vomiting can be distressfu l and thus appropriate and timely management of these two conditions is imperative.The Physiology of Nausea and Vomiting – an overview of the stimuli and pathway involvedFor several decades now, it has been established that the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the brain which is responsible for emesis is the area posterema. This is a region located at the dorsal surface of the medulla oblongata near the caudal end of the fourth ventricle. It is one of the ‘circumventricular organs’ and by the virtue of possessing a relatively permeable blood-brain barrier, is sensitive to a variety of stimuli (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 5).Thus, it plays an important role in emesis. Studies have shown that there are five main kinds of stimuli which can trigger nausea and vomiting via different pathways viz. the presence of toxic materials within the gut lumen, presence of toxins in the blood, a pathology within the gut, a central nervous system (CNS) stimulus or disturbances in the vestibular system (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 5). The mechanism whereby each of these stimuli brings about nausea and vomiting is discussed below.The presence of toxic materials within the gut lumen:The presence of toxins, such as drugs has been shown to stimulate the enteroendocrine cells, such as the enterochromaffin cells, located in the gut mucosa and result in the release of several mediators such as 5HT3, Substance P and CCK.This results in the stimulation of vagal afferent neurons which are located in the abdomen. These neurons traverse through the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and are projected to the dorsal brainstem, with some projection in to the area posterema (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 5).Presence of toxins in the bloodToxins which have been absorbed and are circulating in the bloodstream can directly stimulate the area posterema and cause induction of emesis (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 5). This is the most common mechanism whereby ingested or parenterally administe red drugs, such as chemotherapeutic agents and other toxins such as drugs of abuse, invoke the emetic response.Gastrointestinal tract pathologiesCertain pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis or hypertrophic pyloric stenosis can stimulate the vagal afferents or directly activate the pathways leading to emesis (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 6).Central nervous system (CNS) stimuliCertain stimuli such as intense fear, anticipatory anxiety, injury to the brain or a sudden increase in the intracranial pressure can induce emesis (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 6). The mechanism involved in such a response has not yet been elucidated clearly.Disturbances in the vestibular systemAmongst other manifestations of disturbances in the vestibular system, such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting is also an important symptom. The vestibular system has been shown to directly stimulate the pathways involved in the emetic response and hence produce nausea and vomiting (Sanger & Andrews, 2 006, p. 6).All these stimuli have been shown to stimulate various pathways which have one common outcome viz. the stimulation of the emetic center in the area posterema. (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.). Several receptors, both central and peripheral, have been implicated in bringing about emesis.Amongst these the most pertinent ones are Dopaminergic receptors (particularly D2), Histaminergic receptors (especially H1), Muscuranic receptors (including M3/M5), 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors, in particular, 5-HT3 and the neurokinnin receptor, NK1 (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 8)Once any of the above mentioned stimuli are encountered, an afferent response as discussed above is generated. This results in the activation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the area posterema. Subsequently, a motor response is generated, whereby efferent pathways involving the cranial nerves V, VII, IX and X are activated. Moreover, autonomic responses are also generated (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d .).The vagal efferents to various muscle groups such as those located in the esophagus, stomach and the intestine are activated bringing about stimulation of these muscles (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 6). Moreover, abdominal muscles, phrenic muscles and the diaphragm are also stimulated to bring about the required increase in the intra-abdominal pressure. The combination of both these effects leads to the regurgitation of the gastric contents.Moreover, this is also accompanied by various other manifestations such as an increase in salivation, brought about by the stimulation of the chorda tympani branch of the facial nerve, autonomic stimulation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and vasoconstriction of skin vessels (Sanger & Andrews, 2006, p. 6).Antiemetic drugs used in pre-hospital careNausea and vomiting are commonly encountered clinical problems. Over the years, several anti-emetic medications have been discovered to effectively alleviate the symptoms of nausea and vom iting.These drugs work by blocking the pathways involved in the initiation and production of emesis. Various drugs have been developed which block the different receptors, both central and peripheral, involved in producing emesis.The anti-emetic medications which are used in common clinical practice can be grouped in to seven major categories according to their mode of action. These include anti-cholinergics, antiserotonins, antihistamines, Benzamides, Butyrophenones, Phenothiazines and steroids (Scuderi, 2003, p. 43).The mechanism of action and the dosages of the four main anti-emetics used in Ambulance Services in Australia are discussed below:1.     Metoclopramide (Maxolon):Metoclopramide has been used in clinical practice for several decades now as an antiemetic and a prokinetic agent (Walkembach, Bruss, Urban, & Barann, 2005, p. 50). These antiemetic functions are thought to be brought about by the antagonistic actions of Metoclopramide on the dopamine (D2) rece ptors, both central and peripheral, and also on the 5HT3 receptors (Walkembach, Bruss, Urban, & Barann, 2005, p. 50).On the other hand, the prokinetic action of Metoclopramide are brought about by the relaxation of the pyloric sphincter, the increase in the strength and frequency of peristalsis and an increase in the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter (Australasia, 2008).This drug is available in both tablet (white, round, 7mm in diameter) and injection (colorless, aqueous solution) forms (Australasia, 2008). The maximum dose of Metoclopramide commonly used in all age groups is up to 0.5 mg/kg body weight.The recommended dosage regimen for adults is 10mg three times daily while for children it varies between 2.5mg-5mg three times daily (Australasia, 2008). The metabolism of Metoclopramide takes place in the liver and it is eliminated from the body predominantly via the kidney. (Australasia, 2008)2.     Prochlorperazine (Stemetil)Prochlorperazine is a phenothi azine which has been shown to block the dopamine receptors (D2) in the chemoreceptor trigger zone located near the area posterema. By blockage of these receptors, Prochlorperazine exerts its antiemetic actions. The recommended dosage of Prochlorperazine in is 10 mg intravenously (Goodman and Gilman’s: The Pharmacologic Basis of Therapeutic cited in Ernst, Weiss, Park, Takakuwa, & Diercks, 2000, p. 92).In emergency practice, IV administration of 2.5-10 mg of Prochlorperazine at a rate of up to 5mg/min is recommended for adults. The maximum dose should not exceed 40mg per day. Moreover, IM injections of this drug are also available. They are administered at a dose of 5-10 mg every 3-4 hours (Bartlett, 2009, p. 861).3.     Ondansetron (Zofran)Ondansetron is a carbazole derivative and is a potent antiemetic drug which is widely used in alleviating the symptoms of nausea and vomiting associated with chemo- and radio- therapies and also in the management of post-ope rative nausea and vomiting (Scuderi, 2003, p. 59). Its proposed mechanism of action is via selective antagonism at the level of the 5 HT3 receptors (Scuderi, 2003, p. 59).Chemotherapeutic agents are thought to bring about nausea and vomiting via the stimulation of enterochromaffin cells in the gut mucosa leading to 5HT3 production and subsequent vagal stimulation. This pathway is blocked by 5HT3 antagonists such as Ondansetron.Ondansetron has been shown to have a short half life of approximately 3 to 5 h (Ho & Gan, 2006, p. 607). The recommended dosage of Ondansetron varies between 8-16 mg twice daily (Bartlett, 2009).4. Promethazine (Phenergan)Promethazine is also a phenothiazine but is shown to have dual modes of action. It not only blocks the dopamine receptors (D2) but has also been shown to have anti-H1 histamine receptor effects. It is used for a wide range of purposes including in the treatment of motion sickness, vertigo and even allergies (Bartlett, 2009, p. 869).The recomm ended oral dose of Promethazine is 25 mg twice daily. It can also be administered intravenously at a dose of 12.5-25 mg every four hours. The maximum dose is 150 mg/day (Bartlett, 2009, p. 869).PART IIThere are several clinical conditions which can present with the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Amongst these the most common condition is gastroenteritis, migraines and pancreatic amongst others.The adequate and timely management of patients with nausea and vomiting has posed a challenge for the clinicians for several decades and although several effective anti-emetics have been discovered, there has been a quest for a single anti-emetic which is efficient, fast acting and relatively safe.In the practice of ambulance services and emergency situations, different anti-emetics are commonly used including Metoclopramide, Chlorpromazine, Ondansetron and Promethazine. Amongst these, in my opinion, the most suitable drug for use in the ambulance service and emergency departments is Metoclo pramide.This is because on comparing the onset of action, clinical efficacy and side effect profiles of the most common anti-emetic agents, it is apparent that Prochlorperazine is superior to all other agents used. Moreover, its cost, availability and easy administration make it suitable for use in the emergency practice. Following is a comparison of the four most commonly used anti-emetic drugs.A common concern with the use of any drug is its safety and side effect profile. Safety becomes more important while dealing with patients in the emergency or ambulance care since limited resources, time and personnel are available in such settings, and the prime concern is the stabilization of the patient and alleviation of his symptoms.Drugs which have potentially unsafe need to be administered with caution and the patients need to be monitored for the occurrence of adverse effects. This is not feasible in emergency and ambulance practice and thus the ideal drugs for use in such settings a re those which have no or minimal side effects.With Metoclopramide, there is a 10-20% incidence of side effects and these side effects are mild. The most common side effects observed with this drug are CNS effects such as anxiety, restlessness and insomnia which can vary in severity (Australasia, 2008).Moreover, it has also been shown to cause fatigue and occasionally can cause extrapyramidal side effects. Another relatively common side effect of Metoclopramide is gynecomastia which occurs as a result of enhanced prolactin secretion (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.).A rare complication associated with the use of Metoclopramide is Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome which is a medical emergency and can lead to death. However, it is observed in only less than 1 in 10,000 cases (Australasia, 2008) .On the other hand, the phenothiazines including Prochlorperazine and Promethazine have been shown to have a greater number of side effects. Amongst these the ones which arouse the most concern are extrapyramidal symptoms.Extrapyramidal symptoms can range from tremor to akathisia and the potentially hazardous tardive dyskinesias (Australia, 2009). Moreover, they can also manifest as dystonic reactions are similar to the manifestations of Parkinson's disease. Less commonly, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, which is a medical emergency, can also result from the use of these drugs.These effects are thought to be caused due to the central antidopaminergic properties of the phenothiazines on the dopamine receptors. The occurrence of these symptoms is noticed most commonly within 36 hours of initiation of treatment. However, these symptoms are reversible and once the drug is discontinued, they disappear within 24 hrs (Australasia, 2008).It is important to note that with Metoclopramide, the occurrence of extrapyramidal side effects is not very common. On the other hand, the phenothiozones such as Prochlorperazine and Promethazine have a much greater incidence of these side effect s.Drotts and Vinson (1999) in their study showed that with the use of Prochlorperazine, incidence of akathisia was 44% within 1 hour and 5% within 48 hours. (Braude, Soliz, Crandall, Hendey, Andrews, & Weichenthal, 2006, p. 181). Other studies, such as those of Ernst et. al., have supported these findings.These extrapyramidal symptoms, if severe, have to be treated with intravenous infusions of an anti-cholinergic agent such as diphenhydramine (Ernst, Weiss, Park, Takakuwa, & Diercks, 2000, p. 92).Other common side effects of phenothiazines include constipation, blurred vision, mild elevation of the hepatic enzymes (if the patient develops cholestatic jaundice), ECG changes, arrhythmias and hypotension (Australia, 2009).Hypotension in patients who are already dehydrated due to vomiting can lead to significant patient distress and is also important from the point of view of health care professionals, as it poses difficulties in patient management in emergency and ambulance settings. Moreover, most phenothiazines, in particular Promethazine are known to cause sedation due to histamine blockade.Promethazine has also been shown to reduce the seizure threshold. Due to the multitude of serious adverse effects of Promethazine the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has restricted its use in children under two years of age (DeCamp, Byerley, Doshi, & Steiner, 2008, p. 859).As compared to Metoclopramide, Ondansetron has relatively lesser side effects. The most commonly encountered adverse effects of this agent include headaches, constipation and mild elevation of serum transaminases (Kuver, Sheffield, & McDonald, n.d.).But this drug is not preferred over other anti-emetic agents due to its cost and availability issues (Ernst, Weiss, Park, Takakuwa, & Diercks, 2000, p. 92). Moreover, it is used more commonly to prevent post-operative nausea and vomiting and in patients receiving chemotherapy and its role in acute settings has not been extensively studied.Pregnancy is one of the most common conditions which present with nausea and vomiting. Amongst the commonly available anti-emetics only a few are safe to use in pregnancy.Studies have shown Metoclopramide to be safe for use during pregnancy and this drug has not been shown to cause any long term complications in children of mothers using it during pregnancy (Sà ¸rensen, Nielsen, Christensen, Tage-jensen, Ekbom, & Baron, 2000). Similarly the safety of Ondansetron has also been proven by several studies conducted recently (Einarson, Maltepe, Navioz, Kennedy, Kennedy, & Koren, 2004, p. 940).However, both Promethazine and Prochlorperazine belong to Category C and thus have limited use in pregnancy (Australia, 2009).Another advantage of Metoclopramide is its ability to provide faster relief from the symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Metoclopramide has been shown to have a rapid onset of action. Following IV administration, its effects start manifesting in around 1 to 3 minutes, whereas following intramuscular administration, 10 to 15 minutes is required (Australasia, 2008). This rapid action makes it suitable for use in emergency practice,Although there is a paucity of studies comparing the cost effectiveness of Metoclopramide with other antiemetics, studies comparing the cost-effectives in patients undergoing chemotherapy have shown that Metoclopramide to be more cost effective than Ondansetron (Ballatori, et al., 1994).Thus, in conclusion, keeping the side effect profiles, the availability and cost effectiveness of all the anti-emetics in view, in my point of view Metoclopramide is best suited for use in ambulatory settings. Metoclopramide has several benefits over other anti-emetics.It has a fast onset of action which makes its practical for use in emergency settings. Moreover, it has lesser and milder adverse effects as compared to other anti-emetics. In addition, it can be used in all age groups and is safe in pregnancy. Thus, all these properties make Metoclopramide i deal for use in ambulatory care settings.ReferencesAustralasia, V. P. (2008, October 22). Metoclopramide hydrochloride-Data sheet. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from Medsafe-INFORMATION FOR HEALTH PROFESSIONALS:, S.-A. (2009). Sanofi-Aventis Australia. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from Product Information:, E., Roila, F., Berto, P., De Angelis, V., Neri, C., Olivieri, A., et al. (1994). Cost and cost-effectiveness analysis of ondansetron versus metoclopramide regimens: a hospital perspective from Italy. Pharmacoeconomics , 227-37.Bartlett, J. &. (2009). 2009 Nurse's Drug Handbook . Jones & Bartlett .Bowen, R. (n.d.). Physiology of Vomiting. Retrieved May 1, 2009, from The Stomach:, D., Soliz, T., Crandall, C., Hendey, G., Andrews, J., & Weichenthal, L. (2006). Anti emetics in the ED: a randomized controlled trial comparing 3 common agents. American Journal of Emergency Medicine , 177–182.DeCamp, L. R., Byerley, J. S., Doshi, N., & Steiner, M. J. (2008). Use of Antiemetic Agents in Acute Gastroenteritis:A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Archives of pediatric and adolescnet medicine , 858-865.Drotts, D. L., & Vinson, D. R. (1999). Prochlorperazine Induces Akathisia in Emergency Patients. Annals of Emergency Medicine .Einarson, A., Maltepe, C., Navioz, Y., Kennedy, D., Kennedy, D., & Koren, G. (2004). The safety of ondansetron for nausea and vomiting of pregnancy:a prospective comparative study. BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology , 940–943.Ernst, A. A., Weiss, S. J., Park, S., Takakuwa, K. M., & Diercks, D. B. (2000). Prochlorperazine Versus Promethazine for Uncomplicated Nausea and Vomiting in the Emergency Department: A Randomized,Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Annals ofEmergency Medicine , 89-94.Ho, K .-Y., & Gan, T. J. (2006). Pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, and clinical efficacy of 5-hydroxytryptamine type 3 receptor antagonists for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology , 606–611.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Speech ananysis
Communications Workshop: Evaluating a Speech Speech Analysis Worksheet Content Purpose: Speaker's background knowledge: the purpose of this speech Is to rally hope for the citizens of Berlin. Influences (traditional, cultural, historical): JEFF is a historical influence. Listener's background knowledge: I do not have much back ground knowledge upon listening to this speech. Delivery: Repeated words: 1. Berlin 2. Let 3. Them 4. Come 5. Beyond Emphasized words/phrases: 1 .There are some who say in Europe and elsewhere we can work with the Communists. Let them come to Berlin 2. â€Å"There are some who say communism is the wave of the future, let them come to Berlin†3. â€Å"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride In the words â€Å"ICC bin nine Berliner†. 4. â€Å"ICC bin nine Berliners 5. †Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free†Tone: the tone of this speech is firm well thoughtWord choice (positive or negative language): positive, JEFF wants to give the people hope. Rate of speech (fast, moderate, slow): Moderate, although the rate increases when he is short on breath. Appropriateness for audience, subject, occasion: yes, I believe so because it has no vulgar language and the occasion and topic of this speech is rather inspiring. Eye contact: moderate, looking around a lot. Facial expressions: he looks determined throughout the speech.Gestures: hand gestures Pauses: yes, to make his speech more meaningful and dramatic. Increases or decreases in speaking volume: no not really, it is at the same volume throughout the whole speech. Overall Impression Speaker: I think JEFF was a brilliant speaker. His word choice is incredible. The way he produces this speech is amazing. Speech: I think the speech is understandable and very clear and it inspired many people and gave them hope as it was intended to do.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Black Rain Essay Research Paper BLACK RAIN
Black Rain Essay, Research Paper BLACK RAIN by Masuji Ibuse The chief character in the novel is in some ways like myself. Mr. Shizuma is a individual that is intrigued by many things and likes to see what reaction people have from any action. Throughout the novel he feels the demand to travel to different parts of the metropolis and environing communities in order to see the effects of the unknown bomb. Mr. Shizuma was non merely interested in what happened to the people of the community but he was besides interested in happening out what the arm used was called and made out of. There were different names given to the bomb throughout the book and he sums up the names in one paragraph, The name of the bomb had already undergone a figure of alterations, from the initial? new arm? through? new-type bomb, ? ? secret arm, ? ? particular new-type bomb, ? to? particular high-capacity bomb. ? That twenty-four hours, I learned for the first clip to name it an? atomic bomb. ? ( Black Rain 282 ) The importance of the name of the bomb may look ineffective, but he seems to brood on happening out what caused this type of devastation. Something else that Mr. Shizuma wants to make is retrieve every small item about what happens to everything from what angle the house was on after the bomb to what his married woman cooked for dinner with the nutrient rationing. He even likes to compose how people cured themselves of radiation illness and what the Burnss and other hurts look and act like. These things are like myself in the fact that he does non wish to bury what things are like, wants to see first manus what the effects are, and is really interested in happening information about new things that he has neer seen earlier. He besides likes to aid people greatly such as his changeless rovings looking for coal for his community. If you were depended on would you help your community? I think so. The subject that is really meaningful to me is that war hurts two different parts of a state. The first is the armed forces, which was non truly speak approximately, and so there is the civilians. The civilians must ration nutrient so that the military can eat, and so they must besides suffer because the bomb that was dropped was non meant for any military base but to destruct and kill a metropolis. The subject is clear in intending that it hurts the civilians much more than it hurts the military and that war is really, really barbarous. The people that were rationing had really small to eat and that sum became smaller as the war continued. Peoples were forced to grow carp in little, and hunt for mussels in pools in order to acquire any type of meat. By the terminal of the war there were no mussels left in any of the many watercourses and there were besides no fish in any of the pools. The lone thing that survived were the eels who were seen swimming up the river a twenty-four hours before the resignation was given. This was a mark of metempsychosis. It merely took a twelvemonth after the Hiroshima bombardment for the resignation and during that clip the authorities did non assist any of the people that truly were hurt by the war, the civilians. It was strange that the people felt any compunction at all for losing the war when the authorities that they were supposed to believe in left them homeless and without any nutrient. Innocent, unarmed people killed and mangled by a arm that could kill the full planet. For what intent was the bomb dropped? Mr. Shizuma made many comments about how if the resistance would hold merely waited a piece longer they would non hold had to drop the bomb because the state was internally falling apart. This seems to me that the dropping of the bomb was nil but a scientific discipline experiment to the? resistance? . That is the concealed subject to this novel. The lone type of individual that could perchance read this book is a individual that is really unfastened minded to other thoughts. To most people from the United States the bomb was necessary in order to halt the war. In the eyes of the Japanese the bomb was non needed to halt the war. Which side is true? The reply is both sides. To hold an unfastened head and to be able to accept new thoughts is important when you look at people from a different type of background and manner of thought. To read this novel you must besides hold a pretty solid tummy because there are many elaborate entries about lesions and the manner that the tegument starts to run right off the life organic structure. The whole narrative is told from the eyes and ideas of the chief character Mr. Shizuma is different than any first manus history that I have of all time read and a reader must be willing to acquire into that character in order to acquire the message, feelings, and pictures that Mr. Shizuma is seeking to set away. The novel is written highly clear but one of the jobs is that it gets slow every one time in a piece if Mr. Shizuma gets something into his head so he decides to acquire it done. The pool that his friend is turning carp in is traveled to what seems to be about a 1000 times. What is good about the many travels to these same topographic points is that each clip the scene alterations somewhat with person going ill or the carp turning. What a individual needs to read this book is careful idea because of the little alterations and besides a map seems to turn inside your caput of the different topographic points that he goes to. These topographic points are described in so much item that it does non take really much imaginativeness to see what is traveling on and what he is seeing. The rubric has a batch to make with the book because the rubric is how the whole thing started, with Mr. Shizuma? s girl coming place with black musca volitanss on her tegument where the black rain had hit her. It could non be washed away and it burnt through vesture. The stoping to the novel was satisfactory because the terminal of the war was a good topographic point to stop the novel. The lone job that I can see with this type of stoping is that the reader wants to cognize what has happened to the community after a few old ages but what the author is seeking to state is really clear and implemented with people shouting because they lost the war. The weeping was non merely because the war was lost but besides for the people that died, or are dyeing, in the community. Besides the weeping was besides from fright of what was traveling to go on to them now that another state had control of them. The work forces largely feared that they were traveling to be castrated but they knew that the state would neer be the same but they would be able to eat. The eels that were viewed in the river were still in the larvae phase and they were swimming upstream. This gives the adult male in the narrative hope that things will be all right and that they hold the power to construct a new community and assist his household trade with the illness that his girl has. The overall significance of the novel is that war makes things difficult for the people that have to remain at place and back up their soldiers. The bosom of any state is with the general population and when that general population was hit with something unknown it did non merely floor the remainder of the state but it made the state wonder if they were strong plenty. Peoples will draw through for themselves and household before they think about what is traveling to go on to the manner that they live. This novel shows the power and wonder of the human spirit. It does carry through what it set out to make, demo the consequence on the losing side of war.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Workplace Violence in U.S. Health Care Settings Assignment
Workplace Violence in U.S. Health Care Settings - Assignment Example Violence in the workplace is a multifaceted problem that is closely interwoven in the United States by several psychological, economic, social, situational, and medical crises.4 Violence can take place in any place or setting, and practically anyone within the healthcare environment can be a victim or offender- employers, employees, clients, family members, given the appropriate factors and conditions. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) disclosed that ‘healthcare providers are at 16 times greater risk for violence than other workers.’5 This fact demonstrates the idea that the frequency of violence in the workplace is rising and is underreported. Once confined to psychiatric and emergency units, attacks take place in a broad range of settings, with a growth in the occurrences of assaults in healthcare settings.6 According to an investigation of incidents made public in 1991 of hospitals in Canada and the United States, the largest number of nonfatal attacks took place in patient or health care settings.7 Likewise, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) disclosed that 64% of nonfatal attacks happened in service organizations.8 Nurses are the major care providers in healthcare settings and can be in danger when giving care to perpetrators, victims, and witnesses. Scholars logically estimate that nurses and other providers of care are attacked more often than any other employees in the United States.9 An international research reported that ‘75% of all psychiatric nursing staff had been attacked at least once in their profession.10’ Furthermore, Blair and New (1997) guesstimate that roughly ‘50% of healthcare workers will be assaulted at least once in their careers.11’ Usually, majority of service organizations and occupations are at great danger given the considerable extent of contact with various people. The general operation and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Ethos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethos - Essay Example ect has received awards such as the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and has been nominated for a 2009 Daytime Emmy Award, the reputation of the project is good and makes a reader know the project in advance even before attending the events (The Latino Comedy Project Web). The previous awards qualify the website to be credible. The project’s reputation may induce a reader to believe the website even without proof because of the good sense and the goodwill. The Latino Comedy Project website designer has also proved the credibility of the website and the project by using few words and language that is appropriate for the comedy industry. The like â€Å"one night only†are brief and are widely used in several comedy advertisements and would therefore prove the credibility of the website (The Latino Comedy Project Web). Additionally, inclusion of several other venues and events in the calendar, including contact and an interactive email list is enough to confirm that the website is credible and the Latin Comedy Project is real. The website sounds fair to everyone who loves comedy and it has revealed the expertise of the Latin Comedy
Monday, August 26, 2019
Final SEM paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final SEM paper - Essay Example This means that the company helps individuals from when they are fifteen years old until when they die because it does not have an upper limit of the target population. The organization deals with all levels of Social Ecological Model (SEM). At the individual level, the institution helps smokers to quit smoking and divert their attention to beneficial projects. The organization advises smokers about the effects of their behavior and it helps them through counseling (Sanders, & Myers, 2007). At the community level, the company creates awareness to the public about heart diseases and the contribution of smoking to the disorder. The firm also enables the communities to understand the effects of smoking on the environment. The major effect is air pollution, which poses health dangers to the inhabitants of the world such as animals, plants, and human beings (WHF, 2008). Through this education, the institution encourages the community to quit from smoking and discourage those who are addicted to stop their consumption. The organization also addresses the issues of heart disease at the interpersonal level. At this level, the company engages smokers and non-smokers in counseling sessions. The counseling sessions help these groups of individuals to understand and help each other in improving health by avoiding factors that cause cardiovascular diseases. The World Heart Federation also addresses heart disease in organizations and also in policy formulation. The organization specifically advises the government in the countries where it operates to develop policies that reduce smoking; for example, the policy of creating smoking zones in a country to avoid effects of the behavior on secondary smokers (Riba, Wulsin, & Rubenfire, 2012). The company partners with other organization such as the American Heart Association to increase the awareness of causes, effects, and prevention measures of cardiovascular diseases (Riba, Wulsin, & Rubenfire, 2012). At
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Analysis of Vitamin C content of Soft Fruit Drinks Coursework
Analysis of Vitamin C content of Soft Fruit Drinks - Coursework Example Titration is a commonly performed experiment which is used to determine the exact concentration of a particular substance in solution. This is achieved by adding increasing amounts of a standard solution of known concentration (the titrant) to a measured quantity of the solution whose concentration one intends to ascertain (the analyte), and determining the end point of the reaction by means of a substance termed as an indicator. Titration can be used to determine the concentration of various substances including several acids and bases. Vitamin C has been found to turn a blue dye clear. Thus, the amount of Vitamin C in a solution can be worked out by titrating the different soft drinks against a fixed amount of the blue dye, which serves as both the titrant and the indicator in this experiment. Materials Available: Blue dye A solution containing a known amount of Vitamin C (Solution A) A selection of old products: a lemon, orange and blackcurrant drink A selection of new product s: a lemon, orange and blackcurrant drink Equipment needed: Burette Pipette, graduated Pipette filler Ehrlenmeyer flask or Beaker Distilled water Burette clamp Stirring rod Procedure: To begin the experiment, the amount of solution which has a known quantity of Vitamin C (labeled as Solution A) needed to turn 1 cm3 of the blue dye colorless has to be determined. To achieve this, a measured quantity, i.e. 1 cm3 of the dye is added to an Ehrlenmeyer flask or beaker with the help of a pipette. Before using the pipette, it is important to ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned and conditioned before being used in order to remove any water droplets or impurities. Conditioning is achieved by rinsing the pipette with a small volume of the solution being transferred (the stock solution) and disposing of the rinsing solution. The pipette is then filled up to the calibration mark with the help of a pipette filler. It is important to remember that most solutions would form a concave meniscus. Thus, while reading a meniscus, the bottom of the meniscus should be read and the meniscus should be kept at eye level in order to avoid parallax errors. Moreover, the meniscus should be read against a uniform background, which can be achieved by placing a white sheet of paper behind the level of the liquid. The dye is now transferred to the conical flask. Once all the solution has drained, the experimenter should touch the tip of the pipette to the side of the flask. This helps in removing the last drop of solution from the pipette and helps in avoiding errors. It is important to keep in mind that one does not need to blow the last drop of solution out of the pipette. As pointed out previously, in this experiment the blue dye serves as both the titrant and the indicator. An indicator is a substance which indicates the pH of a substance and is commonly used to determine the end point of a reaction, which is denoted by a color change of the indicator. The next step is to add the solution A into the beaker drop by drop by means of a burette. The burette is an apparatus which helps in slowly and precisely deliver small measured volumes of a solution to another. It is most commonly used in titration experiments and measures solutions up to an accuracy of
The Decline of the English and Humanities Departments of Universities Research Paper
The Decline of the English and Humanities Departments of Universities - Research Paper Example Regardless of this reduced interest in Humanities, it is important to note that Scientists and Economists alike rely on languages and Humanities in their researches, analyses and presentations (Howard 24). The purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of such a decline and the proposal of possible solutions to reverse the situation. Different policymakers and educators have become more and more responsive of the significance of understanding the learning practices of other countries. This is done on the basis to evaluate the comparative standing of their education results as a sign of international financial competitiveness. In any given society or nation, education forms a point of reference from where economic development is achieved and the improvement of the living standards. Howard (34) notes that the great loss and disappearance of great works, the consistent devaluation of humanities against the sciences and the sluggish speed of humanities as compared to that of hi-tech nologies are all factors for the reduced interest in humanities. With this also comes the fact that parents and students alike desire a profitable return for their big investments in high education. Thus, more and more students turn to Science subjects and Economics. It is worth contemplating that English and humanities departments should be made in such a way that learners are assured of getting job once they leave their colleges. This will be the only way through which the decline of such subjects will be minimized in the end. As Chace (35) suggests, the major cause for this has been the failure of the English and Humanities’ departments on themselves to champion the material they teach. For instance, English departments have shifted their focus from once popular books and literature to arbitrary studies, such as identity, popular culture, sexuality and abstruse theory. The result is that the books, which ought to be studied independently, have become a secondary rather tha n a primary source, being used only to give information about these studies. The impact of this is that the departments â€Å"have distanced themselves from young people interested in good books†(Chace 36). This explains the reduction in enrollment into Humanities over the past few decades, whereby, even with an increased capacity of student enrollment into universities, there has been a significant reduction of the students enrolled in these departments. Besides, while English departments are responsible for teaching composition in the Universities- a central activity in higher education- its instructors are among the lowest paid, sometimes being considered as a liability rather than an asset (Chace 40). This has formed a point of reference from where many of the instructors have been forced to seek well paying jobs, in so doing resulting to the decline of certain departments. The fact that many higher education institutions have had to close their humanities and foreign la nguages departments so as to cut ion cost is in itself a daunting and frightening fact to the absolute future of humanities. Similarly, several studies show that the faculty jobs for humanities are diminishing while that of social sciences is increasing. For instance, one such study by Stanford University in 2006 shows that between 1915 and 1955, the faculty
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Environmental Science in DomesHc Dwellings Report Coursework
Environmental Science in DomesHc Dwellings Report - Coursework Example The information includes the possible options of accessing the house from various directions and the options of transport. The space in the house and the number of rooms will be a critical factor in determining the occupancy of the house in terms of the number of occupants. This is essential because in addition to the wall dimensions of the walls and the space in the house provides direct how the occupants will use every space as well as their reactions to the issues arising in the usage of the space. Apart from the basic information about the house, it will be necessary to examine the suitability of the wall, the floor and the roof structures. From these we obtain the u-value of the house and the suitability of the construction materials used for the house. In the same part 1, there will be an analysis involving the calculation of the upper limit and the lower limit from which it will be possible to do calculations of the coefficient of heat loss. From the wall construction and open air ventilation, the project will calculate the heat loss through ventilation. 2. House Description The project involves Linley and Simpson house located along the 12 Station Road in Horsforth in West Yorkshire, UK. Aerial View from Google map Latitude: 52.70 Longitude: 1.217 Wind angle to facade (Summer Season): 100 Wind angle to facade (Winter Season): 150 Front View Back View 3. Required Adjustment The second step of this project involves the study of the meteorological data in relation to the house structure in order to make adjustments out of the reaction of the occupants. The adjustment will depend on the necessary resistance required for the management of wind velocity. Adjustment in this case includes the wall dimensions, space between walls and the orientation of the house in relation to the direction of wind. From the adjustments and the calculation of heat loss coefficient for the house ventilation, the project will require maintaining proper quality of air good air qual ity by making changes. Other than energy losses, we will look at the sources of heat gain. Externally solar gain and internally from the daily electrics and metabolic we usually use. As we group out the values from heat loss and gain, we can estimate the extra energy needed to heat the house to the optimum internal temperature. Furthermore, to calculate energy use we need to identify our balance point- the external temperature above which a building needs no further heating to achieve a constant internal comfort temperature. By then we can calculate degree-days and hence estimate the amount of time needed to heat our houses over a period of time. After that, we calculate the carbon emissions of the building and move on to the part 2 of our project. In part 2, I will work out two methods to improve the energy loss and gain from the building. By using different material in order to reduce carbon emission and increase energy gain and maintain a good living standard for occupants 4. Ana lysis of the House Structure Linley and Simpson House is a simple brick house with between 25% - 30% glazing. Due to its location, it receives sufficient sunlight from 9 am in the morning to 4pm in the evening. Both the front view of the building and the back has an opening. The privacy of the building is ensured using curtains, and this is a limiting factor to the exposure of the house interior to
Friday, August 23, 2019
Contract Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7
Contract Law - Essay Example in negligence against ASL for recovery of damages for injuries caused to her, because she is a consumer and ASL had the duty to perform the job with reasonable care and skill. Charles may also have grounds to refuse to pay ASL on the grounds that they have been guilty of misrepresentation. In the first scenario, ASL has performed its contract to supply the oven, but it has performed it late. The question that arises is whether ASL was negligent in failing to supply the oven in time. In Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co1 Alderson B defined negligence as â€Å"the omission to do something which a reasonable man†would do or â€Å"doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do.†In determining whether a business must assume liability, the Unfair Contract Terms of 1977 also states that the liability imposed must be â€Å"a fair and reasonable one to be included having regard to the circumstances which were, or ought reasonably to have been, known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made."2 Applying these definitions of negligence, it must be noted that ASL’s failure to deliver the oven on time was because of conditions that were not in their control; the weather was so bad that all roads leading to Alan’s restaurant were flooded. Secondly, at the time the contract was made between the parties, ASL would not have been in a position to know that the weather was likely to prevent deliveries; as a result the Courts may not consider it fair to impose liability in negligence on ASL for failing to deliver the oven in time. The standard of care required in performance of contract is the standard of the reasonable man.3 If a reasonable person would not foresee the harmful consequences of a particular action, then a failure to take precautions will not be held to be negligent. In the case of Hall v Brooklands Auto Racing Club4 it was held that the operators of the racing track could not be held liable for accidents that no
Thursday, August 22, 2019
The Greek mythology Essay Example for Free
The Greek mythology Essay The Greek mythology is one of the most exciting yet complicated subjects when studying literature. Not just because it’s a foreign subject but because the mythology itself, the stories about the Greek gods and the adventures of the mortals with superhuman strength, takes us out far and wide away from the four corners of the classroom. In Greek Mythology, there are two characters that would be the focus of this paper. This are Jason of Iolcus, of the Argonauts and Golden Fleece fame; and Paris of Troy, of the Trojan War and Helen of Troy fame. These two personalities will be introduced one after the other and their respective adventures will be narrated. Jason and Paris are one among many who were very controversial because of their decisions in life and their relationship with women. Henceforth, the topic of this paper is to point out the comparison between Paris and Jason, as well as their differences. In determining these things, we arrived with a question that in the course of this paper, we attempted to answer. [Given the circumstances of their existence, who was the better man?] The term better is subjective and would be matter of argument, but we have come up with a few criteria so as to have a basis for the final answer that would be summarized in the conclusion. The statement better man would be founded on this grounds: Valor, dignity, bravery, fighting skills, tasks performed (rate of success), relations with the gods, effect on history and mythology, relations with women (husband-like qualities), relations with offspring (Father-like attitude), relations with family member, relations with followers (leadership qualities), and the ability to survive. This paper will start off with the introduction of Greek mythology. Who are the gods and what their business are and what their powers are. Especially the god of gods Zeus, his brothers Poseidon and Hades, his wife Hera, his daughters Athena and Aphrodite and his son Apollo. Other minor gods who played a part on Jason and Paris’ lives such as Eris, Eros and Hermes would also be related. After which, Paris and Jason’s lives would be unraveled such as their birth and the oracle; their lives away from their supposed to be real lives; their adventures and their deaths. Through out this, an analysis of their judgment, personality and decision making based on the mentioned criteria would be applied. The Greek Mythology: Who are the gods? Greek mythology is one of the most widely read and most interesting subject in English literature. Its where most fascinating stories come from, from equally intriguing characters, akin to having an alternate universe where the gods were the movie stars and Olympus was Hollywood. The Olympian era starts off with Zeus overthrowing his father Cronus, who was the ruler of the elder gods known as the Titans. Most of the Titans fought with Cronus against Zeus and when Zeus won the battle, he exiled these Titans in a land called Tartarus in the underworld. Zeus then divided the Universe between himself and his brothers Poseidon and Hades. Zeus took the heavens on top of Mount Olympus where he lived with his wife and his sisters and children. Mount Olympus is the highest mountain range in Greece located in the north of Greece. Zeus is the most powerful of all of the ancient gods; people loved and feared him at the same time. He embodies justice, morals and law. His weapon is a thunderbolt, and is also famous for his numerous infidelities to his wife Hera. Hera is also a sister of Zeus, and is worshipped as the goddess of marriage and birth. Hera is portrayed as a jealous wife always on the lookout for the various activities of Zeus and his numerous love affairs and his illegitimate children. Hera was always depicted as someone who would destroy with utmost and unreasonable fury the lives of Zeus’ lovers and their children. Zeus and Hera had three children, Hephaestus, the god of fire and volcano; Hebe, goddess of youth, and Ares, god of war. Hephaestus is said to be the ugliest of the gods and because of his physical appearance, it was said that Hera flung him from Mount Olympus to the ocean and in doing so broke his legs, that’s why Hephaestus is lame. He is the industrious forger who made all the weapons of the gods, he is also known as the patron of all craftsmen. Hephaestus married Aphrodite, who is also rumored as Zeus daughter with another minor goddess Dione. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, desire, sex and beauty. Like Zeus, Aphrodite’s love affairs are also well-publicized. Aside from her husband Hephaestus, she had an affair with the most handsome mortal named Adonis, the Trojan Anchises, the half-god half-mortal Dionysus, the winged god Hermes and Ares the god of war and brother of Hephaestus. The goddess of wisdom, Athena, is also one of Zeus children from his many infidelities. However, Athena was born in a very unique way, of springing forth from Zeus forehead all grown up and fully armored, that’s why Zeus favored Athena a lot, even having the privilege of using Zeus’ thunderbolt weapon at times. Apollo and Artemis are the twin children of Zeus from a Titan goddess named Leto. Apollo is the god of music, healing, truth and prophecy. The oracle of Delphi is dedicated to him. He is also known as the Archer and the patron god of the Trojans. Artemis, Apollo’s twin sister is the goddess of chastity, virginity and hunting. She was the one who calmed the seas when the Greek King Agamemnon killed one of her sacred deer so that they could not launch their ships in the start of the Trojan War. In order to appease her, Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to be one of the goddess’s priestess. Another deity is Hermes, another one of Zeus’ illegitimate children, who is also known as the messenger of the gods. He is always depicted having winged sandals, winged helmet and a magic wand. Businessmen and thieves worship him as their god. Second in power to Zeus is his brother Poseidon, god of the sea. He holds a weapon called trident, which he uses in to strike the ground, causing earthquakes when he is angry. He is known for his violent behavior, temperamental disposition and like Zeus, also fathered a lot of children. Now, Eris, the goddess of discord and strife is also said to be one of Zeus’ children and is the constant companion of Ares, the murdering yet coward god of war. It is Eris who threw the apple of discord with the inscription â€Å"To the Fairest†in the wedding of the mortal Peleus and the sea-nymph Thetis (parents of Achilles), wherein three of the goddesses, namely Aphrodite, Athena and Hera laid claim to it. They called on to Zeus to award the apple to the fairest of them but since Hera is his wife and Athena and Aphrodite are his daughters, he called on to the mortal Paris to do the judging. Paris awarded the apple to Aphrodite because of her bribe of giving him Helen, the most beautiful woman on earth. This event is called the Judgment of Paris, and the commencement of the ever famous Trojan War. Who is Paris? His Birth and the Oracle When Hecuba, Queen of Troy was pregnant with Paris, she dreamt that she had brought forth a firebrand that would be the source of destruction of Troy. Seers or prophets interpreted her dream that the child she is carrying, which was Paris, would destroy the city of Troy, therefore the child should be killed. Priam, the King of Troy and Hecabe were not able to slay baby Paris when he was born, so instead, Priam gave the baby to a servant named Agelaus with the instruction to expose him on Mount Ida, a mountainous area near Troy. However, after nine days when the servant came back to bury the supposedly dead child, he was surprised to find baby Paris still alive, because apparently, a bear had nursed him. Astonished with the baby’s fate, Agelaus took baby Paris to his home and raised him up as his own son; he gave him the name Paris. Paris grew up to be a strong and handsome young man. Alexander was fair, tall, and brave. His eyes were very beautiful, his hair soft and blond, his mouth charming, and his voice pleasant. He was swift, and eager to take command. (qtd. In Dares the Phrygian)
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) of water sample analysis Essay Example for Free
Biological oxygen demand (BOD) of water sample analysis Essay Qualitative data: Collected sample was very murky The first end point colour was of a yellow colour, perhaps not light enough Addition of starch indicator produced a grey-black solution; perhaps did not add enough indicator, however this did not pose as a problem There was one occasion where I suspected to have added too much sodium thiosulphate, however the second trial indicated that I did not go past the end point too much Calculations To calculate the dissolved oxygen content (mg/dm ³ or ppm), we must first determine the number of mols of thiosulphate from the mean titrated volume of both samples. In this case, we will use sample A. The Winkler method indicates that the relationship between the amount of oxygen and thiosulphate is a four to one ratio. Therefore, we will divide the number of mols of thiosulphate by four to get the number of mols of oxygen. Then we convert this to milligrams per dm ³ first by multiplying by 20 to arrive with the number of mols present in 1dm ³ (because the pond water sample used was 50cm ³). Then we multiply that number by 32 (molecular mass of oxygen) to attain the number of grams of oxygen. Then finally, the number is multiplied by 1000 to be converted into milligrams. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) would therefore be the difference between the DO of sample A and sample B.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Occupational Stress A Global Phenomenon Psychology Essay
Occupational Stress A Global Phenomenon Psychology Essay Occupational stress is becoming increasingly a global phenomenon, affecting all categories of labor throughout the world. It has an enormous effect on the organizational behavior in a company. One side of the problem is that stress on the work place threatens workers to suffer mental or physical health problems, but another is that it can affect the bottom line of a business. Productivity can be largely affected by the level of stress that the workers are experiencing. Because of its economical significance, organizations should be very concerned about occupational stress, and should try to actively manage its levels. The goal of this research paper is to examine the relationship between stress and job performance. Studies show that some degree of occupational stress is desirable and increases job performance, but in very high levels it can have a devastating impact on persons ability to do his or her job. By examining sources of stress, its effects, and how the individual copes with the stress experienced, the paper will try to determine a level of occupational stress that may be desirable by organizations. The paper will also describe approaches that are made by progressive organizations in helping employees manage stress levels better. Stress is increasingly recognized as one of the major causes of mental and physical sufferings of individuals in the contemporary society. Although the term stress is being used by many people, the scientific definition is not understood by most of them. Stress is a universal phenomenon affecting every living creature. It can be defined as a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, a demand, or a resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is both uncertain and important. [1] Stress on the workplace is mostly associated with a mismatch between the demands and the resources. Demands are the responsibilities, obligations and pressures that an individual faces at work (high workloads, role overload, role conflict, time pressure). An individual makes use of all the available resources, such as social support, performance feedback, autonomy, in order to resolve a demand. If demands are greater than the resources availa ble, stress occurs. But stress doesnt necessarily have a negative effect. Some level of stress is a necessary part of our lives. The absence of stress can be viewed as death. There is a substantial amount of research on the stress performance relationship. Most of it concludes that it has an inverted U-shape. [2] This means that some level of stress can actually improve job performance. These moderate levels of stress can be even healthy, because they increase our ability to react. This is viewed as good stress. But when the amount of stress experienced reaches some optimal point, job performance starts rapidly declining, leading to exhaustion and breakdown. After this point the individual is not able to meet the job demands with the recourses available. This results show that managers should actively manage the levels of stress, because it is one of the most significant factors affecting performance. [3] The absence of such management may lead to large economic losses. But if appropriate s tress management is applied the U-shaped curve can be straightened, increasing the optimal point of stress, after which performance starts declining, and in this way enhancing it. Now lets turn to the potential sources of stress. More generally they can be categorized in three groups: environmental, organizational, and personal. [4] The environmental sources of stress are technological, economical, and political. The technological uncertainty deals with the continuous innovation in technology and the inability of the individual to keep up and adapt to it. Economic sources of stress are concerned with the changes in the business cycles and economic growth. Economic crisis is one of the biggest stressors for an individual, because when the economy is contracting workers are not sure of their finances, whether they will be able to remain employed, etc. Political instability is the third type of environmental sources of stress. It is comes from the unexpected changes in the national and international politics. Stress can arise also from the organization itself. Working conditions can be a major stress source for the employees. People working in noisy, crowded, polluted, or dangerous conditions tend to be subject to more stress. Task demands are also a potential source of occupational stress. They are connected to job characteristics. Poorly designed tasks and task overload are possible stressors in an organization. Role ambiguity and role overload are other sources of stress. They occur when the role is not clearly defined or understood, and when the role expectations are not matched with adequate time to be completed. Interpersonal pressures arising from other employees can cause stress on the workplace. Throughout its life a business undergoes different cycles. Two of them, the birth and the decline of a firm, are connected with a great deal of uncertainty, and thus can be very stressful for the workers. Although this paper is concerned with occupational stress, the personal sources of stress should be also included. A person experiencing high levels of stress outside the organization tends to be more vulnerable to stress inside it. Main personal factors are concerned with the family, social and economical status, and relationship with others. As there are very different sources of stress in an organization the consequences of stress are various. In general one can group the effects of job related stress as follows: physiological, psychological, and behavioral. [5] The common thing is that all these effects directly influence important organizational performance variables, such as productivity, turnover, absenteeism, and motivation. Physiological and health related effects may result in: high blood sugar, increased heart rate and blood pressure, or even heart attacks. Psychological symptoms of job related stress are depression, aggression, boredom, anxiety, and fatigue. On a behavioral level stress is the source of inability of making decisions, low concentration, or even alcohol and drug abuse. The organizational stress can have, in extreme cases, a distinct expression in the form of the so called burnout. Burnout appears after prolonged action of stressful factors and leads to emotional exhaustion, loss of interest in the job, sense of helplessness. The burnout is a long-term effect of occupational stress, which appears in highly bureaucratic organizations in which the individual feels that he cannot change anything. It is the result of no active management of the stress levels in an organization. In terms of organizational performance variables it leads to lower job satisfaction and productivity. [6] But the above consequences are not the only reason that occupational stress should be considered by managers. It also has a large economic significance in terms of costs for the organization. Some of them are: accumulated costs from decreased productivity, higher replacement costs due to turnover, and increase in the sick-pay. The problem is that it is almost impossible to calculate these costs and directly account them as induced by occupational stress. This is probably why not many companies are actively managing its levels in the organization. All these negative effects of occupational stress show the need of stress management strategies in the company. The variety of techniques to deal with stress can mainly be categorized into two basic approaches individual and organizational. The individual strategies are those that can be used by employees in order to reduce or eliminate stress. Organizational approaches, in turn, are programs and techniques that organizations implement to successfully manage the stress levels in a company. Despite such differentiation of management strategies, it should be clear that employees and management must take joint responsibility for the prevention of stress and eliminate its harmful effects. This mutual process is the underlying effective technology for dealing with stress. It is important to note that in dealing with stress, managers should consider the individual personality traits of their employees. Overall the difference between people concerning stress can be expressed by the concept of the so called stress threshold. It is a subjective characteristic that describes the threshold of sensitivity to different stressors. Individuals have different internal resources to cope with stressful situations. Threshold stress depends primarily on the following personality factors: temperament, self-experience, individual differences, etc. As each individual experiences stress and responds to stressors differently, appropriate stress management technique should be applied. Owen Moran, a health educator at Concordia University (Canada), has developed a 5-step framework that can help individuals in coping with stress. [7] The steps are as follows: Step 1: Identify if a person is stressed Step 2: Identify the stressor(s) Step 3: Determine the reason for this stressors Step 4: Select and apply an appropriate stress management strategy Step 5: Evaluate the results The most famous individual stress management strategies are designed to improve the physical condition of the person. These physical techniques include stretching exercises, breathing exercises, meditation. Diets also can help people in handling stress. By avoiding alcohol, tobacco, caffeine people are reducing their vulnerability to stressors. In addition to these factors rest is also very important. Other individual strategies for coping with stress include development of skills for more efficient working methods. Time management techniques for example are an effective method of dealing with stress due to overload or inefficiency in the workplace. Handling job-related problems by planning, budgeting, and proper time allocation is very helpful. These strategies depend largely on the commitment of the individual and his willingness to apply them regularly. Positive thinking is another behavioral technique.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Picture of Dorian Gray :: essays research papers
When an artist composes a great piece of work, he puts his heart into it. Part of that person is invested into its creation, which makes it more than just a statue in the park, or a picture on a wall. In Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, more than the artist's heart is put into his painting. Basil Hallward, an artist, paints an amazing lifelike portrait of a man named Dorian Gray. From the moment that these two men met, it was clear that Hallward was infatuated with Gray, and there are several indirect references in the book that he is in love with him-though the author never states either is a homosexual. Â Â Â Â Â The painting changes Dorian's life in ways unimaginable. After the portrait is created, Dorian stops aging over time. The painting on the other hand, ages with the years and grows older like a real human being would. This picture is a driving force in Dorian's life, and while he was once a very good person, his conscience was in the painting that led him to lead a corrupt life causing tragedy to others. Â Â Â Â Â On the final pages of the book, Dorian becomes fed up with what the painting makes him do, and after murdering Hallward, the creator of the evil painting, he decides to get rid of this dreaded piece of art once and for all. Dorian takes the same knife that he killed Hallward with, and stabs the portrait of his older self. A sudden scream echo's, leading the servants to his room a short time later. There, dead on the floor, is an old unrecognizable man who they find out is Dorian. The only evidence that this thing was once Dorian Gray was by the rings on his hands. He lay there, dead on the floor, with a knife stabbed through his heart. Hanging on the wall was a portrait of his, but it was him in his younger years-his youth. Â Â Â Â Â He spent his last living moments as a young person, as he had since the picture was painted.
Conclusion of Midterm :: essays research papers
Error Analysis      In such a big lab, so many errors can occur and even one little one can ruin everything. One could have missed a procedure or done a procedure incorrectly. Another could have been using the incorrect amount of liquid or sludge. Someone could have lost a test-tube or labeled it wrong causing the results to be mixed. Using too much water in the solubility tests or not getting all measurements almost exactly accurate could be two sources of error. One big mistake could be creating a vacuum in the fractional Distillation part of the lab. One careless mistake could have been doing the calculations incorrectly. Conclusion      The sludge lab is a long and complicated lab. So much can go wrong so easily. So we had to be very careful when doing this lab. It was basically a recap of all our previous labs done this year. First we used the Fractional Distillation. Then we used the Solubility lab and the density labs. Only new part was identifying the metal, but that wasn't very hard. So it was good that we reviewed our lab reports. This way we knew what procedures to take and what mistakes not to make. So it seems like we did everything right because the results make sense.      To get and identify Fraction I, we had to do a lot. First we filtered the sludge. Then we took 25cm3 of the sludge and separated it into three parts. So we took the first fraction and experimented on it. We purified it and determined its boiling point, density and solubility. We also had to see if it had an odor and whether it was flammable or not. After doing all this we realized that this Fraction was Isopropanol Alcohol. We came to this conclusion by looking at our data for the solubility, density, odor, boiling point, and flammability.      To get and identify Fraction III, we had to continue from Fraction I. After getting the first fraction we had to change tubes and et 2 more fractions. We threw away the 2nd because it was just a leftover mix. We took the third fraction and experimented on it. We purified it and determined its boiling point, density and solubility. We also had to see if it had an odor and whether it was flammable or not. After doing all this we realized that this Fraction was Water. We came to this conclusion by looking at our data for the solubility, density, odor, boiling point, and flammability.      Determining the soluble solid was hard and a rigorous procedure.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Character Analysis of Roderigo in Othello Essay -- Othello Essays
In Shakespeare’s play, Othello, several incidents occur that portray the purpose of Roderigo’s character. If one event is isolated from the rest, the thematic desire is lost. It is only when the events are looked at as a whole that the actual theme is obtained. Roderigo is a minor character who carries out a vital role in the play. Although Roderigo has very few lines, he plays a crucial role on a thematic level. The play begins with a conversation between Roderigo and Iago. The opening lines are significant in that they set the tone and initiate the plot. Roderigo’s thematic purpose is portrayed through Iago’s manipulation in the lines, â€Å"Tush, never tell me! I take it much unkindly/ That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse/ As if the strings were thine shouldst know of this.†(1.1.1-3). Roderigo learns about the elopement of the Moor and Desdemona. He questions Iago in pursuit of the money he has given him in order to woo Desdemona. These lines show that even before the play begins Iago greatly influences Roderigo. The relationship and trust the two characters have is made apparent through the first lines. Iago takes enjoyment in influencing people, as seen through his first soliloquy: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane If I would time expend with such a snipe But for my sport and profit. (1.3.374-377). Iago states that the only reason he spends time with Roderigo is for his own wealth and pleasure. His plan is to continue giving Roderigo unfulfilled promises. Iago continues to manipulate Roderigo. He convinces him that Desdemona will soon grow tired of Othello and begin to search for a younger, handsome man to fulfill her desires. Continuing to build on Rod... ... sake of his reputation, Iago persuades Roderigo to kill Cassio. In doing so, Roderigo only injures the lieutenant. Iago sees his plan collapsing and rushes in to kill Roderigo. Betrayed by his friend, Roderigo died in pursuit of Desdemona’s love. As a minor character, Roderigo has a significant impact on several themes such as manipulation, jealousy and betrayal. Throughout Shakespeare’s drama, Roderigo is manipulated into performing tasks in which Iago does not want to take part in. Roderigo’s jealousy towards Othello increases as the play progresses. His endless love for Desdemona leads him to his tragic death where he has be betrayed by a person in which he once called his friend. At a first glance, a minor character may appear to have an insignificant role, but upon observing them in detail, their role can be much more significant that first perceived.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Critical Thinking Over Other Academic Skills Education Essay
This essay will reason why critical thought is the most successful accomplishment used for survey in the university.In the university assorted accomplishments are needed to be embraced by one to accomplish uttermost booming out of one ‘s academic calling, but one accomplishment stands apart and poses distinguishable characteristics that set the foundation for other accomplishments to construct positively in 1s larning procedure. This accomplishment is referred to as critical thought and brings us to the inquiry what is critical thought? Critical thought has been defined by many bookmans over recent times. Harmonizing to Michael scriven ( 1997 ) provinces, †critical thought is skilled and active reading and rating of observations and communications, information and debates †. He observed that critical thought involved thorough probe of thoughts and theories, prosecuting in statements and organizing equal decisions on each topic affair presented before him or her. Another writer John Dowey ( 1990 ) defined critical thought as †an active, relentless, and careful consideration of a belief or supposed signifier of cognition in the visible radiations of the land which support it and farther decisions to which its terminals †( p.9 ) and besides saw critical thought as a procedure of brooding thought. He was of the sentiment that critical thought was an active procedure which implied you thinks things through yourself, raise inquiries and happen out information yourself instead than larning in a mostly inactive manner. The procedure of critical thought enables one non to take anything for face value but merely delve profoundly into it understanding it and organizing your ain beliefs and is non merely what the author presents to you but how and why did he get to those besides involves metacognition. During critical believing one has to determine the standards of credibleness, entree statements and must be prone to logical false beliefs. The activity of critical thought in big portion aims to expose this aims and public facet of the statement. Therefore when Socrates responds to Protagoras he is implicitly subjecting his adversary ‘s claim to one litmus trial of cogent statement: rationality. In fact, Protagoras claim fails this trial. It ‘s paradoxical. Critical thought involves logical logical thinking and all other academic accomplishments are besides of import for survey in the university. Academic accomplishments such reading accomplishments, composing accomplishments, listening accomplishments, talk accomplishments, being an independent scholar, exam readying accomplishments are all sets of accomplishments that if a pupil exhaustively abides by its rules is on his manner to an un stoping success throughout his staying at the university. Reading accomplishments at the university throws more accent on academic reading instead than leisure exposes one to assorted accomplishments such as skimming, scanning, elaborate reading accomplishments so that when one is reading academically he should be able to pick out information rapidly and be more efficient while besides enlightens one to the additions of active and critical reading and the hazards and storms of inactive besides educates one to reading critically and reflecting back to your reading. Writing accomplishments at the university besides throws more prominence to academic exposes one assorted composing techniques such as punctuation, presentation of Hagiographas, standardisation and agreements of Hagiographas so that written work could run into up to criterions and outlooks and besides expose pupils to try Hagiographas, missive Hagiographas and journal Hagiographas so that approaching alumnuss would be able to run into up to challenges in assorted organisations and every sector of the economic system. Lecture skills provides pupils at the university the assorted techniques used for acquiring the really best after talk has been makes accent on seminal before categories, reading before categories, taking notes in category all spur a pupil to achieve and accomplish every bit much as he can in each talk. Exam readying accomplishments, provides talk on the assorted accomplishments to be used by university pupils so that they can come out top of their game at any test taken topographic point non merely I the university but besides external scrutinies. Independent larning accomplishments provides pupils with the assorted abilities of pull offing the educates pupils on the direction of clip puting disputing but come-at-able ends, being motivated to larn and besides changeless contemplation on your acquisition procedure. Notwithstanding the assorted relevancy of the assorted academic accomplishments, experience as shown infinite figure of times that critical thought forms the footing of process for other academic accomplishments to run. All other academic accomplishments depend on critical believing one manner or another. As described earlier despite the assorted impact of reading accomplishments to a university under alumnus faculty members calling which enables him to absorb and pick out relevant information from a text, much accent is being made on critical reading which involves high application of the rules on critical thought which enables the reader to understand the transition exhaustively without merely achieving the inactive significance of the author. Besides in composing accomplishments besides relates to critical thought. Many believe †critical thought is a stipulation for composing a good essay †this has farther being analyzed and explained that during composing an essay, m issive or a journal one demand to read and believe critically of the significance of the essay inquiry, understand what the tester wants from the author before composing the essay. Critical thought besides relates to exam readying accomplishments and independent larning accomplishments in the same mode as authorship and reading accomplishments. It helps a pupil to believe anxiously about the exam inquiries and supply suited replies for each inquiry. Independent larning accomplishments besides makes mention to critical thought in the line of doing determinations, puting come-at-able ends and brooding acquisition. Other academic accomplishment have comparative importance to a pupil in the university as they have contributed efficaciously to him or hers academic calling has explained above but critical thought has proven to be the most successful accomplishment for a pupil to stand out at the university due to the undermentioned grounds First and foremost the province of instruction in the university varies with the degree of doctrine and appraisal of the pupils. The current theoretical account suggests pupils who can practise a series of memorized facts will remember those facts one time the trial is complete and will hold learned what is supposed to hold learned. Critical thought gives pupils the capableness to understand, assimilate and digest cognition of whatever is being taught during talk and categories besides while reading academically acquire the most out of every point assimilated. Second, Critical thought accomplishments encourages pupils in the university to believe for themselves, cultivate hypothesis, interrogate bing hypothesis and besides put this hypothesis to prove against already known facts facts. Third, critical thought will help university pupils differentiate statements based on steadfastly grounded cogent evidence from those that float along on misconception or desirous dreams. Although other academic accomplishments depend on mental adulthood and instruction, even immature kids have the basic capacity to believe critically, although they may non acquire much recognition for it. We one time know about a 4th grader who when told antediluvian Greece was the †cradle of democracy †replied, †but what about adult females who were disenfranchised? Was Greece a democracy for them? That surely critical thought and one can get down to develop accurate points about Grecian civilisations. Many university pupils have been able to organize acquire right replies but can non organize rational statement for it or see through equivocal advertizements that play on their emotions. They may non cognize how to entree a political proposals or campaigner or come up with fruitful solutions to their jobs but critical thought enables one to do rational and equal determinations at the right clip. Fourthly, critical thought is non inessential in ordinary life, but besides cardinal to all scientific discipline and is peculiarly relevant in section of psychological science in the university. For one thing, the field itself includes the survey of concluding, job resolution, creativeness, and other facets of critical idea. It besides involves the survey of hindrances to clear thought such as human leaning for justification, self-deceit, and misperception. Many scientists need to bring forth many viing findings on hot subjects of personal and societal relevancy, such as dependence, memory, sexual orientation and function of genetic sciences in behaviour ; people need to critical thought helps pupils to measure these findings and their possible deductions. In decision Critical thought can non supply replies to all inquiries in the university and other life predicaments. Furthermore critical thought is a procedure, non a once-and -for -all achievements. No 1 of all time becomes a perfect critical mind wholly non affected by some sorts of emotions. We are less unfastened minded to believe we can jab in another adult male ‘s statement than to critically analyze our ain places. Harmonizing to philosopher Paul Richards ( 1984 ) points out, critical thought is truly †fair-mindedness brought into the bosom of mundane life â€
Friday, August 16, 2019
Introduction Hacienda Luisita
Introduction Hacienda Luisita was once part of the holdings of Compania General de Tabacos de Filipinas, Sociedad Anonima, better known as Tabacalera, which was founded on November 26, 1881 by a Spaniard from Santander, Cantabria and Santiago de Cuba, Don Antonio Lopez y Lopez. He was the first Marques de Comillas and was famous for being an associate of the first Spanish Prime Minister with foreign blood, the Spanish-Filipino mestizo Don Marcelo Azcarraga y Palmero. His relative on his Spanish side, Ricardo Padilla, married Gloria Zobel y Montojo (younger half sister of Mercedes Zobel de Ayala de McMicking, largest Zobel owner in the Ayala group of companies) and was an aide-de-camp of Juan de Borbon, Count of Barcelona, father of the current King of Spain, His Majesty DonJuan Carlos de todos los Santos de Borbon y Borbon-Dos Sicilias. The estate was named after Antonio's wife, Luisa Bru y Lassus. Their son, Claudio Lopez, the second to hold the title , donated some of the profits to the Jesuits to create the Pontifical University of Comillas, a university outside Madrid. Lopez acquired the estate in 1882, a year before his death. Lopez was a financial genius who parlayed his work adventures in Cuba and Latin America into a steamship, companies and trading businesses. He was the most influential Spanish businessman of his generation and counted the Prime Minister and the King of Spain as his personal friends. Tabacalera was a private enterprise he founded with the sole intention of taking over the Philippine Tobacco Monopoly from the Spanish colonial government. This included the Hacienda Antonio (named after his eldest son), Hacienda San Fernando and Hacienda Isabel (named after his eldest daughter) in Cagayan and Isabela provinces where the legendary La Flor de Isabela cigar was cultivated. Tabacalera’s incorporators were the Sociedad General de Credito Inmobiliario Espanol, Banque de Paris which is now Paribas and Bank of the Netherlands which is now ABN-AMRO. The sugar and tobacco in the Philippines were the reason why the Lopez de Comillas family were able to donate such a huge pontifical university to the Jesuits on top of lavishing on their home, the Palacio de Sobrellano in Comillas and the Guell park (designed by Gaudi) in Barcelona. Don Alfonso Guell y Martos born in 1958, the fourth Marquis of Comillas, currently holds the title. He is also the Count of San Pedro de Ruisenada, the third to hold that title. Both are grandee status in Spain and as such can address the King as â€Å"mi primo†or â€Å"my cousin. Contrary to what was expected, Spanish-owned Hacienda Luisita did not languish when the Americans took full control of the Philippine government. In fact, Tabacalera as a whole experienced prosperous times because of the legendary sweet tooth of the Americans. With Cuban sugar not enough for their domestic market, the Americans tapped the Philippines for its sugarcane requirements. At one point during pre-war Manila times, Hacienda Luisita supplied almost 20% of all sugar in the United States. Luisita sugar became popular among Filipino (specifically Ilocano) expatriates in America just as much as Victorias sugar was popular among Manila’s elite circles back home. The Americans also brought the centrifugal-based machinery which doubled the production of the estate and therefore did not require the cane to be loaded by truck to Laguna to be squeezed in the haciendas there, including those of the Roxas y Zobel families. As this new technology swept in Luzon and the sugar mills consolidated, many wealthy families fell into foreclosure or combined their resources. Some of the brave few like Honorio Ventura (who paid for Diosdado Macapagal’s schooling), the De Leons, Urquicos, Lazatins and the Gonzalezes did just that which is how PASUDECO came into being. Structurally, there was little change in the hacienda; Tabacalera y Compania positionedSpanish-Filipino and American-Filipino encargados and administradores to manage the vast estate. Like all haciendas and tabacaleras in the Philippines, the Hacienda Luisita continued to operate during the Japanese occupation. The Japanese were bent on ensuring that commodities such as sugar and rice be made available to the majority of the Filipinos, therefore avoiding any tempers of additional insurgencies and guerilla movements. The Spanish-Filipino administrators simply placed their subordinates, Japanese journeymen (who, like many impoverished Chinese immigrants from Fujian fled south to the Philippines for a better life) and Korean stevedores working as machinists in the centrifugal system, to the helm. This kept both the Japanese and the Spanish in good terms as both their interests were protected. As a matter of fact, even before World War II, the Tabacalera had in their payroll a good number of Japanese migrant workers doing odd jobs around Hacienda Luisita. (Before 1942, the Philippines was a first class colony in Asia while Hong Kong and Singapore were poor cities; Tokyo and Japan as a whole was relatively closed from the outside world then). When the Japanese Imperial Army marched into the country, these lowly migrant workers became valuable translators and managers. In conjunction with re-taking the Philippines from the Japanese, on January 25, 1945 General Douglas MacArthur moved his advanced headquarters forward to Hacienda Luisita. In the 1950s, the onset of the Hukbalahap rebellion led the Spanish owners of Tabacalera to sell Hacienda Luisita and the sugar mill Central Azucarera de Tarlac. Ramon Magsaysay, then president of the Philippines, blocked the sale of the plantation to the eager and wealthy Lopezes of Iloilo. During those times the brothers Fernando Lopez and Eugenio Lopez as well as their cousins were one of the wealthiest in all of the Visayas Islands, save for a few Chinese Filipino families in Cebu and Leyte, as well as the Familias Aliadas de Villegas, Teves, Lopez, y Rodriguez (a family with origins from Santander, Galicia, & Asturias; as well as China – Teves). Fearing the Lopezes might become too powerful after already owning Meralco, Negros Navigation, Manila Chronicle, ABS-CBN, various haciendas in Western Visayas and then the nearby PASUMIL consortium in del Carmen, Pampanga that they purchased from the Americans, the President offered the property to Jose Cojuangco, nicknamed â€Å"Pepe†through Magsaysay protege and Cojuangco's son-in-law, Benigno Aquino. Magsaysay also knew the Cojuangcos through his wife, Luz, of the prosperous Banzons, an old Chinese Filipino family. Unfortunately, President Ramon Magsaysay died in Mount Manunggal, Cebu in 1957. The sale was consummated in President Carlos P. Garcia’s term, a close ally of then Senator Ferdinand Marcos and five years from the day President Magsaysay offered the land. The Jose Cojuangcos were wealthy in land and bank holdings and in Philippine pesos. They were not wealthy in United States dollars which was closely regulated then by the Philippine Central Bank. In fact, Pepe and his wife Metring were not able to send Pepe’s younger brother Eduardo Sr. (Danding Cojuangco’s father) to the United States for treatment for the mere fact that they could not exchange their pesos to dollars. Eduardo Sr or Endeng Lalake later died of kidney failure. The Jose Cojuangcos acquired the property in 1958 through a loan from the Government Service Insurance System and a dollar loan from the Manufacturers Trust Company of New York, which was guaranteed by the Central Bank of the Philippines, with consent from Miguel Cuaderno, its governor. Pepe also reduced his stake in the Paniqui Sugar Mills, though he and his cousins still managed it on behalf of his aunt, Ysidra Cojuangco, the matriarch. Hacienda Luisita was the largest investment he ever made. With the ink barely dry, he appointed not his eldest son Pedro but his son-in-law Benigno Aquino Jr as administrator. Pepe and Ninoy introduced an almost social welfare state: free medicines and check up, scholarships to colleges, free education, free food and equitable shares to the harvest, free child care and nutrition, free burials, a village with housing earmarked for the farmers, even free gasoline to the tractoras. Like the Paniqui Sugar Mills, not a single workers’ strike was instigated during their administration. Pepe barely made any money from the Hacienda Luisita. Understanding that the value of the Luisita is in the farmers who till it, he chose to rehabilitate the Filipinos who before were almost slaves under the Tabacalera. He was able to sustain these losses due in part of his other more money making investments in the Bank of Commerce and First Manila Management which owned the Pantranco buses and the Mantrade group. As Ferdinand Marcos was elected for a second term in 1969, the reverse happened to Pepe. At Bank of Commerce, where he and his brother Juan â€Å"Itoy†Cojuangco and nephews Ramon Cojuangco(later of PLDT; son of relative Antonio Cojuangco Sr) and Danding Cojuangco (eldest son of deceased brother Eduardo Cojuangco Sr) each owned equitable stakes, the last three factions planned a coup d’ etat by toppling him from the presidency of the said bank. The three did not want Pedro (Pepe’s first born) to be bank president which was against the aging Pepe’s wishes. To avoid a scandal, Pepe Cojuangco sold his remaining shares in Bank of Commerce, almost equal to 28%, to his relatives. Thus Pepe lost his one of eventually three lifelines in nurturing the Hacienda Luisita. As the 1970s crept in and immediately after Benigno Aquino Jr imprisonment on false charges, Pepe’s business empire began to wane. He was unable to purchase new machines and new technology for the aging sugar mill that stands in the middle of the estate because of the government’s refusal to Pantranco’s appeals for higher charges as compared to its competitors who have since been permitted so. Business critics believed it was Marcos’s way of pressuring Pepe to influence his son-in-law from attacking him and his wife, First Lady Imelda Marcos(who recently built the Cultural Center of the Philippines and whom Ninoy labeled as the new Evita Peron). His close business associate in First Manila Management of the Pantranco / Nissan Philippines / Mantrade fame, Manuel Lopa, died in 1974. With his death, the FMMC-Mantrade companies lost their immunity from the Marcoses (Manuel was a close personal friend of Speaker Daniel Romualdez, Imelda's uncle). Ambassador Benjamin Romualdez, brother of Imelda, then coerced Pepe and his son-in-law, Ricardo â€Å"Baby†Lopa (Manuel’s son) into selling the collection of 38 companies under First Manila Management to him. Baby and his wife Teresita Cojuangco, together with Pepe and the rest of the Lopa heirs, had no choice but to sell. The second lifeline disappeared with this extortion. In 1976, First United Bank, the banking concern Pepe built on his own after his ouster from the family owned Bank of Commerce which he saved from bankruptcy decades ago, was sold for an amicable amount to his nephew, Danding Cojuangco, who was then close to President Marcos, with both mothers being Ilocanas notwithstanding. The poorest branch of the Cojuangcos, the Eduardo branch, has become the richest through the sheer genius of Danding. Though this third lifeline disappeared in good terms, the Jose Cojuangcos were left with nothing but a half-rehabilitated and barely earningwhite elephant of a hacienda. Practically all of his farm workers mourned his death. Many flooded his funeral Mass to see him off. Pepe Cojuangco died on August 21, 1976, five years from the day of the Plaza Miranda bombing. His wife, Demetria Sumulong-Cojuangco, died due to colon cancer (the same disease that killed daughter Cory Aquino). Both died disappointed and broken-hearted. Their children and grandchildren zealously took key positions in the holding company to save the hacienda from the creditors, all of whom wanted to slice Luisita away save for Chinabank of Binondo, who defied the anger of President and Mrs. Marcos by continuing to help them. Chinabank was partly owned by the Dee, Sycip and Lim families. With Ninoy and his wife Cory Aquino in exile in Boston, the remaining children took drastic steps in ensuring that the hacienda continued to exist and operate. To maximize the productivity of sugar and therefore profitability, a certain level of economy must be reached. Thus the Jose Cojuangcos tried their best to keep the Luisita in one piece. They refurbished and re-used old 1950s era farm machines and tools, doubled capacity production maintained low expenses. There were a lot of reasons why Luisita remained in Cojuangco hands. One, it helped that Danding Cojuangco was the de facto kingpin of Tarlac and his kind mother Josephine Murphy Cojuangco was still cordial to them. For Marcos to touch Hacienda Luisita he also would have to force Agrarian Reform into the Ysidra Cojuangco haciendas which were under the supervision of Danding Cojuangco. Thus, many haciendas around Luisita were hacked to smaller pieces such as those of the De Leons[disambiguation needed ],Escalers, Urquicos, Arrastrias, Quiasons and Gonzalezes[disambiguation needed ] but not those of the Cojuangco. Two, it helped that the price of sugar spiraled so high because of President Marcos and Roberto Benedicto manipulating the sugar prices primarily in Negros Occidental. Third, Ninoy Aquino was not in the Philippines lambasting President Marcos in the underground movements. For as long as the Marcoses heard less of Pepe’s son-in-law, the less government pressure there was on the Jose Cojuangcos. Most importantly, it helped that most of the farm workers who remember Pepe understood the frugality measures his children had to implement. On Pepe’s death anniversary and that of the bombing of Plaza Miranda, Ninoy Aquino was gunned down in broad daylight, August 21, 1983. Upon the installation of his wife, Cory, Pepe’s daughter, the property was folded into the Hacienda Luisita Incorporated established on August 23, 1988. [1] In compliance with the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program which at this time around did not exempt anyone whether or not they were close to President Marcos before, nearly 5,000 hectares of Hacienda Luisita were placed under astock distribution agreement between the landowners and farm workers. President Aquino wanted to make sure that all farmers’ rights are recognized. If the farmers agreed for a stock distribution agreement then the plantations would also remain intact. Many haciendas, including those assembled by Ysidra Cojuangco a century before, did not qualify or the farm hands there refused the offer. Thus, the majority of all Cojuangco lands disappeared while a Cojuangco was President of the Philippines. This caused a silent rift within the Cojuangco clan. All the lands where sugarcane and molasses were derived to feed the Paniqui Sugar Mills were hocked to appease the government program and those of the angry farm workers. Hacienda Luisita was saved by the perseverance of Cory’s siblings and the fact that most of the farm workers signed the agreement, counting that one day the life in Hacienda Luisita would be just as good as the time when Pepe and Ninoy used to managed it. However, development and new technology did not arrive in Cory Aquino’s term. She barred any relative from starting any new businesses. Furthermore, she forbade many among her siblings and cousins from retaking the family businesses lost in the 1970s unless it was sold back to them (as with the case between Romualdez selling back First Manila Management to the Lopa clan) or was awarded to them by the PCGG or Presidential Commission on Good Government. The old sugar mill in the middle of Luisita remained rickety and with holes in its roofs. After 1992, Cory Aquino stepped down from the Philippine presidency. That was also the time that elder brother Pedro â€Å"Pete†and sons Melecio â€Å"Mel†and Fernando â€Å"Nando†entered the hacienda hoping to make it profitable. Mindful of the farm workers, they instituted very slowly the fiscal reforms to achieve this goal. This partly explains why every year from 1988 until 2008 the Hacienda Luisita and itsCentral Azucarera de Tarlac posted hundreds of millions of losses. Only in 2009, buoyed by the huge demand for sugar and the unpredicted fluctuating prices of Brazilian sugar, did the family corporation post a profit. The various siblings stopped contributing money from their own non-hacienda corporations for the benefit of Pepe’s hacienda, which was a huge sigh of relief for them. On the other hand, the management style of the Pedro Cojuangcos lacked the charisma of the deceased Ninoy. His United States educated children, Mel and Nando, continue to strive to placate the needs of the farmers while balancing the budget. Sadly, when profit arrived so did the workers’ strikes. The unrest was blamed on the allies of current President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo who were shocked to see Cory Aquino joining anti-Arroyo rallies. Some blamed Danding Cojuangco since owning the hacienda would complement San Miguel and Ginebra’s ethyl, molasses and sugar needs. This was refuted by Danding himself and his cousins believe in him. In 2005, the Department of Agrarian Reform canceled the stock distribution agreement, citing that it had failed to improve the lives of more than 5 000 farmer beneficiaries. Hacienda Luisita Incorporated appealed this decision, but in May 2006, the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council rejected with finality the motion of Hacienda Luisita Incorporated to reconsider the revocation of the stock distribution agreement. However, the Supreme Court issued a temporary restraining order, stopping the Presidential Agrarian Reform Council from parceling out the land to the workers.
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